BIS CD 1521

Messiah (Highlights)

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Suzuki, Maasaki / Bach Collegium Japan
erschienen am 26.01.2023

Messiah (Highlights)
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18,99 €
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    1-001Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Querschnitt)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Suzuki, Midori
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Suzuki, Masaaki
    1-001-001And without controversy (1. Teil)00:00:37
    1-003-003Comfort ye my people00:02:55
    1-004-004Ev'ry valley shall be exalted00:03:15
    1-005-005And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed00:02:47
    1-006-006Behold, a virgin shall conceive00:00:30
    1-007-007O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion00:05:36
    1-008-008For unto us a child is born00:03:48
    1-009-009And suddenly there was with the angel00:00:17
    1-010-010Glory to God in the highest00:01:47
    1-011-011Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion00:04:13
    1-012-012Behold the Lamb of God (2. Teil)00:03:12
    1-013-013He was despised and rejected of men00:11:04
    1-014-014Surely, He hath borne our griefs00:01:51
    1-015-015And with His stripes we are healed00:01:34
    1-016-016All we like sheep have gone astray00:03:57
    1-018-018I know that my Redeemer liveth (3. Teil)00:05:33
    1-019-019Since by man came death00:02:05
    1-020-020Behold, I tell you a mystery00:00:39
    1-021-021The trumpet shall sound00:08:46
    1-022-022Worthy is the Lamb that was slain00:07:32

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