Calypso Craze

von Various
erschienen am 29.08.2014

Calypso Craze
Zum Preis von
156,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
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Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

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Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

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    1-001Marry An Ugly WomanLion, The00:04:18
    1-002Edward The VIIICaresser, The00:05:03
    1-003Roosevelt In TrinidadAtilla The Hun00:03:51
    1-004Guests Of Rudy ValleeLion, The / Atilla The Hun00:04:10
    1-005MatildaKing Radio00:04:03
    1-006He Had It ComingHoudini, Wilmoth00:04:06
    1-007Sing a tropical songAndrews Sisters, The00:04:08
    1-008Rum And Coca-ColaAndrews Sisters, The00:05:07
    1-009Scandal In The FamilySir Lancelot00:05:02
    1-010The Century Of The Common ManSir Lancelot00:02:32
    1-011Old Lady With A Rolling PinSir Lancelot00:04:05
    1-012Mary AnnLord Invader / Armando Castro & Joe00:03:58
    1-013Calypsonian InvasionDuke Of Iron, The00:05:22
    1-014Jackie RobinsonLord Invader00:03:59
    1-015Run JoeJordan, Louis00:05:21
    1-016Stone Cold Dead In The Market (He Had It Coming)Fitzgerald, Ella & Jordan, Louis00:04:01
    1-017Cab CallowayMacBeth The Great00:05:16
    1-018Cold In De WinterThomas, Lloyd00:04:14
    1-019Is She Is, Or Is She Ain'tCharmer, The00:03:47
    1-020His Feet Too Big For De BedKenton, Stan & Christy, June00:03:33
    1-021Somebody bad stole de wedding bellKitt, Eartha00:04:05
    1-022Calypso bluesCole, Nat King00:05:00
    1-023Last TrainDuke Of Iron, The00:05:06
    1-024Labor Day Carnival (Jump In The Line)Lord Invader00:02:39
    1-025Chicago, ChicagoLord Invader00:05:05
    1-026ParakeetsDuke Of Iron, The00:05:03
    1-027Prisoner Arise (Prizonaire Levé)Duke Of Iron, The00:03:43
    1-028Hurricane JanetLord Christo00:05:07
    1-029Big BambooMighty Panter, The00:07:00
    1-030Hacienda Hotel Radio AdvertisementSir Lancelot00:01:48
    2-001Man smart (Woman smarter)Belafonte, Harry00:03:56
    2-002MatildaBelafonte, Harry00:03:50
    2-003Hold' em joeBelafonte, Harry00:03:57
    2-004Kalenda Rock (Mourning Song)Belafonte, Harry00:05:22
    2-005Man PiabaBelafonte, Harry00:05:31
    2-006Jump Down, Spin AroundBelafonte, Harry00:03:21
    2-007Banana boat songBelafonte, Harry00:05:08
    2-008Jamaica FarewellBelafonte, Harry00:05:04
    2-009Brown Skin GirlBelafonte, Harry00:04:05
    2-010Melda MassiBelafonte, Harry00:05:14
    2-011Come Back LizaBelafonte, Harry00:05:07
    2-012Mary's Boy ChildBelafonte, Harry00:04:19
    2-013Mama Look A' Boo BooBelafonte, Harry00:05:00
    2-014Cocoanut WomanBelafonte, Harry00:05:01
    2-015Island In The SunBelafonte, Harry00:04:07
    2-016Scratch, ScratchBelafonte, Harry00:04:03
    2-017Don't Ever Love MeBelafonte, Harry00:04:07
    2-018Cordelia BrownBelafonte, Harry00:04:15
    2-019Haiti CherieBelafonte, Harry00:05:17
    2-020Judy DrowndedBelafonte, Harry00:05:28
    2-021Lead Man HollerBelafonte, Harry00:06:55
    2-022Sweetheart From VenezuelaBelafonte, Harry00:05:31
    2-023GloriaBelafonte, Harry00:05:10
    2-024MonkeyBelafonte, Harry00:06:40
    2-025ReincarnationBelafonte, Harry00:05:24
