1094178 BRC

Purcel: Dido And Aeneas / Pan A

von Purcell / Galliard | Wmyss, Nicola / Wentz Jed / Musica As Rhenum
erschienen am 04.02.2011

Purcel: Dido And Aeneas / Pan A
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    1-001Dido and Aeneas Z 626 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySolo: Baker, Matthew; Wemyss, Nicola; Simpson, Rowena
    1-002-002Shake the cloud from off your brow (1. Akt)00:01:15
    1-003-003Ah! Belinda, I am press'd with torment00:02:51
    1-004-004Grief increases by concealing00:00:58
    1-005-005Whence cold so much virtue spring?00:01:58
    1-006-006Fear no danger to ensue00:01:36
    1-007-007The baske dance00:00:36
    1-008-008See, your royal guest appears00:01:13
    1-009-009If not for mine, for Empire's sake00:02:48
    1-010-010The triumphing dance00:01:17
    1-011-011Wayward sisters, you that fright (2. Akt)00:02:09
    1-012-012The Queen of Carthage, whom we hate00:01:38
    1-013-013But ere we this perform00:01:40
    1-014-014Echo dance of furies00:01:09
    1-016-016Thanks to these lonesome vales00:03:07
    1-017-017Off she visits this lone mountain00:01:52
    1-018-018Behold! upon my spending bear00:01:22
    1-019-019Stay, Prince, and hear my great Jove's command!00:02:15
    1-020-020Then since our charms have sped00:01:08
    1-021-021The grove's dance00:00:31
    1-022-022Come away, fellow sailors00:01:38
    1-023-023The sailor's dance00:00:51
    1-024-024See the flags and streamers curling00:00:54
    1-025-025Our next motion00:01:29
    1-026-026A dance00:01:41
    1-027-027Your counsel all is urg'd in vain00:04:15
    1-028-028Thy hand, Belinda - When I am laid in earth00:04:16
    1-029-029With drooping wings ye cupids come00:03:16
    1-030-030Cupid's dance00:02:06
    2-001Pan and Syrinx (Oper in 1 Akt)Komponist: Galliard, John ErnestSolo: Pantus, Marc; Poorthuis, Maaike; Sandler, Mitchell
    2-001-001Overture: Part 100:01:13
    2-002-002Overture: Part 200:01:56
    2-003-003Overture: Part 300:00:34
    2-004-004Overture: Part 400:01:46
    2-005-005On sunny hills, in gloomy shades00:00:56
    2-006-006Free from sorrow, free from Anguish00:04:02
    2-007-007What do I see?00:01:41
    2-008-008Go leave me, 'tis in vain00:02:43
    2-009-009How insolently coy! Am I to be despis'd?00:00:46
    2-010-010Gentle cupid, aid my pleasure00:02:59
    2-012-012The rising morn her purple Beams now sheds00:00:24
    2-013-013Bid the tunefull cornet sound00:02:04
    2-014-014Yet hold: Some ill our much-lov'd Syrinx waits00:00:17
    2-015-015Air for the nymphs00:00:54
    2-016-016Air for the nymphs and silvans00:00:23
    2-017-017Air for the nymphs and silvans00:00:52
    2-018-018These glances stol'n a flame confess00:00:23
    2-019-019Fairest, if thou canst be kind, ah!00:02:24
    2-020-020Think'st thou that awkward mien has charms00:01:04
    2-021-021Let nature henceforward neglect00:01:36
    2-022-022A sylvan and a nymph dance00:00:47
    2-023-023Well do these sports become Diana's train00:01:00
    2-024-024Whilst your harmony fills00:03:05
    2-025-025How sweet the warbling Linnet sings00:04:21
    2-026-026Toil'd and impatient have I sought you long00:00:41
    2-027-027Why should love, that triffling passion00:00:44
    2-028-028Love! How impatient hast thou made me?00:00:36
    2-029-029Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly00:01:39
    2-030-030Cruel sylvan, o forbear00:02:37
    2-031-031Surprising change!00:03:16
    2-032-032But see! The Goddess comes00:00:50
    2-033-033Presumptuous God! Am I so little fear'd00:00:54
    2-034-034Lawless rage and wild desire00:02:42
    2-035-035O mighty Goddess! To thy will I bend00:00:23
    2-036-036Dance of the nymphs and sylvans00:00:58
    2-037-037Bourrée 1 - Bourrée 200:01:36
    2-038-038Great Diana will we sing00:01:53
    2-039Timon of Athens or The Man-Hater Z 632 (Auszug)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySolo: Clarke, Penni; Wemyss, Nicola; Steur, René
    2-039-001A symphony of pipes imitating the chirping of birds00:03:38
    2-040-002Hark how the songsters of the grove00:01:34
    2-041-003Love in their little veins inspires00:01:21
    2-042-004But ah! How much are our delights more dear00:01:20
    2-043-005Hence with your trifling Deity00:02:13
    2-044-006Come all, come all to me, make haste00:01:09
    2-045-007Who can resisting such mighty charmes00:01:34
    2-046-008Return revolting rebells where d'ye goe?00:01:43
    2-047-009The cares of lovers, their allarms00:01:45
    2-048-010Love quickly is pall'd tho' with Labour 'tis gain'd00:01:12
    2-049-011Come let us agree00:01:47

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