I 894654

Two Sides Of Moon -

von Moon, Keith
erschienen am 03.07.2008

Two Sides Of Moon -
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    1-001Crazy like a fox (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:02:07
    1-001-001Crazy like a foxMoon, Keith00:02:07
    1-002The original 1975 album: Solid gold (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:02:48
    1-002-002Solid goldMoon, Keith00:02:48
    1-003The original 1975 album: Don't worry baby (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:32
    1-003-003Don't worry babyMoon, Keith00:03:32
    1-004The original 1975 album: One night stand (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:37
    1-004-004One night standMoon, Keith00:03:37
    1-005The original 1975 album: The kids are alright (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:04
    1-005-005The kids are alrightMoon, Keith00:03:04
    1-006The original 1975 album: Move over Ms. L. (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:11
    1-006-006Move over Ms. L.Moon, Keith00:03:11
    1-007The original 1975 album: Teenage idol (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:02:20
    1-007-007Teenage idolMoon, Keith00:02:20
    1-008The original 1975 album: Back door Sally (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:02:32
    1-008-008Back door SallyMoon, Keith00:02:32
    1-009The original 1975 album: In my life (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:02:44
    1-009-009In my lifeMoon, Keith00:02:44
    1-010The original 1975 album: Together (from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:04
    1-010-010TogetherMoon, Keith00:03:04
    1-011Lies (outtake from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:16
    1-011-001LiesMoon, Keith00:03:16
    1-012I don't suppose (outtake from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:04:04
    1-012-002I don't supposeMoon, Keith00:04:04
    1-013Hot Rod queen (outtake from The original 1975 album)Moon, Keith00:03:45
    1-013-003Hot Rod queenMoon, Keith00:03:45
    1-014Don't worry baby (The original 1974 US single)Moon, Keith00:03:12
    1-014-001Don't worry babyMoon, Keith00:03:12
    1-015Teenage idol (The original 1974 US single)Moon, Keith00:02:16
    1-015-002Teenage idolMoon, Keith00:02:16
    1-016Back door Sally (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:02:45
    1-016-001Back door SallyMoon, Keith00:02:45
    1-017One night stand (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:03:38
    1-017-002One night standMoon, Keith00:03:38
    1-018Crazy like a fox (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:02:43
    1-018-003Crazy like a foxMoon, Keith00:02:43
    1-019In my life (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:02:44
    1-019-004In my lifeMoon, Keith00:02:44
    1-020Move over Ms. L (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:03:10
    1-020-005Move over Ms. LMoon, Keith00:03:10
    1-021Solid gold (Mal Evans Mix)Moon, Keith00:02:55
    1-021-006Solid goldMoon, Keith00:02:55
    1-022We wish you a merry Xmas (unreleased Xmas '74 single)Moon, Keith00:01:18
    1-022-001We wish you a merry XmasMoon, Keith00:01:18
    1-023Do me good (1975 Clover Masters)Moon, Keith00:02:44
    1-023-001Do me goodMoon, Keith00:02:44
    1-024Real emotion (1975 Clover Masters)Moon, Keith00:02:58
    1-024-002Real emotionMoon, Keith00:02:58
    1-025Naked man (1975 Clover Masters)Moon, Keith00:03:20
    1-025-003Naked manMoon, Keith00:03:20
    2-001Together (26/11/74 Session dialogue #1) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith / Starr, Ringo00:02:01
    2-001-001Keith & Ringo 'Together' (Session dialogue #1 (26/11/74))Moon, Keith00:02:01
    2-002Don't worry baby (Take 1 John Sebastian guide vocal) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:03:01
    2-002-002Don't worry baby (Take 1 - John Sebastian guide vocal)Moon, Keith00:03:01
    2-003Don't worry baby (Keith lead vocal from track 21) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:04:24
    2-003-003Don't worry baby (Keith lead vocal from track 21)Moon, Keith00:04:24