    2-026Tongue Tie BabyBelafonte, Harry00:06:50
    2-027Don't stop the carnivalBelafonte, Harry00:08:22
    3-001The banana boat songTarriers, The00:04:15
    3-002MarianneGilkyson, Terry & The Easy Riders00:03:43
    3-003MarianneHilltoppers, The00:03:35
    3-004Calypso MelodyRose, David00:03:58
    3-005In De Banana TreeMills Brothers, The00:03:51
    3-006Calypso GalHayman, Richard00:03:36
    3-007Bahama MamaFour Aces, The / Alberts, Al00:04:18
    3-008Curiosity CalypsoGilbert, Ray00:03:45
    3-009MangosClooney, Rosemary & Comstock, Frank00:03:57
    3-010Yellow BirdLuboff, Norman Choir00:05:23
    3-011Calypso HoorayAstaire, Fred00:03:29
    3-012Calypso JoeJohnson, Ray00:03:54
    3-013Freddy's New CalypsoMitchell, Freddie00:04:07
    3-014When Rock And Roll Come To TrinidadCole, Nat King00:03:41
    3-015Dancing To The Rock And Rolla (Rum And Coca Cola)Fontane Sisters, The00:03:30
    3-016Calypso Rock And RollDeeps, The00:03:44
    3-017Calypso RockDay, Dave & Redcoats, The00:03:32
    3-018Calypso RockPedicin, Mike Quintet00:04:02
    3-019Waikiki FarewellWilson, Stan00:04:02
    3-020(Tell De Batter To) Hit De Long BallFour Happy Fellas00:03:42
    3-021Number OneSimpson, Hoke00:03:41
    3-022Zombie jamboreeKingston Trio, The00:04:16
    3-023Calypso sweetheartSnow, Hank00:03:40
    3-024The Banana Boat SongJohnnie & Jack00:03:33
    3-025Let's Go CalypsoDraper, Rusty00:03:38
    3-026My Man True To MeNita, Rita & Ruby00:03:26
    3-027Banana Boat (Day-O)Freberg, Stan00:05:28
    3-028The Banana Boat Story (The Banana Boat Song)Buchanan & Goodman00:03:22
    3-029High Society CalypsoArmstrong, Louis00:03:33
    3-030Take Me, Take MeScott, Hazel00:03:48
    3-031Don't stop the carnivalRollins, Sonny00:10:08
    3-032The Safety Song (Make The Last One For The Road A Cup Of Coffee)Conway, Julie00:04:03
    4-001Tastes Like StrawberriesDesmond, Johnny00:03:49
    4-002Rock Calypso JoeTreniers, The00:03:42
    4-003Run JoeAngelou, Maya00:03:47
    4-004Donkey CityAngelou, Maya00:04:18
    4-005Scandal In The FamilyAngelou, Maya00:04:01
    4-006Devil Is A WomanJeffries, Herb00:05:14
    4-007The Naughty Little FleaLord Flea & His Calypsonians00:03:39
    4-008Shake Shake SenoraLord Flea & His Calypsonians00:03:47
    4-009Calypso Be BopLord Flea & His Calypsonians00:03:33
    4-010Donkey BrayLord Flea00:03:35
    4-011Calypso RockKaye, Mary Trio00:03:30
    4-012Fire down belowSouthern, Jeri00:03:57
    4-013What Is This Generation Coming To?Mitchum, Robert00:04:00
    4-014Jean And DinahMitchum, Robert00:04:02
    4-015Don't Hurry Worry MeGilkyson, Terry & The Easy Riders00:03:32
    4-016Go, Go, Calypso!Doren, Mamie Van00:03:52
    4-017TechniqueBoone, Pat00:03:48
    4-018Mama Look A Booboo (Boo Boo Man)Calypso Carnival / King Flash00:03:53
    4-019Two Ladies In De Shade Of De Banana TreeMosier, Enid & Her Trinidad Steel Band00:03:30
    4-020Boys DaysMosier, Enid & Her Trinidad Steel Band00:05:09
    4-021Yankee DollarPremice, Josephine00:03:47
    4-022Leave De Atom AlonePremice, Josephine00:05:33
    4-023The Bottle ImpHolder, Geoffrey00:04:18
    4-024Sugar CaneHolder, Geoffrey00:03:47
    4-025Stew Pig KnucklesCalypso MacNiles00:05:35
