Dido And Aeneas

von Purcell, Henry | Troyanos / Stilwell / Leppard / Engl
erschienen am 13.05.2002

Dido And Aeneas
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    1-001Dido & Aeneas : OvertureLeppard, Raymond00:02:21
    1-002Dido & Aeneas : Act I : Shake the cloud fom oof your brow (Belinda, choir)Leppard, Raymond00:01:10
    1-003Dido & Aeneas : Act I : Ah ! Ah! Ah! Belinda, I am press d (Dido)Leppard, Raymond00:04:22
    1-004Dido & Aeneas : Act I : Grief increase by concealing (Belinda, Dido, Choir, Second Woman)Leppard, Raymond00:03:17
    1-005Dido & Aeneas : Act I : Fear no danger to ensue (Belinda, second Woman)Leppard, Raymond00:01:40
    1-006Dido & Aeneas : Act I : See, see, your Royal Guest appears (Belinda, Aeneas, Choir)Leppard, Raymond00:04:38
    1-007Dido & Aeneas : Act I : La danse triomphanteLeppard, Raymond00:01:10
    1-008Dido & Aeneas : Act II : Prelude for the Witches - "Wayward sisters, you that fright" (Sorceress)Leppard, Raymond00:06:33
    1-009Dido & Aeneas : Act II : In your deep vaulted cellLeppard, Raymond00:02:16
    1-010Dido & Aeneas : Act II : Ritournelle - Thank to these lonesome vales (Belinda, choir)Leppard, Raymond00:02:29
    1-011Dido & Aeneas : Act II : Oft she visits (second woman)Leppard, Raymond00:02:12
    1-012Dido & Aeneas : Act II : Behold upon my bending spear (Aeneas, Dido, Belinda, choir)Leppard, Raymond00:01:35
    1-013Dido & Aeneas : Act II : Stay, Prince (Aeneas, spirit)Leppard, Raymond00:03:10
    1-014Dido & Aeneas : Act III : Praeludium - Come away (sailor, choir)Leppard, Raymond00:02:29
    1-015Dido & Aeneas : Act III : See, see (sorceress, first witch)Leppard, Raymond00:03:54
    1-016Dido & Aeneas : Act III : Your counsel all is urged in vain (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas)Leppard, Raymond00:05:08
    1-017Dido & Aeneas : Act III : Thy hand, Belinda (Dido, choir)Leppard, Raymond00:03:47

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