Boris Godunow

von Mussorgsky, Modest Peter | Tsymbalyuk / Paster / Kares / Skorokhodow / Nagano / +
erschienen am 11.09.2019

Boris Godunow
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38,99 €
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    1-001Boris Godunow (Oper in 4 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Mussorgsky, ModestSopran: Husáhr, Hanna
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Nagano, Kent
    1-001-001What's up with you? (1. Szene)00:05:36
    1-002-002For whom do you desert us?00:01:24
    1-003-003True-believers! The boyar is steadfast00:02:35
    1-004-004Glory to thee, Almighty Creator00:06:44
    1-005-005Long live Tsar Boris Feodorovich (2. Szene)00:04:21
    1-006-006My soul is grieving00:02:15
    1-007-007Glory! Glory! Glory!00:01:28
    1-008-008One more, one final tale (3. Szene)00:04:24
    1-009-009That deram once more!00:01:44
    1-010-010You have been awake and writing all night00:06:58
    1-011-011Good father, I have often wanted00:05:16
    1-012-012It's ringing for matins00:02:58
    1-013-013What can I offer you, reverend fathers? (4. Szene)00:02:14
    1-014-014Once upon a time in the city of Kazan00:02:00
    1-015-015Why aren't you singing?00:04:37
    1-016-016He rides on...00:03:42
    1-017-017I can read00:03:59
    2-001-018My beloved bridegroom (5. Szene)00:02:39
    2-002-019Enough, my Tsarevna00:05:28
    2-003-020I've achieved the highest power00:04:17
    2-004-021What do you want?00:04:31
    2-005-022But no! Wait, wait a moment00:03:02
    2-006-023Death does not frighten me00:04:44
    2-007-024Is the mass over? (6. Szene)00:03:44
    2-008-025Trrr... Tin hat00:04:10
    2-009-026Why is he crying?00:03:25
    2-010-027Noble Boyars! (7. Szene)00:02:48
    2-011-028Well then, let us now vote00:02:26
    2-012-029A pity that Prince Shuisky is not there00:03:27
    2-013-030Begone! Begone!00:02:53
    2-014-031A humble monk00:02:51
    2-015-032Once, deep in sleep00:02:24
    2-016-033Leave us... go away, everyone!00:04:04
    2-017-034O Lord! Lord! Look down00:05:48

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