M 232776


von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Various
erschienen am 29.04.2010

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    1-001Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Addison, Adele
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    1-002-002Accompagnato: Comfort ye, my people00:03:30
    1-003-003Arie: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted00:03:27
    1-004-004Chor: And the glory of the Lord00:03:03
    1-005-005Rezitativ: Thus saith the Lord00:01:44
    1-006-006Arie: But who may abide00:04:23
    1-007-007Chor: And he shall purify00:02:36
    1-008-008Rezitativ: Behold, a virgin shall conceive00:00:37
    1-009-009Arie: O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion00:05:23
    1-010-010Chor: For unto us a child is born00:03:52
    1-012-012Rezitativ: There were shepherds00:00:20
    1-013-013Rezitativ: And lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them00:00:30
    1-014-014Rezitativ: And the angel said unto them00:00:48
    1-015-015Rezitativ: And suddenly there was with the angel00:00:16
    1-016-016Chor: Glory to God00:01:50
    1-017-017Arie: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion00:05:10
    1-018-018Rezitativ: Than shall the eyes of the blind be opened00:00:38
    1-019-019Arie: He shall feed His flock00:06:40
    1-020-020Chor: Lift up your heads00:03:03
    1-021-021Arie: Why do the nations00:02:35
    1-022-022Chor: Let us break their bonds asunder00:01:48
    1-023-023Rezitativ: He that dwelleth in heaven00:00:19
    1-024-024Arie: Thou shalt break them00:02:07
    1-025-025Chor: Hallelujah00:04:49
    2-001-026Chor: Behold the lamb00:04:08
    2-002-027Arie: He was despised00:06:17
    2-003-028Chor: And with His stripes we are healed00:03:51
    2-004-029Chor: All we like sheep have gone astray00:04:31
    2-005-030Rezitativ: And they that see Him00:00:50
    2-006-031Chor: He trusted in God00:02:16
    2-007-032Rezitativ: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart00:01:59
    2-008-033Arie: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow00:02:01
    2-009-034Rezitativ: He was cut off00:00:32
    2-010-035Arie: I know that my Redeemer liveth00:08:05
    2-011-036Chor: Since my man came death00:02:09
    2-012-037Rezitativ: Behold, I tell you a mystery00:00:59
    2-013-038Arie: The trumpet shall sound00:03:57
    2-014-039Chor: Worthy is the lamb - Blessing and honour, glory and power, be unto Him00:07:17
    3-001Wassermusik Suite Nr. 1 F-Dur HWV 348Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Lehmann, Fritz
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Berliner Philharmoniker
    3-001-0011. Ouvertüre00:04:27
    3-002-0022. Adagio00:02:11
    3-003-0033. Allegro - Andante - Allegro00:07:01
    3-004-0044. Menuet00:03:15
    3-005-0055. Air00:02:39
    3-006-0066. Menuet00:02:30
    3-007-0077. Bourrée00:00:56
    3-008-0088. Hornpipe00:01:39
    3-009-0099. Andante00:03:00
    3-010-01010. Allegro moderato00:01:50
    3-011-01111. Hornpipe00:03:08
    3-012-01212. Menuet00:01:19
    3-013-01313. Arie00:02:29
    3-014-01414. Lentement00:01:08
    3-015-01515. Air00:01:05
    3-016-01616. Menuet00:01:10
    3-017-01717. Menuet00:01:24
    3-018-01818. Andante moderato00:00:45
    3-019-01919. Andante00:00:58
    3-020-02020. Chor00:01:11
    4-001Feuerwerksmusik HWV 351Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Lehmann, Fritz
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Berliner Philharmoniker
    4-001-0011. Ouvertüre00:11:59
    4-002-0022. Bourée00:02:14
    4-003-0033. La paix: Largo alla Siciliana00:04:22
    4-004-0044. La réjouissance: Allegro00:03:38
    4-005-0055. Menuet 100:01:46
    4-006-0066. Menuet 200:02:18
    4-007The Great Elopement (Ballet): Suite (bearb. von Thomas Beecham)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Beecham, Sir Thomas
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    4-007-0011. Pump room00:02:27
    4-008-0022. The Linleys00:01:53
    4-009-0033. Hunting dance00:01:23
    4-010-0044. Love scene00:02:29
    4-011-0055. The weary flunkies00:02:23
    4-012-0066. The plot00:01:30
    4-013-0077. Sarabande00:02:11
    4-014-0088. Hornpipe00:01:15
    4-015-0099. Intermezzo00:01:31
    4-016-01010. Gigue00:02:34