    4-026Wedding Bell Calypso (Man Talk Too Much)Parker, Fess00:04:02
    4-027Calypso DanceAnthony, Ray00:03:55
    4-028LimboDiamonds, The00:03:53
    4-029LimboMozian, Roger King & El Boy00:04:00
    4-030ChalypsoDuke, Billy & His Dukes00:03:34
    5-001Chocolate Whiskey And Vanilla GinRos, Edmundo00:03:46
    5-002Day Dah Light (Banana Loaders' Song)Connor, Edric00:03:21
    5-003London is the place for meLord Kitchener00:03:59
    5-004Kitch (Small Comb, Scratch Me Head)Lord Kitchener00:05:12
    5-005Food From The West IndiesLord Kitchener00:04:05
    5-006The underground trainLord Kitchener00:04:10
    5-007Tick! Tick! (The Story Of The Lost Watch)Lion, The00:04:12
    5-008Victory test matchLord Beginner00:04:15
    5-009John GoddardLord Beginner00:04:15
    5-010Manchester United CalypsoConnor, Edric00:04:07
    5-011Kitch's bebop calypsoLord Kitchener00:03:58
    5-012Is troubleLord Kitchener00:04:11
    5-013Chinese ChildrenMighty Terror00:04:19
    5-014Patricia Gone With MillicentMighty Terror00:04:12
    5-015No Carnival In BritainMighty Terror00:05:01
    5-016Brown Skin GalMighty Terror00:03:54
    5-017Prince RainerLord Invader00:05:20
    5-018My Experience On The ReeperbahnLord Invader00:03:54
    5-019Woman Is A Man's Best FriendBrowne, George Young Tiger00:04:00
    5-020LiberiaBliff Radie Byne00:03:41
    5-021Last Train To San FernandoDuncan, Johnny & His Bluegrass Boys00:03:47
    5-022Sweetie CharlieHolder, Frank00:03:29
    5-023Coffee Bar CalypsoDaniels, Maxine00:03:54
    5-024Gossip CalypsoCribbens, Bernard00:03:27
    5-025Shame And Scandal In The FamilyPercival, Lance00:03:38
    6-001Atomic NightmareTalbot Brothers00:03:54
    6-002Don't You Call Me Boo BooTalbot Brothers00:04:07
    6-003Collegiate InvasionBean, Sidney & Fough, Eddie00:03:50
    6-004Green TicketSmith, Hubert00:03:47
    6-005Right Side Of The RoadSmith, Hubert & His Coral Islanders00:02:37
    6-006Don't Touch Me TomatoGoombay Kings00:03:37
    6-007Calypso IslandEloise Trio, The00:05:16
    6-008Run come see JerusalemBlind Blake00:04:14
    6-009Delia goneBlind Blake00:04:09
    6-010Hold 'Em JoeLord Foodoos & His Calypso Band00:03:50
    6-011Calypso Cha Cha ChaLasher, Count / His Calypsonian00:04:10
    6-012Don't Blame It On ElvisFabulous McClevertys, The00:03:52
    6-013I Like IkeMighty Zebra00:05:00
    6-014Scandal In St. ThomasMighty Zebra00:04:15
    6-015Vim, Vigor And VitalityLa Motta Brothers, The & The Virgin Islanders00:03:45
    6-016Calypso JoeAmando, Luis00:03:20
    6-017Calypso ManPrado, Perez & Jays, The00:03:30
    6-018Jack, Jack, JackEl Boy00:02:33
    6-019Calypso BluesPuente, Tito / Versatones, The00:04:15
    6-020MatildaCuarteto D'Aida00:04:00
    6-021Weekend NewsLord Caresser00:02:36
    6-022Atomic EnergyLord Caresser00:04:14
    6-023Nescafe CalypsoWoiski, Max00:08:21
    6-024LimboNina & Frederik00:02:27
    6-025RamadinAll Stell [sic] Percussion Band Of Trinidad [TASPO]00:03:58
    6-026Ugly Girls Have Pretty NamesLa Viny, Geraldo & Clemendore, Joseph Cobra Man00:05:32
    6-027Mama Ist Aus KubaBabs, Alice00:04:16
    6-028Banana Boat SongHamamura, Michiko00:05:03
    6-029If you wanna be happySoul, Jimmy00:03:40

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