Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin

von Wilson, Brian
erschienen am 17.09.2010

Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin
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    1-001Rhapsody in blue (Intro)Wilson, Brian
    1-002The like in I love youWilson, Brian
    1-003MedleyWilson, Brian
    1-003-001SummertimeWilson, Brian
    1-003-002I loves you, PorgyWilson, Brian
    1-003-003I got plenty o' nuttin'Wilson, Brian
    1-003-004It ain't necessarily soWilson, Brian
    1-004'S wonderfulWilson, Brian
    2-001They can't take that away from meWilson, Brian
    2-002Love is here to stayWilson, Brian
    2-003I've got a crush on youWilson, Brian
    2-004I got rhythmWilson, Brian
    2-005Someone to watch over meWilson, Brian
    2-006Nothing but loveWilson, Brian
    2-007Rhapsody in blue (Reprise)Wilson, Brian

    Partner bei Idealo.de Geizhals AT Unterhaltungselektronik auf Schottenland.de