Great Moments Of The 20th Cent -

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Great Moments Of The 20th Cent -
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    1-001Inventor Marconi Talks Abaout Sending The First Transatlantic Radio Transmission (1936)Marconi00:01:02
    1-002The double-sided record, new from the Columbia Graphophone Company, offers improved sound and durability (1904)Keine Künstlerinformation / Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:59
    1-003Inventor Thomas Edison announces the age of electricity (1908)Edison, Thomas00:01:03
    1-004Commander Robert E. Peary expounds on the allure of arctic exploration (April 1909)Peary, Robert E.00:00:47
    1-005Survivor Gives Harrowing Account Of The R.M.S. Titanic DisasterGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:02:25
    1-006Presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson makes the case for a living wage (1912)Wilson, Woodrow00:01:35
    1-007British member of parliament Horation Bottomley asserts that "We are witnessing that great Armageddon" (1915)Bottomley, Horatio00:00:54
    1-008American federation of labor President Samuel Gompers explains U.S. efforts in world war I (1916)Gompers, Samuel00:01:12
    1-009Commander of American expeditionary forces in France, General J.J. "Black Jack" Pershing asks for support of U.S. troopsJ.J. Pershing00:00:32
    1-010Former ambassador to Germany James Gerard challenges German-Americans' loyalty in the face of conflict (1917)Gerard, James00:00:50
    1-011An explanation of inventor Lee De Forest's principles of "talking film" (1922)De Forest, Lee00:00:41
    1-012Attorney Clarence Darrow proclaims, "The real cause of crime is poverty, ignorance, hard luck, and generally youth"Darrow, Clarence00:01:35
    1-013Humorist Will Rogers muses on his entry in the Congressional Record (1925)Rogers, Will00:01:40
    1-014Aviator Charles Lindbergh reflects on the first-ever transatlantic flight (May 1927)Lindbergh, Charles00:00:58
    1-015As the threat of war once again looms over Europe, Winston Churchill asks, "What are we to do?" (1934)Churchill, Winston00:01:50
    1-016Expatriate author Henry Miller reads from his controversial book "Tropic of cancer" (1969)Miller, Henry00:00:58
    1-017Louisiana Senator Huey Long criticizes the current Roosevelt administration (1935)Long, Huey00:01:19
    1-018Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi shares his beliefs (1935)Gandhi, Mohandas00:00:40
    1-019President Franklin D. Roosevelt visits dust bowl states and vows to save the American farming family (1936)Roosevelt, Franklin D.00:01:45
    1-020Physicist Albert Einstein asserts that modern man is detached from the world because of technology (1936)Einstein, Albert00:02:31
    1-021King Edward VIII announces his abdication of the throne and declares allegiance to his brother, King George VI (1936)King Edward VIII00:01:17
    1-022News Coverage Of The Hindenburg Airship DisasterGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:33
    1-023"The Man And The Mouse": Mickey Mouse Turns 10 Years OldGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:03
    1-024Civil rights activist Asa Philip Randolph pleas for social and racial justice (1937)Randolph, Asa Philip00:01:02
    1-025Aviator Howard Hughes And Crew Successfully Complete World's First Transglobal Flight (July 15, 1938)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:08
    1-026Sigmund Freud discusses psychoanalysis (1938)Freud, Sigmund00:01:16
    1-027Dramatist and critic George Bernard Shaw defines the pacifist movement (1938)Shaw, George Bernard00:02:01
    1-028President Franklin D. Roosevelt commemorates the nations of the world at New York World's Fair (April 30, 1939)Roosevelt, Franklin D.00:01:37
    1-029Author Margaret Mitchell expresses gratitude over winning Pulitzer prize for "Gone with the wind" (1939)Mitchell, Margaret00:00:40
    1-030Broadcaster Edward R. Murrow reports plans for the evacuation of children from London (August 31, 1939)Murrow, Edward R.00:01:38
    1-031Nazi Germany Mounts Blitzkrieg Invasio Of PolandGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:15
    1-032Nazi Germany Denies Aggression Toward Poland, Claiming SelfGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:26
    1-033British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declares a state of war (September 3, 1939)Chamberlain, Neville00:00:46
    1-034German chancellor Adolf Hitler condemns Polish aggression toward Germans (1939)Hitler, Adolf00:02:17
    1-035Italian Fascist Leader Benito Mussolini Declares War In The Allied Powers (June 10, 1940)Mussolini, Benito00:01:54
    1-036American journalist William L. Shirer reports on French armistice signing (June 22, 1940)Shirer, William L.00:01:36
    1-037Labor leader John L. Lewis supports Wendlell Willkie for president (October 25, 1940)Lewis, John L.00:01:53
    1-038President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the first peacetime draft lottery (October 29, 1940)Roosevelt, Franklin D.00:00:58
