HLD 7565

Britten: The Prince of the Pagodas

von Britten, Benjamin | Hallé Orchestra / Wong, Kahchun
erschienen am 01.11.2024

Britten: The Prince of the Pagodas
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    1-001The Prince of the Pagodas op. 57 (Der Prinz der Pagoden, Ballett)Komponist: Britten, BenjaminDirigent / Band Leader: Wong, Kahchun
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Hallé Orchestra
    1-002-002The palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom (1. Akt)00:02:00
    1-004-004Entry of the Pages00:01:52
    1-005-005Variation of the King of the North00:01:35
    1-006-006Variation of the King of the East00:02:44
    1-007-007Variation of the King of the West00:01:07
    1-008-008Variation of the King of the South00:02:44
    1-009-009Variation of the Princess Belle Épine00:03:42
    1-010-010Variation of Princess Belle Rose - Pas de deux00:06:01
    1-011-011The Kings kneel before Belle Rose00:04:48
    1-012-012The rage of the Kings00:02:10
    1-013-013Four green frogs with huge wings enter, bearing a large emerald casket00:03:29
    1-014-014The strange journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land (2. Akt)00:01:42
    1-016-016Belle Rose, wearing her star dress, is borne in by the Frogs00:00:50
    1-017-017Entrée: Sea horses, Fish creatures and Waves00:02:03
    1-018-018Variation: Sea horses00:01:37
    1-019-019Variation: Fish creatures00:03:42
    1-020-020Coda: Sea horses, Fish creatures and Waves00:02:48
    1-021-021Pas de deux: Male and Female Flame00:01:27
    1-022-022Variation: Male Flame00:01:17
    1-023-023Variation: Female Flame00:01:25
    1-024-024Coda: Male and Female Flames and Corps de Ballet of Flames00:03:03
    2-001-025The arrival and adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas00:02:20
    2-002-026The Pagodas revolve like merry-go-rounds00:08:28
    2-003-027Pas de deux: The Prince and Belle Rose00:08:27
    2-004-028The palace of the Middle Kingdom: Belle Épine is now princess (3. Akt)00:00:21
    2-005-029Belle Épine and the Dwarf frighten the Courtiers00:03:45
    2-006-030The Emperor is carried on in a cage00:07:00
    2-007-031The Pagoda palace00:05:06
    2-008-032Pas de six: Entrée00:02:12
    2-009-033Variation 1: Pas de deux00:03:45
    2-010-034Variation 2: Girl's solo00:01:05
    2-011-035Variation 3: Boy's solo00:01:10
    2-012-036Pas de trois00:02:03
    2-014-038Pas de caractère: The Emperor and the Fool00:01:59
    2-015-039Pas de deux: Belle Rose and the Prince of the Pagodas00:04:24
    2-016-040Variation 2: The Prince00:01:10
    2-017-041Variation: Belle Rose00:02:39
    2-019-043Boys of the Pas de six00:00:33
    2-020-044The Emperor and the Fool00:00:48
    2-021-045Girls of the Pas de six00:00:54
    2-022-046The Prince of the Pagodas00:00:20
    2-023-047Belle Rose00:00:22

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