Mass - A Theatre Piece f. Singers, Players & Dancers I

von Bernstein, Leonard | Bernstein / Titus / N. Scribner & Berkshire Boy Choir
erschienen am 27.08.2021

Mass - A Theatre Piece f. Singers, Players & Dancers I
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    1-001Mass - A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers I - RemasteredKomponist: Bernstein, Leonard; Bernstein, Leonard
    Textdichter: Schwartz, Stephen
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Theatre Orchestra
    Bariton: Titus, Alan
    1-001-001I. Devotions before Mass: 1. Antiphon: Kyrie eleison00:01:56
    1-002-002I. Devotions before Mass: 2. Hymn and Psalm: 'A Simple Song'00:04:43
    1-003-003I. Devotions before Mass: 3. Responsory - Alleluia00:01:08
    1-004-004II. First Introit (Rondo): 1. Prefatory Prayers00:05:14
    1-005-005II. First Introit (Rondo): 2. Thrice-Triple Canon - Dominus vobiscum00:00:35
    1-006-006III. Second Introit: 1. In nomine Patris00:02:01
    1-007-007III. Second Introit: 2. Prayer for the congregation (Chorale: 'Almighty Father')00:01:30
    1-008-008III. Second Introit: 3. Epiphany00:00:58
    1-009-009IV. Confession: 1. Confiteor00:02:19
    1-010-010IV. Confession: 2. Trope: 'I Don't Know'00:01:42
    1-011-011IV. Confession: 3. Trope: 'Easy'00:05:15
    1-012-012V. Meditation No. 100:05:09
    1-013-013VI. Gloria: 1. Gloria tibi00:01:48
    1-014-014VI. Gloria: 2. Gloria in excelsis00:01:14
    1-015-015VI. Gloria: 3. Trope: 'Half of the People'00:00:58
    1-016-016VI. Gloria: 4. Trope: 'Thank You'00:02:46
    1-017-017VII. Meditation No. 200:03:57
    1-018-018VIII. Epistle: 'The Word of the Lord'00:05:57
    1-019-019IX. Gospel-Sermon: 'God Said'00:05:02
    2-001Mass - A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers I - RemasteredKomponist: Bernstein, Leonard
    Textdichter: Schwartz, Stephen
    Bariton: Titus, Alan
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Bernstein, Leonard
    2-001-001X. Credo: 1. Credo in unum Deum00:01:06
    2-001-020Credo in unum Deum (Credo)00:01:06
    2-002-002X. Credo: 2. Trope: 'Non Credo'00:02:15
    2-002-021Trope: Non credo00:02:14
    2-003-003X. Credo: 3. Trope: 'Hurry'00:01:20
    2-003-022Trope: Hurry00:01:20
    2-004-004X. Credo: 4. Trope: 'World Without End'00:01:44
    2-004-023Trope: World without end00:01:43
    2-005-005X. Credo: 5. Trope: 'I Believe in God'00:02:10
    2-005-024Trope: I believe in God00:02:09
    2-006-006XI. Meditation No. 3 (De profundis, part 1)00:02:49
    2-006-025Meditation 3 (De profundis 1)00:02:49
    2-007-007XII. Offertory (De profundis, part 2)00:02:01
    2-007-026Offertorium (De profundis 2)00:02:01
    2-008-008XIII. The Lord's Prayer: 1. Our Father...00:01:47
    2-008-027Our father (Gebet des Herrn)00:01:46
    2-009-009XIII. The Lord's Prayer: 2. Trope: 'I Go On'00:02:35
    2-009-028Trope: I go on00:02:34
    2-010-010XIV. Sanctus00:05:14
    2-011-011XV. Agnus Dei00:07:06
    2-011-030Agnus Dei00:07:06
    2-012-012XVI. Fraction: 'Things Get Broken'00:14:23
    2-012-031Fraction: Things get broken00:14:23
    2-013-013XVII. Pax: Communion ('Secret Songs')00:09:53
    2-013-032Pax: Communion (Secret songs)00:09:52

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