    1-039President Franklin D. Roosevelt declares war in Japan (December 8, 1941)Roosevelt, Franklin D.00:01:13
    1-040Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia publicizes the new convenient New York (1942)LaGuardia, Fiorello00:01:25
    1-041Announcement of allied invasion of North Africa (November 8, 1942)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:27
    1-042President Franklin D. Roosevelt reports the allied armies' liberation of Rome (June 5, 1944)Roosevelt, Franklin D.00:00:23
    1-043First allied planes leave England, leading D-day invasion (June 6, 1944)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:25
    1-044Report Of U.S. Flag Raised Over Island Of Iwo JimaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:14
    1-045Announcement of allied forces crossing the Rhine river (March 8, 1945)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:50
    1-046Report Of German Army's Unconditional Surrender In ItalyGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:45
    1-047Adolf Hitler commits suicide (April 30, 1945)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:40
    1-048"V-E day" report of German surrender ending the war in Europe (May 7, 1945)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:14
    1-049"V-E day" celebration in Times Square, New York City (May 7, 1945)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:54
    1-050President Harry Truman Signs The United Nations CharterGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:20
    1-051Report Of The U.S. Having Dropped The Atomic Bomb On HiroshimaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:09
    1-052"V-J Day" Report Of Japanese Surrender Ending The War In The PacificGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:53
    1-053British former Prime Minister Winston Churchill declares Eastern Europe behind an "Iron curtain" (March 5, 1946)Churchill, Winston00:01:01
    1-054U.S. census reveals postwar infant population boom (April 1, 1947)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:09
    1-055Secretary Of State George C. Marshall Announces Plan To Revitalize Postwar European Economy (June 5, 1947)Marshall, George C.00:01:32
    1-056Soviet Blockade Of Berlin Thwarted By U.S. Air Force EffortsGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:57
    1-057United Nations representative Abba Eban comments in Israel's nationhood (May 31, 1948)Eban, Abba00:01:19
    1-058President Harry Truman mocks naysayer journalists in election victory speech (November 2, 1948)Truman, Harry00:01:50
    1-059White House issues statement that Soviet Union has atomic bomb (September 23, 1949)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:15
    1-060Bobby Thompson secures New York giants' National League pennant win with game-clinching home run (October 3, 1951)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:33
    1-061Baseball great Joe Dimaggio announces his retirement (December 11, 1951)Dimaggio, Joe00:00:36
    1-062Vice-presidential candidate Richard M. Nixon defends himself against allegations of mishandled campaign contributionsNixon, Richard00:01:28
    1-063Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin Dies At Age 73Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:28
    2-001Atomic bomb testing sontinues (March 17, 1953)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:59
    2-002Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (June 19, 1953)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:53
    2-003Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Are Denied ClemencyGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:02:22
    2-004President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially announces end to Korean conflict (July 27, 1953)Eisenhower, Dwight D.00:00:46
    2-005Author Ray Bradbury provides more positive outlook on future than his book "Fahrenheit" suggests (1958)Bradbury, Ray00:01:04
    2-006President Dwight D. Eisenhower assures there will be further development of polio vaccineEisenhower, Dwight D.00:01:06
    2-007Congressmen Provide Conflicting Viewpoints On School DesegregationGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:59
    2-008Senator Joseph McCarthy Presides At House Un-American Activities Committee HearingsGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:02:34
    2-009New York Giants Manager Leo Durocher States Strong Leadership Is A Baseball Team's Top AssetGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:14
    2-010Author Ernest Hemingway delivers Nobel prize acceptance speech (December 10, 1954)Hemingway, Ernest00:01:21
    2-011Cleveland Disc Jockey Alan Freed At The Top Of His Form Hosting "The Moondog Show"Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:54
    2-012Ensure Your Safety With The Purchase Of This Nuclear Survival Course Record Album - Supplies Are Limited!Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:49
