Young People's Concerts, Vol.3

von Bernstein, Leonard
erschienen am 17.05.2019

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    1-001Der Weg nach ParisKomponist: Gershwin, George / Bloch, Ernest / De Falla, ManuelDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Violoncello: Nelsova, Zara
    1-001-001Paris: The center of the musical world
    1-002-002French impressionistic influences
    1-003-003French musical forms in Spanish dances
    1-004Der Klang eines SaalsKomponist: Berlioz, Hector / Copland, Aaron / Vivaldi, Antonio / Walton, William Turner / Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Mezzosopran: Verrett, Shirley
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    1-004-001How does the hall sound?
    1-005-002The science of acoustics
    1-006-003Clearness and richness
    1-008-005Dynamic range
    1-009-006Overture 1812
    1-010Eine Hommage an die LehrerKomponist: Mussorgsky, Modest / Thompson, Randall / Piston, Walter / Brahms, JohannesDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    1-010-001In praise of a teacher
    1-011-002Serge Koussevitzky
    1-012-003Randall Thompson
    1-013-004Walter Piston
    1-014-005Fritz Reiner
    1-015Die Genialität Paul HindemitsKomponist: Hindemith, Paul / Bach, Johann SebastianDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    1-017-003The Hindemith sound
    1-018-004Mathias der Maler - General introduction
    1-019-005Introduction to the first movement
    1-020-0061. Angelic concert
    1-021-007Introduction to the second movement
    1-022-0082. The entombment
    1-023-009Introduction to the third movement
    1-024-0103. Temptation of Saint Anthony
    1-025Abschied vom NationalismusKomponist: Gliere, Reinhold / Liszt, Franz / De Falla, Manuel / Webern, Anton / Bach, Johann Sebastian / +++Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    1-025-001What is nationalistic music?
    1-027-003Nineteenth century nationalism
    1-028-004American nationalistic music
    1-029-005Spanish nationalistic folk music
    1-030-006A musical homage to country
    2-001Charles Ives: Amerikanischer PionierKomponist: Ives, CharlesDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Baßbariton: Estes, Simon
    2-001-001A genius and a pioneer
    2-002-002Musical quotes
    2-003-003Early Ives
    2-004-004A songwriter and a patriot
    2-005-005Ives' modern masterpiece
    2-006Alumni reunionKomponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter Iljitsch / Puccini, Giacomo / Gershwin, George / Brahms, JohannesSopran: Tyler, Veronica
    Klavier: Watts, André
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Violoncello: Kates, Stephen
    2-007-002Tchaikovsky - Variations on Rococo Theme
    2-008-003La Bohème: Mi chiamano Mimi - Porgy and Bess: My man's gone now
    2-009-004Brahms - Piano Conecrto Nr. 2, 1st movement
    2-010Für immer BeethovenKomponist: Beethoven, Ludwig vanKlavier: Kalichstein, Joseph
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Capolongo, Paul; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    2-010-001Why Beethoven?
    2-011-002The man who freed music
    2-012-003An overture of liberation
    2-013Phantastische VariationenKomponist: Strauss, RichardDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    2-013-001An introduction to Richard Strauss' Don Quixote
    2-014-002Don Quixote, the knight of the sorrowful countenance
    2-015-003Sancho Panza
    2-016-004Variation 1: The adventures of the windmills
    2-017-005Variation 2: The battle with the sheep
    2-018-006Variation 3: Dialogue between knight and servant
    2-019-007Variation 4: Unfortunate adventure with a procession of penitents
    2-020-008Variation 5: Don Quixote's vigil
    2-021-009Variation 6: Dulcinea's enchantment
    2-022-010Variation 7: Ride through the air
    2-023-011Finale: The death of Don Quixote
    2-024Bach mal andersKomponist: Bach, Johann SebastianDirigent / Band Leader: Stokowski, Leopold; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Sonstiges Ensemble: New York Rock & Roll Ensemble
    2-024-001Bach untouched
    2-025-002Bach transcribed
    2-026-003Bach switched on - Moog synthesizer
    2-027-004Bach intact
    2-028-005Bach borrowed
    2-029-006Bach untransmogrified
    2-030-007Bach rocked
    3-001Die Anatomie eines SinfonieorchestersKomponist: Respighi, OttorinoDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    3-001-001The sounds of an Orchestra
    3-006-006Introduction to the first movement
    3-007-007Introduction to the second movement
    3-008-008Introduction to the third movement
    3-009-009Introduction to the fourth movement
    3-010-010The pines of the Villa Borghese
    3-011-011Pines near a catacomb
    3-012-012The pines of the Janiculum
    3-013-013The pines of the appian way
