MMK 6243

The Great Ballets

von Strawinsky, Igor | Rattle / Dorati / Mackerras / Lso / +
erschienen am 16.05.2001

The Great Ballets
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    1-001Le sacre du printemps (Das Frühlingsopfer) (Ballett) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Rattle, Simon Sir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
    1-001-001Introduction (1. Teil: The Adoration of the Earth)00:03:23
    1-002-002Dance of the Adolescents00:03:10
    1-003-003Game of Abduction00:01:23
    1-004-004Spring Rounds00:03:34
    1-005-005Games of the Rival Cities00:01:53
    1-006-006Procession of the Wise Man00:00:41
    1-007-007Adoration of the Earth-Dance00:01:38
    1-008-008Introduction (2. Teil: The Sacrifice)00:04:15
    1-009-009Mysterious Rounds of the Adolescents00:02:59
    1-010-010Glorification of the Chosen One00:01:41
    1-011-011Evocation of the Ancestors00:00:38
    1-012-012Ritual of the Ancestors00:03:35
    1-013-013Sacrificial Dance of the Chosen One00:05:03
    1-014L'Oiseau de feu (Ballett) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Doráti, Antal
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London
    1-015-002Kashchel's Enchanted Garden00:01:43
    1-016-003Appearance of the Firebird00:02:04
    1-017-004Dance of the Firebird00:01:27
    1-018-005Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird00:00:58
    1-019-006Supplication of the Firebird00:05:38
    1-020-007Appearance of the 13 Enchanted Princesses00:02:03
    1-021-008Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples00:02:32
    1-022-009Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich00:01:22
    1-023-010Round Dance00:03:55
    1-025-012Magic Carillon00:01:19
    1-026-013Arrival of Kahchel the Immortal00:01:09
    1-027-014His Dialogue with Ivan Tsarevich00:01:04
    1-028-015Intercession of the Princesses00:00:52
    1-029-016Appearance of the Firebird00:00:35
    1-030-017Dance of Kashchel's Retinue00:00:52
    1-031-018Infernal Dance00:04:40
    1-032-019The Firebird's Lullaby00:02:32
    1-033-020Kashchel's Awakening00:00:55
    1-034-021Kashchel's Death-Eclipse00:01:01
    1-035-022General Thanksgiving00:02:45
    2-001Petruchka (Ballett) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Mackerras, Charles Sir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Symphony Orchestra
    2-001-001Tableau 1: Shrove-tide Fair00:10:08
    2-002-002Tableau 2: Petruchka's Room00:04:13
    2-003-003Tableau 3: The Moor's Room00:06:36
    2-004-004Tableau 4: Shrove-tide Fair00:13:27
    2-005Apollon Musagete (Ballett) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Lubbock, John
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square
    2-005-001Naissance d'Apollon (Szene 1)00:08:02
    2-006-002Variation d'Apollon (Szene 2)00:04:38
    2-007-003Pas d'action00:01:30
    2-008-004Variation de Calliope00:01:15
    2-009-005Variation de Polymnie00:01:36
    2-010-006Variation de Terpsichore00:02:24
    2-011-007Variation d'Apollon00:01:11
    2-012-008Pas de Deux00:02:38

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