    2-013James Dean discusses his craft on the set of "Rebel without a cause"Dean, James00:00:57
    2-014Music experts squabble over meaning of rock 'n' roll (July 1956)Keine Künstlerinformation00:02:15
    2-015Yankees pitcher Don Larsen delivers first "perfect game" in world series historyKeine Künstlerinformation00:01:54
    2-016Hungarian Revolt Crushed By SovietsGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:10
    2-017What Do We Know About Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro?Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:04
    2-018Althea Gibson besomes first black athlete to win Wimbledon tennis championship (July 6, 1957)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:26
    2-019President Dwight D. Eisenhower denounces Arkansas efforts to enforce school segregation (September 24, 1957)Eisenhower, Dwight D.00:01:07
    2-020Black politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr., speaks out on notion of freedom (1957)Powell, Adam Clayton Jr.00:01:54
    2-021United states successfully launches first orbiting satellite, Explorer I (January 31, 1958)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:06
    2-022Author Lorraine Hansberry discusses her play "A raisin in the sun"Hansberry, Lorraine00:01:04
    2-023Nasa Introduces First Seven "Astronauts" For Project MercuryGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:56
    2-024Cuban Premier Fidel Catro visits U.S. for first time (April 17, 1959)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:08
    2-025Author Allen Ginsberg and anthropologist Margaret Mead discuss origins of the term "Beat generation" (1959)Ginsberg, Allen / Mead, Margaret00:02:17
    2-026Presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon square off in televised debate (October 13, 1960)Kennedy, John F. / Nixon, Richard M.00:02:12
    2-027President-Elect John F. Kennedy Wins Narrow-Margin VictoryGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:56
    2-028President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers "military industrial complex" farewell speech (January 18, 1961)Eisenhower, Dwight D.00:01:14
    2-029President John F. Kennedy addresses nation with inaugural speech (January 20, 1961)Kennedy, John F.00:01:04
    2-030Bay of pigs invasion denounced at United Nations addressKeine Künstlerinformation00:00:42
    2-031Federal communications commission Chairman Newton Minow decries television as a "vast wateland" (May 1961)Minow, Newton00:01:19
    2-032The birth of the Berlin wall (Augugst 13, 1961)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:43
    2-033Launch of Telstar satellite ushers in age of high-speed communication technology (July 10, 1962)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:09
    2-034Author John Steinbeck discusses winning Nobel prize for literature (December 10, 1962)Steinbeck, John00:01:20
    2-035Debut of world's first talking / singing computer (1962)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:58
    2-036President John F. Kennedy visits the Berlin wall and rallies anti-communist support (June 26, 1963)Kennedy, John F.00:02:19
    2-037President John F. Kennedy is assassinated (November 24, 1963)Kennedy, John F.00:03:52
    2-038JFK assassination suspect Lee Harvey Oswald is shot (November 24, 1963)Keine Künstlerinformation00:03:19
    2-039North Vietnamese Vessels Attack U.S. Navy In Gulf Of TonkinGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:15
    2-040Activist Mario Savio speaks out on UC Berkeley "Educational tyranny" (September 1964)Savio, Mario00:01:34
    2-041Reports Confirm Soviet Communist Party Personnel Shake-UpGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:16
    2-042Activist Whitney Young talks in Selma, Alabama, on the importance of the black vote (March 25, 1965)Young, Whitney00:00:45
    2-043Racial violence breaks out in Watts district of Los Angeles (August 11, 1965)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:16
    2-044Vietnamese radio propaganda Queen "Hanoi Hannah" broadcasts to U.S. troops (1966)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:27
    2-045Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs first human heart transplant (December 3, 1967)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:30
    2-046Israeli foreign Minister Golda Meir articulates Israel's need for peace (June 1967)Meir, Golda00:00:36
    2-047Senator Robert Kennedy announces presidential candidacy (March 16, 1968)Kennedy, Robert00:00:57
    2-048President Lyndon B. Johnson declines nomination for reelection (March 31, 1968)Johnson, Lyndon B.00:00:38
    2-049Martin Luther King Jr. Stirs Memphis Audience With "Mountain Top" Speech (April 3, 1968)King, Martin Luther Jr.00:01:02
    2-050Senator Robert Kennedy Is AssassinatedGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:19
    2-051Soviets Invade CzechoslovakiaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:35