    4-017-01111. Beau nash00:01:45
    4-018-01212. Second love scene00:02:49
    5-001Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo A-Dur op. 1 Nr. 3 HWV 361Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-001-0011. Andante00:02:38
    5-002-0022. Allegro00:01:57
    5-003-0033. Adagio00:01:06
    5-004-0044. Allegro00:02:38
    5-005Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo g-moll op. 1 Nr. 10 HWV 368Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-005-0011. Andante00:03:17
    5-006-0022. Allegro00:02:29
    5-007-0033. Adagio00:02:10
    5-008-0044. Allegro00:01:31
    5-009Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo F-Dur op. 1 Nr. 12 HWV 370Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-009-0011. Adagio00:04:02
    5-010-0022. Allegro00:01:46
    5-011-0033. Largo00:02:55
    5-012-0044. Allegro00:01:43
    5-013Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo D-Dur op. 1 Nr. 13 HWV 371Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-013-0011. Affettuoso00:03:40
    5-014-0022. Allegro00:02:26
    5-015-0033. Larghetto00:03:20
    5-016-0044. Allegro00:02:33
    5-017Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo A-Dur op. 1 Nr. 14 HWV 372Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-017-0011. Adagio00:02:08
    5-018-0022. Allegro00:02:34
    5-019-0033. Largo00:01:34
    5-020-0044. Allegro00:03:04
    5-021Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo E-Dur op. 1 Nr. 15 HWV 373Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichVioline: Campoli, Alfredo
    Cembalo: Malcolm, George
    5-021-0011. Adagio00:02:32
    5-022-0022. Allegro00:02:05
    5-023-0033. Largo00:01:31
    5-024-0044. Allegro00:01:56
    6-001Israel in Ägypten HWV 54 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Bruun, Pernille; Stille, Gisela
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Topp, Morten
    6-001-001Präludium (1. Teil)00:02:28
    6-002-002Chor: The sons of Israel do mourn00:04:54
    6-003-003Chor: He put o righteousness00:02:49
    6-004-004Chor: How is the mighty fall'n00:00:47
    6-005-005Chor: He deliver'd the poor that cried00:05:36
    6-006-006Chor: His body is buried in peace00:04:26
    6-007-007Chor: The people will tell of their wisdom00:02:31
    6-008-008Chor: The mercyful goodness of the Lord00:04:33
    6-009-009Rezitativ: Now there arose (2. Teil)00:00:28
    6-010-010Chor: And the children of Israel sigh'd00:03:33
    6-011-011Rezitativ: Then sent He Moses00:00:33
    6-012-012Chor: They loathed to drink00:02:31
    6-013-013Arie: Their land brought forth frogs00:02:32
    6-014-014Chor: He spake the word00:02:18
    6-015-015Chor: He gave them hailstones for rain00:02:08
    6-016-016Chor: He send a thick darkness00:02:32
    6-017-017Chor: He smote all the firstborn00:02:34
    6-018-018Chor: But as for His people00:04:37
    6-019-019Chor: Egypt was glad00:02:47
    6-020-020Chor: He rebuked the Red Sea00:00:36
    6-021-021Chor: He led them through the deep00:01:21
    6-022-022Chor: But that waters overwhelmed00:01:24
    6-023-023Chor: And Israel saw the great work00:00:42
    6-024-024Chor: And believed the Lord00:02:17
    7-001-025Chor: Moses and the children of Israel (3. Teil)00:00:55
    7-002-026Chor: I will sing unto the Lord00:02:55
    7-003-027Duett: The Lord is my strength and my song00:04:17
    7-004-028Chor: He is my God00:00:50
    7-005-029Chor: And I will exalt Him00:02:50
    7-006-030Duett: The Lord is a man of war00:06:13
    7-007-031Chor: The depths have cover'd them00:01:51
    7-008-032Chor: Thy right hand, O Lord00:01:31
    7-009-033Chor: And in the greatness00:00:27
    7-010-034Chor: Thou sentest forth Thy wrath00:02:06
    7-011-035Chor: And with the blast of thy nostris00:03:22
    7-012-036Arie: The enemy said00:02:31
    7-013-037Arie: Thou didst blow with the wind00:02:02
    7-014-038Chor: Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods00:01:01
    7-015-039Chor: The earth swallowed them00:01:28
    7-016-040Duett: Thou in thy mercy00:05:07
    7-017-041Chor: The people shall hear00:06:33
    7-018-042Arie: Thou shalt bring them in00:03:14
    7-019-043Chor: The Lord shall reign forever and ever00:00:45
    7-020-044Rezitativ: For the horse of Pharaoh00:00:30
