Tao of Cello

von Darling, David
erschienen am 01.06.2010

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    1-001Restraint begins with giving up one's own ideasDarling, David00:02:42
    1-002Man follows the earthDarling, David00:03:14
    1-003When men lack a sence of awe, there will be a disasterDarling, David00:02:22
    1-004The tao of heaven is to take from those who have too much and give to those who have too littleDarling, David00:03:23
    1-005Man follows the earth, earth follows heaven, heaven follows the tao, tao follows what is naturalDarling, David00:02:03
    1-006Knowing others is wisdomDarling, David00:04:29
    1-007The further you go, the less you knowDarling, David00:01:55
    1-008It Is not wise to rush aboutDarling, David00:01:44
    1-009Returning is the motion of the taoDarling, David00:03:03
    1-010See simplicity in the complicatedDarling, David00:02:27
    1-011In dealing with others, be gentle and kindDarling, David00:02:05
    1-012He who is filled with virtue is like a newborn childDarling, David00:02:05
    1-013Yield and overcomeDarling, David00:01:54
    1-014What is firmly crasped cannot slip awayDarling, David00:02:26
    1-015Tao follows the EarthDarling, David00:02:36
    1-016Become as a child once moreDarling, David00:02:10
    1-017Sometimes one is up and sometimes downDarling, David00:02:41
    1-018Just du what needs to be doneDarling, David00:04:10
    1-019That is why a victory must be observed like a funeralDarling, David00:01:25
    1-020All men will come to him who keeps to the oneDarling, David00:02:51
    1-021The valley spirit never diesDarling, David00:02:22
    1-022Heaven and earth last foreverDarling, David00:02:24