    2-052Riots Break Out At 1968 Chicago Democratic ConventionGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:02:07
    2-053Apollo 8 Astronauts Conduct Christmas Eve BroadcastGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:35
    2-054Mickey Mantle gives farewell speech to Yankkees fans (March 1, 1969)Mantle, Mickey00:00:39
    2-055Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong broadcasts man's first steps on moon (July 20, 1969)Armstrong, Neil00:00:14
    2-056Beatle Paul McCartney refutes rumors of his death (October 21, 1969)McCartney, Paul00:00:33
    2-057Thousands of protesters show support on Vietnam moratorium day (November 15, 1969)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:48
    2-058Vice President Spiro Agnew lashes out against "the media elite" (1969)Agnew, Spiro00:01:46
    3-001Commander James A. Lovell Jr., reports from Apollo 13: "Houston, we've had a problem" (April 13, 1970)Lovell, James A.00:00:15
    3-002National Voting Age Is Lowered To 18Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:40
    3-003New york congresswoman Bella Abzug testimonial on the equal rights amendment (August 1970)Abzug, Bella00:00:47
    3-004National organization of women founder Betty Friedan speaks out during the "Women's strike for equality" day (August '70Friedan, Betty00:02:10
    3-005President Richard Nixon announces plans to visit communist China (April 19, 1971)Nixon, Richard00:00:24
    3-006Future British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher cites the ability of women to succeed in government (1971)Thatcher, Margaret00:01:13
    3-007United Nations officially recognizes people's republic of China (November 15, 1971)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:13
    3-008Governor Ronald Reagan views George Wallace assassination attempt as outgrowth of hatred in America (May 15, 1972)Reagan, Ronald00:01:39
    3-009Olympic athletes are taken hostage in Munich (September 5, 1972)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:02
    3-010Secretary of state Henry Kissinger announces "peace is at hand" in Vietnam (October 26, 1972)Kissinger, Henry00:01:00
    3-011Supreme Court Decision Legalizes Abortion In Roe v. WadeGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:28
    3-012Members Of American Indian Movement Take Over Wounded Knee, South DakotaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:34
    3-013Dispute at White House over release of Watergate tapesKeine Künstlerinformation00:01:06
    3-014President Richard Nixon concedes "one can only be angry with those he respects" (October 26, 1973)Nixon, Richard00:02:27
    3-015President Richard Nixon's resignation: "I have never been a quitter" (August 8, 1974)Nixon, Richard00:01:13
    3-016President Richard Nixon bids farewell to his White House staff (August 9, 1974)Nixon, Richard00:01:53
    3-017President Gerald Ford gives inaugural speech (August 9, 1974)Ford, Gerald00:01:12
    3-018South Vietnam surrenders to Vietcong (April 29, 1975)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:36
    3-019Exiled Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn addresses Harvard graduating class (June 30, 1975)Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr00:00:52
    3-020Astronaut Thomas Stafford and cosmonaut Alexey Leonov seal joint mission with handshake in space (July 17, 1975)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:54
    3-021Egyptian President Anwar El-Sadat gives goodwill address to congress (November 5, 1975)El-Sadat, Anwar00:01:37
    3-022Congresswoman Barbara Jordan Becomes First Black Woman To Deliver The Keynote Address At The Democratic ConventionGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:02
    3-023Viking I travels 500 million miles to land on Mars (July 20, 1976)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:54
    3-024Former Beatle John Lennon Finally Wins Residency Status In U.S.Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:39
    3-025Outbreak of legionnaires's disease (August 4, 1976)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:50
    3-026Space shuttle Enterprise passes first flight test (August 12, 1977)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:15
    3-027Elvis Presley dies at 42 (August 16, 1977)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:42
    3-028The observations of San Francisco politician Harvey Milk (June 1978)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:30
    3-029Pope John Paul I Dies SuddenlyGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:44
    3-030San Francisco board of Supervisors President Dianne Feinstein discloses the murders of Mayor George Moscone and H. MilkFeinstein, Dianne00:00:29
    3-031President Jimmy Carter discusses Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty (March 26, 1979)Carter, Jimmy00:00:37
    3-032Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh advises citizens of possible radioactivity after three mile island nuclear power..Thornburgh, Dick00:00:37
