PACL 95003

Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky

von Strawinsky, Igor | Strawinsky, Igor / Columbia SO
erschienen am 04.06.2021

Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky
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    1-001The Firebird BalletKomponist: Stravinsky, IgorIgor Stravinsky; Columbia Symhpony
    1-001-001Kashchei's Enchanted Garden00:01:37
    1-002-002The Firebird Appears, Pursued By Ivan Tsarevitch00:02:18
    1-003-003Dance of the Firebird00:01:28
    1-004-004Ivan Tsarevitch Captures The Firebird00:01:00
    1-005-005The Firebird's Entreaty00:05:16
    1-006-006The Appearance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses00:02:24
    1-007-007The Princesses' Game with Apples of Gold (Scherzo)00:02:22
    1-008-008The Sudden Appearance of Ivan Tsarevitch00:01:02
    1-009-009The Princesses' Round00:03:58
    1-010-010Dawn (Ivan Tsarevitch Enters Kashchei's Palace)00:01:31
    1-011-011The Sound Of Enchanted Bells; Monsters Appear, Kashchei's Guards, and Take Ivan Tsarevitch Prisoner00:01:28
    1-012-012The Arrival of Kashchei The Immortal00:01:12
    1-013-013Kashchei's Dialogue with Ivan Tsarevitch00:01:03
    1-014-014The Princesses' Intercede00:01:01
    1-015-015The Appearance of The Firebird00:00:56
    1-016-016Kashchei's Followers Dance under the Firebird's Spell00:00:50
    1-017-017Infernal Dance of Kashchei's Subjects00:04:40
    1-018-018Lullaby (The Firebird)00:02:32
    1-019-019Kashchei Awakes00:01:08
    1-020-020Death of Kashchei - Profound Darkness00:01:20
    1-021-021Kaschei's Spells Are Broken; His Palace Disappears, The Stone Knights Return to Life, Joy Reigns00:02:49
    1-022Le Sacre du PrintempsKomponist: Stravinsky, IgorIgor Stravinsky; Columbia Symhpony
    1-023-002Dance of the Young Girls00:03:04
    1-024-003Mock Abduction00:01:17
    1-025-004Spring Round Dance00:03:05
    1-026-005Games of the Rival Tribes00:02:00
    1-027-006Procession of the Wise Elder00:00:42
    1-028-007Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Elder)00:00:25
    1-029-008Dance of the Earth00:01:15
    1-031-010Mystical Circles of the Young Girls00:02:52
    1-032-011Glorification of the Chosen Victim00:01:37
    1-033-012Summoning of the Ancients00:00:44
    1-034-013Ritual of the Ancients00:03:18
    1-035-014Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen Victim)00:04:35
    2-001PetrouchkaKomponist: Stravinsky, IgorIgor Stravinsky; Columbia Symhpony
    2-001-0011st Tableau: Shrove-Tide Fair-The Crowds-Charlatan's Booth00:07:03
    2-002-002Russian Dance00:02:41
    2-003-0032nd Tableau: Petroushka's Room00:04:11
    2-004-0043rd Tableau: The Blackamoor's Room- Dance of the Ballerina00:02:33
    2-005-005Waltz (Ballerina and Blackamoor)00:03:14
    2-006-0064th Tableau: The Shrove-Tide Fair (Near Evening)00:01:11
    2-007-007Dance of the Wet Nurses00:02:39
    2-008-008Dance of the Peasant and Bear00:01:15
    2-009-009Dance of the Gypsy Girls and Rake Vendor00:01:09
    2-010-010The Dance of the Coachmen and Grooms00:02:11
    2-011-011The Masqueraders00:01:37
    2-012-012The Scuffle (Blackamoor and Petrushka)00:00:45
    2-013-013Conclusion (Petroushka's Death)00:00:55
    2-014-014Police and the Juggler00:01:12
    2-015-015Apparition of Petrushka's Double00:00:49
    2-016Violin Concerto in DKomponist: Stravinsky, IgorIgor Stravinsky; Columbia Symhpony
    2-017-002Aria I00:04:14
    2-018-003Aria II00:05:13

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