DUX 1874

/ Un / Discovered - Songs, Opp. 4,57,62,77

von Weinberg, Mieczyslaw | Bernacka / Kruk / Kubas - Kruk
erschienen am 08.09.2023

/ Un / Discovered - Songs, Opp. 4,57,62,77
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    1-001Acacias. Six songs to words by Julian Tuwim for soprano and piano, Op. 4 (1940)Komponist: Weinberg, MieczyslawMonika Kruk; Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk
    1-001-001Jestes znowu. | Here You Are Again.00:01:46
    1-002-002Wieczór | Evening00:01:51
    1-003-003Jezeli | If00:01:40
    1-004-004Piosenka | Song00:01:21
    1-005-005Powiedziec Ci nie moge | I Can't Tell You00:01:13
    1-006-006Akacje | Acacias00:02:07
    1-007The Gypsy Bible. Seven romances to words by Julian Tuwim for mezzo-soprano and piano, Op. 57 (1956)Komponist: Weinberg, MieczyslawMonika Kruk; Anna Bernacka
    1-007-001Biblia cyganska | The Gypsy Bible00:03:39
    1-008-002Zydek | Little Jewish Boy00:02:55
    1-009-003Kusy | Imp00:02:29
    1-010-004Aptekarz majowy | May Apothecary00:02:11
    1-011-005Moment | Moment00:02:00
    1-012-006Dwa wiatry | Two Winds00:01:40
    1-013-007Slepcy | The Blind00:03:11
    1-014Memories. Five songs to words by Julian Tuwim for mezzo-soprano and piano, Op. 62 (1957-1958)Komponist: Weinberg, MieczyslawMonika Kruk; Anna Bernacka
    1-014-001Rozmyslania | Contemplation00:02:46
    1-015-002Dziecko przed sklepem z zabawkami | A Child in Front of a Toy Store00:02:36
    1-016-003Wiersz o umarlej nadziei | A Poem about a Dead Hope00:03:07
    1-017-004Przypomnienie | Reminder00:02:57
    1-018-005Litania | Litany00:03:31
    1-019Old Letters. Eight romances to words by Julian Tuwim for soprano and piano, Op. 77 (1962)Komponist: Weinberg, MieczyslawMonika Kruk; Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk
    1-019-001Staruszkowie | Old People00:02:12
    1-020-002Zegary bija | Clocks Are Striking00:03:42
    1-021-003Smierc Isaka Kona | Death of Isaac Kon00:07:08
    1-022-004Walc starych panien | The Spinsters' Waltz00:03:30
    1-023-005List milosny | Love Letter00:04:01
    1-024-006Ballada starofrancuska | Old French Ballad00:04:08
    1-025-007Lorelei | Lorelei00:01:37
    1-026-008Ostatni list | Last Letter00:02:23

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