0000053 MET

Musical Genius Of Andrew Lloyd -

von Va - Musical Genius Of Andrew Ll
erschienen am 05.02.2008

Musical Genius Of Andrew Lloyd -
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    1-001Love Changes Everything (from Musical "Aspects Of Love")Company, The00:03:03
    1-002With one look (from Musical "Sunset Boulevard")Criswell, Kim00:03:09
    1-003Any dream will do ("Joseph")Barrowman, John00:02:17
    1-004The Phantom Of The Opera (From Musical "The Phantom Of The Opera")Graeme, James / Murphy, Katrina / Chorus National Symphony Orchestra00:05:16
    1-005Pie Jesus ("Requiem")Kelly, Janis00:03:36
    1-006Another Suitcase In Another Hall (From Musical "Evita")Renihan, Grania00:03:17
    1-007Memory (From Musical "Cats")Friedman, Maria00:03:47
    1-008Starlight Express ("Starlight Express")Halliday, Andrew00:03:52
    1-009Unexpected Song (From Musical "Song and Dance")Burt, Clare00:03:10
    1-010I don't know how to love him ("Jesus Christ Superstar")Rendwyck, Issy Van00:03:42
    1-011High flying adored ("Evita")Barrowman, John / Friedmann, Maria00:03:52
    1-012Close Every Door (from Musical "Joseph And the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat")Carter, Clive00:03:36
    1-013U-N-C-O-U-P-L-E-D (From MUsical "Starlight Express")Langton, Diane00:02:24
    1-014The Music Of The Night (From Musical "The Phantom Of The Opera")Carter, Clive00:05:15
    1-015Tell me on a Sunday ("Song and dance")Robertson, Liz00:03:41
    1-016Rolling stock (From Musical "Starlight Express")Bickley, Graham00:02:53
    1-017Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (From Musical "The Phantom Of The Opera")Moore, Claire00:03:08
    1-018Don't cry for me Argentina ("Evita")Hovath, Jan00:05:36
    1-019All I Ask Of You (From Musical "The Phantom Of The Opera")Bickley, Graham / Murphy, Katrina / National Symphony Orchestra00:04:32
    1-020Jesus Christ Superstar (from Musical "Jesus Christ Superstar")Rowe, Clive / Chorus00:04:15

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