Brilliant thieves

von Fury in the Slaughterhouse
erschienen am 24.02.1997

Brilliant thieves
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    1-001Intro (Excerpt From "Klezmer Dreams")Fury in the Slaughterhouse00:00:59
    1-002Bring Me Home (Album Version)Fury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:46
    1-003Riding On A Dead HorseFury in the Slaughterhouse00:05:09
    1-004Turn AroundFury in the Slaughterhouse00:04:21
    1-005Don't Slow DownFury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:50
    1-006Around My World In 80 DaysFury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:22
    1-007Afternoon In The CemeteryFury in the Slaughterhouse00:04:10
    1-008In Love With A ClownFury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:58
    1-009Enough Is Not EnoughFury in the Slaughterhouse00:04:32
    1-010Brilliant ThievesFury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:09
    1-011Bar Des BoulistesFury in the Slaughterhouse00:02:48
    1-012My Little WorldFury in the Slaughterhouse00:02:51
    1-013Gero Hat GeburtstagFury in the Slaughterhouse00:00:20
    1-014Ship Of FoolsFury in the Slaughterhouse00:03:05
    1-015Out On The WeekendFury in the Slaughterhouse00:04:34

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