The John Cranko Stuttgart Ballet Collection

von Tschaikowsky / Prokofieff / Scarlatti | Stuttgart Ballet
erschienen am 04.08.2023

The John Cranko Stuttgart Ballet Collection
Zum Preis von
69,00 €
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Karlsruhe: Büchertisch im Staatstheater

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    1-001VorspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:00:56
    1-002Eugen Onegin op. 71 (Ballett) (bearb. von Kurt-Heinz Stolze)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Tuggle, James
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): State Theatre Stuttgart Orchestra
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Stuttgart Ballet, The
    1-002-001Entrée (1. Akt)00:02:35
    1-003-002Dance of the village girls00:03:25
    1-004-003Entry Lensky and Onegin00:01:47
    1-005-004Variation Lensky00:01:55
    1-006-005Pas de deux Olga and Lensky00:03:40
    1-007-006Pas d'action00:00:41
    1-008-007Pas d'action Tatiana and Onegin00:01:36
    1-009-008Variation Onegin00:03:21
    1-010-009Finale Scene 1 (Entry of the village boys)00:03:45
    1-012-011Tatiana's bedroom00:04:47
    1-013-012Mirror-Pas de deux Tatiana and Onegin00:06:50
    1-014-013Tatiana's birthday (2. Akt)00:04:35
    1-016-015Pas d'action (Entry Prince Gremin)00:00:49
    1-017-016Card games00:02:36
    1-018-017Pas d'action00:00:20
    1-019-018Variation Tatiana00:01:59
    1-022-021Variation Lensky00:03:09
    1-023-022Pas de trois00:04:01
    1-024-023Grande Polonaise00:04:02
    1-025-024Pas d'action (entry Prince Gremin and Onegin, dream vision)00:02:50
    1-026-025Entry Tatiana and Prince Gremin, Pas de deux00:06:09
    1-027-026Pas d'action00:02:43
    1-029-028Finale (Pas de deux Tatiana and Onegin)00:06:56
    1-030Applaus - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:07:59
    2-001Set and costume designer Jürgen Rose on Onegin in conversation with Marcia Haydée and Reid Anderson, mod. by V. ArnoldKomponist: keine AngabenSprecher / Erzähler: Rose, Jürgen; Haydée, Marcia; Arnold, Vivien; Anderson, Reid01:42:00
    3-001Romeo und Julia op. 64a (Ballett)Komponist: Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Tuggle, James
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): State Theatre Stuttgart Orchestra
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Stuttgart Ballet, The
    3-001-001Introduction (1. Akt)00:02:17
    3-003-003The street awakens00:01:19
    3-004-004Morning dance00:02:00
    3-005-005The fight00:02:13
    3-006-006The Duke's command00:01:23
    3-008-008At the Capulet's00:00:30
    3-009-009The young Juliet00:03:16
    3-010-010Arrival of the guests00:03:02
    3-011-011Masks (Pas de trois Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio)00:02:46
    3-012-012Dance of the knights00:06:00
    3-013-013Variation Juliet00:02:43
    3-014-014Variation Mercutio00:02:29
    3-015-015Madrigal (Pas de deux Romeo and Juliet)00:03:45
    3-016-016Tybalt recognizes Romeo00:01:11
    3-017-017Departure of the guests00:03:28
    3-018-018Balcony scene00:03:31
    3-019-019Variation Romeo00:01:06
    3-020-020Pas de deux Romeo and Juliet00:05:29
    3-021-021Folk dance (2. Akt)00:03:21
    3-022-022Romeo and Mercutio00:01:24
    3-023-023Dance of the three coupples00:02:59
    3-024-024Carnival dancers00:02:34
    3-025-025The nurse00:01:00
    3-026-026The nurse and Romeo00:00:56
    3-028-028Romeo and Juliet get married00:03:15
    3-029-029The carnival continues00:02:39
    3-030-030Meeting of Tybalt and Mercutio00:01:50
    3-031-031The duel00:01:23
    3-032-032Mercutio's death00:03:17
    3-033-033Romeo avenges Mercutio00:01:58
    3-035-035Introduction (3. Akt)00:01:03