    2-004Teenage idol (21/8/74 Take 1 & lead vocal/ 11/9/74 guitar from track 5) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:03:14
    2-004-004Teenage idol (Take ! - 21/8/74 & lead vocal/ guitar from track 5 - 11/9/74)Moon, Keith00:03:14
    2-005Crazy like a fox (13/9/74 intro & chat from takes 4-6) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:02:55
    2-005-005Crazy like a fox (13/9/74 - intro & chat from takes 4-6)Moon, Keith00:02:55
    2-006Solid gold (11/9/74 intro from track 10 & vocal from track 12) (from " (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:02:58
    2-006-006Solid gold (11/9/74 - intro from track 10 & vocal from track 12)Moon, Keith00:02:58
    2-007A touch of Moon madness (24/9/74) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:00:17
    2-007-007A touch of Moon madness (24/9/74)Moon, Keith00:00:17
    2-008Move over Ms. L (27/9/74 Take 9 - backing track) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:04:00
    2-008-008Move over Ms. L (Take 9 - backing track - 27/9/74)Moon, Keith00:04:00
    2-009Lies (4/10/74 - takes 3-9) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:05:00
    2-009-009Lies (4/10/74 - takes 3-9)Moon, Keith00:05:00
    2-010My generation (24/9/74) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:00:59
    2-010-010My generation (24/9/74)Moon, Keith00:00:59
    2-011The kids are alright (24/9/74) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:03:47
    2-011-011The kids are alright (24/9/74)Moon, Keith00:03:47
    2-012Together (26/11/74 Session dialogue #2) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith / Starr, Ringo00:00:15
    2-012-012Keith & Ringo 'Together' (Session dialogue #2 (26/11/74))Moon, Keith00:00:15
    2-013Together (8/11/74 - take 1) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:03:22
    2-013-013Together (8/11/74 - take 1)Moon, Keith00:03:22
    2-014Together (26/11/74 Keith & Ringo vocals from tracks 9 & 10) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith / Starr, Ringo00:00:52
    2-014-014Together (26/11/74 -Keith & Ringo vocals from tracks 9 & 10)Moon, Keith00:00:52
    2-015Together (26/11/74 Harrry Nilson ending tag) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:00:52
    2-015-015Together (26/11/74 - Harrry Nilson ending tag)Moon, Keith00:00:52
    2-016I'm not angry (4/10/74 edit of takes 9 & 10) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:02:47
    2-016-016I'm not angry (4/10/74 - edit of takes 9 & 10)Moon, Keith00:02:47
    2-017Hot Rod queen (31/8/74 take 1 - backing track) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:03:13
    2-017-017Hot Rod queen (31/8/74 take 1 - backing track)Moon, Keith00:03:13
    2-018Solid gold (11/9/74 Ad-libs #1 - outro from track 13) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:00:34
    2-018-018Solid gold (Ad-libs #1 (11/9/74 - outro from track 13))Moon, Keith00:00:34
    2-019Teenage idol (11/9/74 Dick Dale overubbing session) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:02:22
    2-019-019Teenage idol (11/9/ 74 - Dick Dale overubbing session)Moon, Keith00:02:22
    2-020Solid gold (Ad-libs #2 (11/9/74 - outro from track 14) (from "Studio sides of the Moon")Moon, Keith00:00:38
    2-020-020Solid gold (Ad-libs #2 (11/9/74 - outro from track 14))Moon, Keith00:00:38
    2-021Real emotion (26/8/75 - take 2) (from Colver Records, La.)Moon, Keith00:02:57
    2-021-001Real emotion (26/8/75 - take 2)Moon, Keith00:02:57
    2-022Ok Mr. Starkey (26/8/75 false start & chat from takes 3 & 4) (from Colver Records, La.)Moon, Keith00:01:02
    2-022-002'Ok Mr. Starkey (26/8/75 - false start & chat from takes 3 & 4)Moon, Keith00:01:02
    2-023Do me good (26/8/75 take 3) (from Colver Records, La.)Moon, Keith00:03:56
    2-023-003Do me good (26/8/75 - take 3)Moon, Keith00:03:56
    2-024Together (Again) (Record Plant 26/11/74)Moon, Keith / Starr, Ringo00:01:54
    2-024-001Keith & Ringo- 'Together (Again)' (Record Plant 26/11/74)Moon, Keith00:01:54
    2-025In my life (Record Plant 13/9/74 untracked)Moon, Keith00:08:12
    2-025-002In my life (Record Plant 13/9/74 - untracked)Moon, Keith00:08:12

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