HAF 8905359

L'Allegro, il penseroso ed il moderato

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Les Arts Florissants / Christie, William
erschienen am 23.06.2023

L'Allegro, il penseroso ed il moderato
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    1-001L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55 (Ode)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Redmond, Rachel; Jemison, Leo
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christie, William
    1-001-001Accompagnato: Hence loathed Melancoly (1. Teil)00:01:53
    1-002-002Accompagnato: Hence vain deluding joys00:00:51
    1-003-003Arie: Come, thou goddess, fair and free00:01:36
    1-004-004Arie: Come rather, goddess sage and holy00:03:20
    1-005-005Arie und Chor: Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee00:02:33
    1-006-006Arie und Chor: Come, and trip it as you go00:02:38
    1-007-007Accompagnato: Come, pensive nun, devout an pure00:01:05
    1-008-008Arioso: Come, but keep thy wonted state00:01:23
    1-009-009Chor: Join with thee calm peace, and quiet00:01:16
    1-010-010Rezitativ: Hence, loathed Melancholy - Rezitativ: And if I give thee honour due00:00:32
    1-011-011Arie: Mirth, admit me of thy crew00:03:54
    1-012-012Accompagnato: First, and chief, on golden wing00:00:43
    1-013-013Arie: Sweet bird, that shun'st the noise of folly00:11:37
    1-014-014Rezitativ: If I give thee honour due00:00:10
    1-015-015Arie: Mirth, admit me of thy crew00:02:49
    1-016-016Arie: Oft on a plat of rising ground00:03:25
    1-017-017Rezitativ: If I give thee honour due00:00:11
    1-018-018Arie: Let me wander, not unseen00:02:10
    1-019-019Arie und Chor: Or let the merry bells ring round00:04:05
    2-001-020Accompagnato: Hence, vain deluding joys (2. Teil)00:01:18
    2-002-021Arie: But oh, sad virgin00:05:57
    2-003-022Rezitativ: Thus, night oft see me00:00:15
    2-004-023Chor: Populous cities please me then00:03:12
    2-005-024Arie: There let Hymen oft appear00:02:25
    2-006-025Accompagnato: Me, when the sun begins to fling00:00:40
    2-007-026Arie: Hide me from day's garish eye00:03:33
    2-008-027Arie: I'll to the well-trod stage anon00:02:01
    2-009-028Arie: And ever against eating cares00:02:59
    2-010-029Arie und Chor: These delights if thou canst give00:03:21
    2-011-030Rezitativ: But let my due feet never fail00:00:35
    2-012-031Chor: There let the pealing organ blow - Solo: But let their sweetness, through mine ear00:02:45
    2-013-032Fuge: Organo ad libitum00:02:13
    2-014-033Solo und Chor: These pleasures, Melancholy, give00:04:13
    2-015-034Accompagnato: Hence, boast not, ye profane (3. Teil)00:00:25
    2-016-035Arie: Come, with native lustre shine00:03:01
    2-017-036Accompagnato und Chor:00:02:29
    2-018-037Arie: Come, with gentle hand restrain00:01:52
    2-019-038Rezitativ: No more short life00:00:36
    2-020-039Arie: Each action will derive new grace00:02:22
    2-021-040Duett: As steals the morn upon the night00:06:01
    2-022-041Chor: Thy pleasures, Moderation, give00:03:32

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