    3-036-036Romeo and Juliet in Juliet's bedroom00:01:07
    3-037-037Farewell before parting00:05:15
    3-038-038The nurse00:01:45
    3-039-039Juliet refuses to marry Paris00:02:27
    3-041-041Juliet with Friar Laurence00:02:04
    3-043-043Juliet alone00:03:43
    3-045-045At Juliet's deathbed00:01:51
    3-046-046Juliet's funeral00:03:16
    3-047-047In the crypt00:06:45
    3-048Applaus - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:09:26
    4-001Marcia Haydée on Romeo and Juliet and her career with the Stuttgart Ballet. In conversation with Reid Anderson and...Komponist: keine AngabenSprecher / Erzähler: Haydée, Marcia; Detrich, Tamas; Arnold, Vivien; Anderson, Reid01:33:00
    5-001VorspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:03:25
    5-002Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung (Ballett)Komponist: Stolze, Kurt-HeinzDirigent / Band Leader: Heinz, Wolfgang
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): State Theatre Stuttgart Orchestra
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Stuttgart Ballet, The
    5-002-001The three suitors Hortensio, Gremio and Lucentio (1. Akt)00:03:20
    5-003-002Enter Katherina00:00:31
    5-004-003Solo Katherina00:01:36
    5-005-004Nocturnal turmoil00:02:34
    5-006-005In a tavern00:01:51
    5-007-006Solo Petruchio00:02:03
    5-008-007The ladies of the street00:02:16
    5-009-008The innkeeper00:03:00
    5-010-009Solo Bianca00:02:19
    5-011-010Katherina and Bianca argue00:01:11
    5-012-011Enter Petruchio and Suitors00:01:40
    5-013-012Pas de quatre Bianca and Suitors00:02:50
    5-014-013Gremio and Bianca00:01:57
    5-015-014Hortensio and Bianca00:02:01
    5-016-015Pas de deux Bianca and Lucentio00:02:45
    5-017-016Enter Katherina00:00:51
    5-018-017Pas de deux Katherina and Petruchio00:08:16
    5-019-018Enter wedding guests00:01:22
    5-020-019Pas de trois of the Suitors00:02:03
    5-021-020The wedding begins00:01:06
    5-022-021The gentlemen00:01:00
    5-023-022The bridesmaids and guests00:01:59
    5-024-023Solo Petruchio00:02:16
    5-025-024The marriage00:02:00
    5-026-025Departure Katherina and Petruchio00:01:30
    5-028-027The journey to Petruchio's house (2. Akt)00:01:46
    5-029-028The servants00:00:56
    5-030-029Enter Petruchio00:01:06
    5-031-030The dinner00:05:11
    5-032-0311st carnival scene00:00:27
    5-033-032Solo Lucentio00:01:57
    5-034-0332nd carnival scene00:02:00
    5-035-034Pas de deux Bianca and Lucentio00:06:51
    5-036-0353rd carnival scene00:01:19
    5-037-036Pas de deux Katherina and Petruchio00:07:09
    5-038-037The journey to Bianca's wedding00:02:01
    5-039-038Bianca's wedding00:01:46
    5-040-039Pas de quatre Ladies of the street, Hortensio and Gremio00:02:25
    5-041-040Enter Katherina and Petruchio00:00:42
    5-042-041Pas de six00:02:49
    5-043-042Lessons for the brides00:02:04
    5-044-043Pas de deux Katherina and Petruchio00:05:48
    5-046-045Solo Petruchio - Solo Katherina00:03:02
    5-047Applaus - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:07:42
    6-001A conversation about the origins and history of the ballet with Artistic Director Tamas Detrich, former Artistic...Komponist: keine AngabenSprecher / Erzähler: Heinz, Wolfgang; Detrich, Tamas; Arnold, Vivien; Anderson, Reid01:39:00
    7-001Of miracles and superheroes - The Stuttgart BalletKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben
    8-001Marcia Haydée - The seduction to danceKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben
    8-002Friedemann Vogel - Incarnation of danceKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben

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