Don Carlo - Ital. Ver /5 Acts -

von Haitink, Bernard
erschienen am 07.05.2003

Don Carlo - Ital. Ver /5 Acts -
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    1-001Don Carlos (italienisch)
    1-001-001Su, cacciator! (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-002-002Fontainebleau! Foresta immensa e solitaria! (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-003-003Io la vidi (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-004-004Il suon del corno alfin nel bosco tace (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-005-005Al mio pi#, perché? (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-006-006Di qual amor, di quant'ador (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-007-007Al fedel ch'ora viene, o Signora (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-008-008L' ora fatale # suonata! (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
    1-009-009Inni di festa lieti echeggiate (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-010-010Il glorioso Re di Francia, il grande Enrico (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-011-011Carlo il sommo Imperatore (ERSTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-012-012Al chiostro di San Giusto ove finì la vita (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-013-013E lui! desso! l'Infante! (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
    1-014-014Dio, che nell'alma infondere (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    1-015-015Sotto ai folti, immensi abeti (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-016-016Nei giardin del bello (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    1-017-017La Regina! (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    2-001-018Io vengo a domandar grazia alla mia Regina (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-002-019Il Re! (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-003-020Non pianger, mia compagna (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-004-021Restate! (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-005-022Signor, di Fiandra arrivo (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-006-023Osò lo sguardo tuo penetrar il mio soglio (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-007-024Preludio (ZWEITER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
    2-008-025A mezzanotte, ai giardin dell Regina (DRITTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
    2-009-026Al mio furor sfuggite invano (DRITTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    2-010-027Spuntato ecco il dì d'esultanza (DRITTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-011-028Sire, no, l'ora estrema (DRITTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    2-012-029Sire! egli # tempo ch'io viva! (DRITTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-001-030Ella giammai m'amò! (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-002-031Il Grande Inquisitor! (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-003-032Nell'ispano suol mai l'eresia dominò (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-004-033Giustizia! (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-005-034Ah! sii maledetto, sospetto fatale (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-006-035Pietà! perdon! per la rea che si pente (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
    3-007-036O don fatale (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-008-037Son io, mio Carlo (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    3-009-038Per me giunto # il dì supremo (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-010-039O Carlo, ascolta ... (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-011-040Mio Carlo, a te la spada io rendo! (VIERTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-012-041Tu che le vanità (FüNFTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-013-042Francia, nobile suol, sì caro ai miei verd'anni! (FüNFTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina
    3-014-043+ dessa! (FüNFTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    3-015-044Ma lassù ci vedremo in um mondo migliore (FüNFTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: McNair, Sylvia
    3-016-045Si, per sempre! (FüNFTER AKT)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeChor: Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
    Sopran: Gorchakova, Galina

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