0219831 EMU

This Strange Engine (Deluxe Edition 4CD+BD)

von Marillion
erschienen am 22.11.2024

This Strange Engine (Deluxe Edition 4CD+BD)
Zum Preis von
45,99 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
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    1-001Man Of A Thousand Faces (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:07:33
    1-002One Fine Day (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:05:31
    1-00380 Days (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:04:59
    1-004Estonia (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:07:57
    1-005Memory Of Water (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:03:01
    1-006An Accidental Man (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:06:12
    1-007Hope For The Future (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:05:10
    1-008This Strange Engine (Album Remix 2024)Marillion00:15:37
    2-001Intro (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:01:13
    2-002Estonia (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:08:15
    2-003Lap Of Luxury (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:05:36
    2-004Hard As Love (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:07:02
    2-00580 Days (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:05:16
    2-006Warm Wet Circles (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:10:17
    2-007Man Of A Thousand Faces (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:07:44
    2-008Seasons End (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:07:56
    3-001This Town (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:11:37
    3-002Slainthe Mhath (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:05:35
    3-003King (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:07:38
    3-004Bass Solo (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:02:08
    3-005This Strange Engine (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:18:26
    3-006Easter (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:06:14
    3-007White Russian (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:06:12
    3-008Garden Party (Live In Grand Rapids 1997)Marillion00:07:33
    4-001Man Of A Thousand Faces (Radio Edit)Marillion00:03:37
    4-002Beautiful (Unplugged Version)Marillion00:04:50
    4-003Made Again (Unplugged Version)Marillion00:05:15
    4-004Man Of A Thousand Faces (Extended Version)Marillion00:08:19
    4-005This Strange Engine (Live In Paris)Marillion00:16:10
    4-006Bell In The Sea (Live In Paris)Marillion00:04:18
    4-00780 Days (Racker Acoustic Session)Marillion00:04:46
    4-008Estonia (Racker Acoustic Session)Marillion00:06:42
    4-009Man Of A Thousand Faces (Racker Acoustic Session)Marillion00:04:08
    4-010Memory Of Water (Big Beat Mix)Marillion00:08:05
    5-001The Monkees Song (Man Of A Thousand Faces)Marillion
    5-002Man Of A Thousand Faces (Early Version - July 1996)Marillion
    5-003Man Of A Thousand Faces (Backing Track - September 1996)Marillion
    5-004One Fine Day (Original Idea - July 1996)Marillion
    5-005One Fine Day (Early Version - July 1996)Marillion
    5-006One Fine Day (Demo - August 1996)Marillion
    5-007Alternate Days (August 1996)Marillion
    5-00880 Days (Early Version - August 1996)Marillion
    5-00980 Days (Backing Track - September 1996)Marillion
    5-010Estonia (Early Version - August 1996)Marillion
    5-011Estonia (In Development - August 1996)Marillion
    5-012Estonia (Backing Track - September 1996)Marillion
    5-013Memory Of Water (H And Mark Evening Writing Session)Marillion
    5-014An Accidental Jam (September 1994)Marillion
    5-015An Accidental Jam (Early Version - August 1996)Marillion
    5-016An Accidental Jam (Demo - August 1996)Marillion
    5-017Hope For An Intro (August 1996)Marillion
    5-018Hope For A Middle 8 - (August 1996)Marillion
    5-019Hope For The Future (Demo - August 1996)Marillion
    5-020This Early EngineMarillion
    5-021This Developing EngineMarillion
    5-022Jean Michel ZeppelinMarillion
    5-023Accidental Man (Aos Version)Marillion
    5-024This Strange Engine (Documentary Film)Marillion
    5-025Man Of A Thousand Faces (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-026Lap Of Luxury (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-027Kayleigh (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-028Lavender (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-029Afraid Of Sunlight (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-03080 Days (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-031This Strange Engine (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-032Hooks In You (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-033Cover My Eyes (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-034Slainte Mhath (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-035The Uninvited Guest (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-036King (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-037An Accidental Man (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-038The Space (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-039No One Can (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-040Garden Party (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-041Freaks (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-042Easter (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-043One Fine Day (Live In Utrecht - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands 29th May 97)Marillion
    5-044Man Of A Thousand Faces (Official Video)Marillion
    5-045Estonia (With Friends From The Orchestra Version)Marillion

    Partner bei Idealo.de Geizhals AT Unterhaltungselektronik auf Schottenland.de