    7-021-045Chor: The Lord shall reign00:00:45
    7-022-046Rezitativ: And Miriam the prophetess00:00:23
    7-023-047Chor: Sing ye to the Lord00:04:09
    8-001Samson HWV 57 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-001-001Return, O God of hosts00:04:27
    8-002Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-002-001O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion00:05:38
    8-003Judas Maccabäus HWV 63 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-003-001Father of heaven00:07:52
    8-004Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-004-001He was despised00:06:40
    8-005Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Wöldike, Mogens
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of Det Unge Tonekunstnerselskab
    8-005-001Comfort ye00:03:24
    8-006Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Wöldike, Mogens
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of Det Unge Tonekunstnerselskab
    8-006-001Every valley00:04:07
    8-006-002Every valley00:04:07
    8-007Serse HWV 40 (Xerxes, Oper in 3 Akten) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Flagstad, Kirsten
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Braithwaite, Warwick
    8-007-001Ombra mai fù00:04:31
    8-008Giulio Cesare HWV 17 (Julius Cäsar, Oper in 3 Akten) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Weldon, George
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-008-001Dall'ondoso periglio... Aure, deh per pieta00:08:28
    8-009Joshua (Josua) HWV 64 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Weldon, George
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-009-001Soll ich in Mamres Segens au'n00:03:18
    8-010Samson HWV 57 (Oratorium) (Auszug)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Weldon, George
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonic Orchestra
    8-010-001Wie willig trägt mein Vaterherz00:03:03
    9-001Sosarme, Re di Media HWV 30 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Ritchie, Margaret
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Lewis, Anthony
    9-002-002Di mio padre al furore (1. Akt)00:05:44
    9-003-003Rendi'l sereno al ciglio00:05:01
    9-004-004Giusti numi... Forte inciampo al suo furore00:02:40
    9-005-005Melo, mio prence... Fra l'ombre e gl'orrori farfalle confusa00:06:39
    9-006-006Come più dell' usato00:01:25
    9-007-007Sì, sì minaccia, e vinta l'ira00:02:54
    9-008-008Non più contese... La turba adulatrice00:07:15
    9-009-009Amici, troppo oscuro torpe il valor nascosto00:03:55
    9-010-010Dite pave, e fulminate00:06:33
    9-011-011Padre, germano, e sposo di voi (2. Akt)00:03:41
    9-012-012Ebben dall'alta torre00:02:31
    9-013-013Se m'ascolti. E udir potrei?00:01:04
    9-014-014Padre, Signor!00:01:47
    9-015-015Se discordia ci disciolse00:02:52
    9-016-016E così tu disprezzi la tua propria grandezza? - So ch'il ciel ben spesso gode00:08:29
    9-017-017Quanto più Melo ha sdegno... Sento il cor che lieto gode00:05:51
    9-018-018Con si bella ferita, caro00:01:24
    10-001-019Per le porte del tormento passan l'anime a gioir00:09:48
    10-002-020Signor, tuo regio sangue di Bellona smorzò l'infausta face00:01:35
    10-003-021Alle sfere della gloria alza i vanni un nobil cor00:03:03
    10-004-022La pace sdegnerai?00:03:07
    10-005-023Vado, vado al campo a combatter col pianto00:02:57
    10-006-024Mio sposo, ahi qual orror... In mille dolci modi al sen ti stringerò00:07:05
    10-007-025Parmi ch'un dolce raggio... Vola l'augello del caro nido00:03:35
    10-008-026Mi segue la regina, aiuto, o prodi! (3. Akt)00:03:02
    10-009-027S'io cadrò per tuo consiglio00:02:59
    10-010-028Melo, dov'è il tuo zelo? - Cuor di madre e cuor di moglie00:05:36
    10-011-029Per la segreta porta del real giardino00:01:08
    10-012-030M'opporrò da generoso all'indegna orrida impresa00:01:38
    10-013-031Correte pur a fiumi amare lacrime--- Vorrei, nè pur saprei che la speme00:07:08
    10-014-032Altomaro, si renda libero lo tesoro00:00:42
    10-015-033Tiene Giove in mano il folgore00:03:18
    10-016-034Ah, padre!00:04:10
    10-017-035Altomaro, si renda libero lo tesoro00:05:37
    10-018-036Dopo l'ire si funeste dell' amore splenda la face00:04:01

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