    3-033Entrepreneur Ted Turner officially inaugurates the cable news network (June 1, 1980)Turner, Ted00:00:54
    3-034Labor unrest in Poland (August 14, 1980)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:16
    3-035President Jimmy Carter announces release of 52 American hostages held in Iran (January 20, 1981)Carter, Jimmy00:00:34
    3-036Conflicting Announcement Of The Assassination Attempt On President Ronald ReaganGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:47
    3-037Assassin wounds Pope John Paul II (May 31, 1981)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:01
    3-038President Ronald Reagan lays down the law to striking air-traffic controllers (August 3, 1981)Reagan, Ronald00:00:31
    3-039Britain And Argentina At War Over Falkland IslandsGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:10
    3-040Soviets Down Korean Airlines Flight 007Great Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:25
    3-041Report Of U.S. Invasion From GrenadaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:25
    3-042Space Shuttle Challenger DisasterGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:02:34
    3-043President Ronald Reagan denies allegations of secret deals with Iran (November 19, 1986)Reagan, Ronald00:01:03
    3-0441988 democratic vice-presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen to republican candidate Dan Quayle:" You're no Jack Kennedy"Bentsen, Lloyd00:01:25
    3-045President Ronald Reagan envisions "the shining city" (January 19, 1989)Reagan, Ronald00:01:01
    3-046Reports Of Chinese Government Response To Student Revolt From Tiananmen Square, BeijingGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:44
    3-047Operation Desert Storm begins (January 16, 1991)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:37
    3-048Law professor Anita Hill testifies against judge Clarence Thomas in senate confirmation hearings (October 11, 1991)Hill, Anita / Thomas, Clarence00:02:31
    3-049Supreme court nominee judge Clarence Thomas gives his testimony (October 11, 1991)Thomas, Clarence00:02:06
    3-050Observations about the Rodney King verdict and ensuing street riots in Los Angeles (April 29, 1992)Keine Künstlerinformation00:01:38
    3-051California state Senator Diane Watson seeks culpability for the Los Angeles riots (April 30, 1992)Watson, Diane00:01:13
    3-052Motorist Rodney King implores: "Can we all get along?" (May 1, 1992)King, Rodney00:00:11
    3-053FBI Tactical Briefing Concerning The Branch Davidians' Compound In Waco, TexasGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:23
    3-054Nelson Mandela Speaks On Eve Of South Africa's Presidential Election (April 29, 1994)Mandela, Nelson00:01:33
    3-055President Bill Clinton condemns bombing in Oklahoma City (April 19, 1995)Clinton, Bill00:00:29
    3-056Reading Of O.J. Simpson Trial VerdictGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:32
    3-057Noa Ben-Artzi philosof gives eulogy for grandfather Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (November 6, 1995)Ben-Artzi, Noa00:01:04
    3-058General Colin Powell declines bid for presidency (November 8, 1995)Powell, Colin00:01:26
    3-059Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski is apprehended (April 3, 1996)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:36
    3-060Richard Jewell Denies Being Responsilble For The Bompexplosion At The 1996 Summer Olympic Games In Atlanta (October 28)Jewell, Richard00:00:47
    3-061British scientist Ian Wilmut discusses Human cloning (April 15, 1997)Wilmut, Ian00:02:08
    3-062Britain Returns Conservatorship Of Hong Kong To ChinaGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:01:05
    3-063Diana, Princess of Wales dies in a car crash (August 31, 1997)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:29
    3-064Linda Tripp records Monica Lewinsky (October 16, 1997)Tripp, Linda / Lewinsky, Monica00:02:26
    3-065President Bill Clinton awows "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" (January 26, 1998)Clinton, Bill00:00:41
    3-066President Bill Clinton testifies his explanation was "legally accurate" (August 17, 1998)Clinton, Bill00:00:31
    3-067Mark McGwire Breaks Roger Maris' Single-Season Home Run RecordGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:29
    3-068U.N.Secrtary General Kofi Annan Appeals For "Peace Over War" In Kosovo (March 24, 1999)Annan, Kofi00:00:52
    3-069U.S. returns conservatorship of the Panama Canal back to Panama (December 31, 1999)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:41
    3-070Record-Breaking Stock Exchange Frenzy ContinuesGreat Moments Of The 20th Century00:00:28
    3-071President Bill Clinton observes the dawning of the new millenium (December 31, 1999)Clinton, Bill00:02:16
    3-072The Celebration of new years' eve in Time Square (December 31, 1999)Keine Künstlerinformation00:00:24

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