Le Sacre Du Printemps / Apollon

von Strawinsky, Igor | Rattle, Simon / BP
erschienen am 22.03.2013

Le Sacre Du Printemps / Apollon
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    1-001Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): I Introduction / IKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Rattle, Simon Sir
    1-001-001Introduction (1. Teil: L'Adoration de la terre)00:03:23
    1-002Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): II Les Augures priSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:21
    1-002-002Les Augures printaniers (Augurs of spring)00:01:21
    1-003Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): III Danses des adoSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:53
    1-003-003Danses des adolescentes (Dances of the young girls)00:01:53
    1-004Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): IV Jeu du rapt / RSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:18
    1-004-004Jeu du rapt (Ritual of abduction)00:01:18
    1-005Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): V Rondes printanièSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:35
    1-005-005Rondes printanières (Spring rounds)00:03:35
    1-006Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): VI Jeux des citésSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:52
    1-006-006Jeux des cités rivales (Ritual of the rival tribes)00:01:52
    1-007Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): VII Cortège du sagSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:00:41
    1-007-007Cortège du sage (Procession of the sage)00:00:41
    1-008Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): VIII Le Sage / TheSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:00:23
    1-008-008Le sage (The sage)00:00:23
    1-009Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part I: L'Adoration de la Terre (Adoration of the Earth): IX Danse de la terSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:09
    1-009-009Danse de la terre (Dance of the earth)00:01:11
    1-010Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): I Introduction / IntroductionSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:04:34
    1-010-010Introduction (2. Teil)00:04:34
    1-011Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): II Cercles mystérieux des adolescentsSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:08
    1-011-011Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes (Mystic circles of the young girls)00:03:08
    1-012Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): III Glorification de l'élue / GlorifiSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:36
    1-012-012Glorification de l'élue (Glorification of the Chosen One)00:01:36
    1-013Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): IV Evocation des ancêtres / EvocationSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:00:41
    1-013-013Évocation des ancêtres (Evocation of the ancestors)00:00:41
    1-014Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): V Action rituelle des ancêtres / RituSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:34
    1-014-014Action rituelle des ancêtres (Ritual action of the ancestors)00:03:34
    1-015Le Sacre du Printemps / The Rite of Spring, Part II: La Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): VI Danse sacrale (L'Elue) / SacrificiSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:04:45
    1-015-015Danse sacrale: L'Élue (Sacrificial dance: The Chosen One)00:04:54
    1-016Symphonies of Wind InstrumentsKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Rattle, Simon Sir
    1-017Apollon Musagète, First tableau: Prologue: The birth of ApolloKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Rattle, Simon Sir
    1-017-001Naissance d'Apollon (The birth of Apollo): Largo - Allegretto - Tempo 1 (1. Teil)00:05:29
    1-018Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Variation of Apollo (Apollo and the three Muses)Sir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:05
    1-018-002Variation d'Apollon: Apollon et les muses (2. Teil)00:03:05
    1-019Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Pas d'action (Apollo and the three Muses)Sir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:04:25
    1-019-003Pas d'action: Apollon et les trois muses00:04:25
    1-020Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Variation of Calliope (the Alexandrine)Sir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:32
    1-020-004Variation de Calliope (l'Alexandrin): Allegretto00:01:32
    1-021Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Variation of PolyhymniaSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:13
    1-021-005Variation de Polymnie: Allegro00:01:13
    1-022Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Variation of TerpsichoreSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:01:41
    1-022-006Variation de Terpsichore: Allegretto00:01:41
    1-023Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Second variation of ApolloSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:02:40
    1-023-007Variation d'Apollon: Lento00:02:40
    1-024Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: Pas de deux (Apollo and Terpsichore)Sir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:59
    1-024-008Pas de deux (Apollon et Terpsichore): Adagio00:03:59
    1-025Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: CodaSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:31
    1-025-009Coda (Apollon et les muses): Vivo - Tempo sostenuto - Agitato00:03:31
    1-026Apollon Musagète, Second tableau: ApotheosisSir Simon Rattle/Berliner Philharmoniker00:03:51
    1-026-010Apothéose: Largo e tranquillo00:03:51

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