HLD 7526

The Kingdom op.51

von Elgar, Edward | Elder, Sir Mark / Hallé Orchestra
erschienen am 01.05.2014

The Kingdom op.51
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    1-001The Kingdom op. 51 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Elgar, EdwardSopran: Rutter, Claire
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Elder, Sir Mark
    1-002-002Chor: Seek first the Kingdom of God (Teil 1: In the Upper Room)00:08:08
    1-003-003Men and brethren00:05:30
    1-004-004Chor: O ye priests00:04:01
    1-005-005The singers are before the altar (Teil 2: At the Beautiful Gate)00:05:09
    1-006-006And when the day of Pentecost (Teil 3: Pentecost)00:05:09
    1-007-007And suddenly there came from heaven00:04:41
    1-008-008I have prayed for thee00:09:40
    1-009-009Repent and be baptized00:05:54
    2-001-010Then they that gladly received his word (Teil 4: The Sign of Healing)00:06:30
    2-002-011Unto you that fear his name00:02:51
    2-003-012And as they spake00:01:04
    2-004-013The sun goeth down00:08:54
    2-005-014Chor: The voice of Joy (Teil 5: The Upper Room)00:06:01
    2-006-015Chor: Thou, Almighty Lord00:05:35
    2-007-016Chor: Our Father00:05:28

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