    3-014Ein Fest zu Ehren CoplandsKomponist: Copland, AaronDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Klarinette: Drucker, Stanley
    3-014-001The sound of big city jazz
    3-015-002Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra
    3-016-003The sounds of the American west
    3-017-004Ballet Suite from Billy the Kid
    3-018Also sprach Richard StraussKomponist: Strauss, RichardDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    3-018-001Introduction to Richard Strauss' Thus Spake Zarathustra
    3-019-002Men of the primitive world
    3-020-003The great yearning
    3-021-004Joys and passions
    3-022-005Science and learning
    3-023-006The convalescent
    3-024-007Introduction (continued)
    3-025-008The convalescent (continued)
    3-026-009Dance song
    3-027-010Night wanderer's song
    3-028Liszt und der TeufelKomponist: Liszt, FranzDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    3-028-001A protrait of the composer
    3-029-002General introduction to Franz Liszt's A Faust Symphony
    3-030-003Introduction to the first movement: Faust
    3-031-0041. Faust (excerpt)
    3-032-005Introduction to the second movement: Gretchen
    3-033-0062. Gretchen (excerpt)
    3-034-007Introduction to the third movement: Mephistopheles
    3-035-0083. Mephistopheles (excerpt)
    3-036Holst: Die PlanetenKomponist: Holst, GustavDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    3-036-001Introduction to Gustav Holsts's The Planets
    3-037-0021. Mars, the bringer of war
    3-038-0032. Venus, the bringer of peace
    3-039-0043. Mercury, the winged messenger
    3-040-0054. Jupiter, the bringer of jollity
    3-041-0066. Urans, the magician
    3-042-007Pluto, the unpredictable: Improvisation
    4-001Junge Künstler Nr. 7Komponist: Mussorgsky, ModestKlavier: Sebastain, Stephanie; Schoenfield, Paul; Oei, David; Gutiérrez, Horacio
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Waart, Edo De; Houtmann, Jacques; DePreist, James; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    4-002-002Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade & Gnomus
    4-003-003Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade & Gnomus
    4-004-004Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade & The old castle
    4-005-005Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade & The old castle
    4-006-006Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade - Tuileries - Promenade - Ballet of the chicks in their shells
    4-007-007Pictures at an exhibition: Promenade - Tuileries - Promenade - Ballet of the chicks in their shells
    4-008-008Pictures at an exhibition: The great gate of Kiev
    4-009-009Pictures at an exhibition: The great gate of Kiev
    4-010Junge Künstler Nr. 8Komponist: Saint-Saëns, Camille / Haydn, Joseph / Chopin, Frédéric / Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusVioline: Oliveira, Elmar; Kim, Young Uck
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard; Caduff, Sylvia; Izquierdo, Juan Pablo
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Oboe / Englisch Horn: Salkind, Mark
    Violoncello: Green, Donald
    Kontrabaß: Reid, George
    Fagott: Alston, Fred
    Akkordeon: Dominko, Stephen
    4-011-002Elmar Oliveira, Mark Salkind, Fred Alston, Donald Green
    4-012-003Joseph Haydn - Sinfonie Nr. 105 B-Dur op. 84 Hob. I:105 (Sinfonia concertante) (Auszug): 1. Allegro
    4-013-004Joseph Haydn - Sinfonie Nr. 105 B-Dur op. 84 Hob. I:105 (Sinfonia concertante) (Auszug): 2. Andante
    4-014-005Joseph Haydn - Sinfonie Nr. 105 B-Dur op. 84 Hob. I:105 (Sinfonia concertante) (Auszug): 3. Allegro con spirito
    4-015-006Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 f-moll op. 21 (Auszug): 3. Teil
    4-016-007Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Die Zauberflöte KV 620 (Oper in 2 Akten) (Auszug): In diesen heil'gen Hallen
    4-017-008Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 3 h-moll op. 61 (Auszug): 1. Teil
    4-018Junge Künstler Nr. 9Komponist: Saint-Saëns, Camille / Weber, Carl Maria von / Hindemith, PaulKlavier: Vann, Steven; Vann, Martin
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Springer, Alois; Quach, Helen; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic
    Violoncello: Foster, Lawrence
    4-019-002Saint-Saëns, Camille - Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester Nr. 1 a-moll op. 33
    4-020-003Carl Maria von Weber - Allegro in a-moll
    4-021-004Paul Hindemith - Sinfonische Metamorphosen über Themen von Carl Maria von Weber: Allegro a-moll
    4-022-005Carl Maria von Weber - Turandot (Schauspielmusik) (Auszug): Marsch
    4-023-006Paul Hindemith - Sinfonische Metamorphosen über Themen von Carl Maria von Weber: Scherzo
    4-024-007Carl Maria von Weber - Marsch g-moll
    4-025-008Paul Hindemith - Sinfonische Metamorphosen über Themen von Carl Maria von Weber: Marsch