Original Album Classics

von Earth, Wind & Fire
erschienen am 26.09.2008

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    1-001Shining Star (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-002That's The Way Of The World (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Stepney, Charles; White, Verdine; White, Verdine
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Stepney, Charles
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-003Happy Feelin' (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; V. WHITE; Dunn, L.; A. MCKAY
    Textdichter: Dunn, L.; V. WHITE; P. BAILEY; White, M.; A. MCKAY
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:36
    1-004All About Love (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-005Yearnin' Learnin' (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Arrangeur: Earth, Wind & Fire; Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-006Reasons (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-007Africano (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:05:09
    1-008See The Light (Album Version)Komponist: Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn; Louise Anglin
    Textdichter: Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn; Louise Anglin
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:06:18
    2-001Introduction By MC Perry Jones (Live)Textdichter: SPOKEN WORD, SPOKEN WORDEarth, Wind & Fire00:00:22
    2-002Africano / Power (Live)Komponist: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:05:44
    2-002-001Africano - Live
    2-002-002Power - Live
    2-003Yearnin' Learnin' (Live)Komponist: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:16
    2-004Devotion (Live)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:53
    2-005Sun Goddess (Live)Komponist: White, M.; J. LIND
    Textdichter: White, M.; J. LIND
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:07:41
    2-006Reasons (Live)Komponist: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Stepney, Charles
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:08:23
    2-007Sing A Message To You (Live)Komponist: White, M.
    Textdichter: White, M.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:01:19
    2-008Shining Star (Live)Komponist: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Bailey, Philip; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:56
    2-009New World Symphony (Live)Komponist: White, M.; V. WHITE
    Textdichter: White, M.; V. WHITE
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:09:29
    2-010Interlude # 1 (Live)Textdichter: White, M.; SPOKEN WORD, SPOKEN WORDEarth, Wind & Fire00:00:15
    2-011Sunshine (Live)Komponist: White, M.; A. MCKAY; P. BAILEY; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: P. BAILEY; A. MCKAY; White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:17
    2-012Sing A Song (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; McKay, Al
    Textdichter: McKay, Al; White, Maurice
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    2-013Gratitude (Live)Komponist: White, M.; V. WHITE; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: White, M.; V. WHITE; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:28
    2-014Celebrate (Live)Komponist: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; P. BAILEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:06
    2-015Interlude # 2 (Live)Textdichter: White, M.Earth, Wind & Fire00:00:27
    2-016Can't Hide Love (Album Version)Komponist: S. SCARBOROUGH
    Textdichter: S. SCARBOROUGH
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    2-017Serpentine Fire / Saturday Nite / Can't Hide Love / Reasons (Live)Komponist: White, M.; C. STEPNEY; S. SCARBOROUGH; P. BAILEY; A. MCKAY; Burke, S.; V. WHITE
    Textdichter: S. SCARBOROUGH; P. BAILEY; A. MCKAY; Burke, S.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:06:14
    2-017-001Serpentine Fire - Live
    2-017-002Saturday Nite - Live
    2-017-003Can't Hide Love - Live
    2-017-004Reasons - Live
    3-001Getaway (Album Version)Komponist: Taylor, B.; P. Cor
    Arrangeur: Earth, Wind & Fire; Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: Taylor, B.; P. Cor
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    3-002On Your Face (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Bailey, Phillip; Stepney, Charles
    Arrangeur: Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Bailey, Phillip; Stepney, Charles
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-003Imagination (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-004Spirit (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-005Saturday Nite (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; A. McKay
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY; A. McKay
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    3-006Earth, Wind & Fire (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Scarborough, Skip
    Arrangeur: Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Scarborough, Skip
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-007Departure (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Arrangeur: Stepney, Charles
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-008Biyo (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; McKay, Al
    Arrangeur: Peters, Jerry
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; McKay, Al
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-009Burnin' Bush (Album Version)Komponist: J. PETERS
    Textdichter: J. PETERS
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-010Saturday nite (Alternate Mix)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; A. McKay
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY; A. McKay
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-011Seraphim (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-012Imagination (Angels Mix)Komponist: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; P. BAILEY; C. STEPNEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-013Departure (The Traveler)Komponist: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Textdichter: White, Maurice; Lorenzo Dunn
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    3-014African Symphony (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice
    Textdichter: White, Maurice
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Duke, David; Maebe, Arthur; Robinson, Marilyn; Muldrow, Sidney
    Violine: Goldman, Harris; La Magne, Carl; Garvey, Winterton; Lyle, Joy; Drori, Asa; Seemore, Sandy
    4-001Serpentine FireKomponist: White, M.; V. WHITE; Burke, S.
    Textdichter: White, M.; V. WHITE; Burke, S.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:51
    4-002FantasyKomponist: White, M.; E. Del Barrio; V. WHITE
    Textdichter: White, M.; E. Del Barrio; V. WHITE
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:38
    4-003In The Marketplace (Interlude)Komponist: White, M.
    Textdichter: White, M.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:00:43
    4-004JupiterKomponist: White, M.; V. WHITE; Dunn, L.; P. BAILEY
    Textdichter: White, M.; V. WHITE; Dunn, L.; P. BAILEY
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:11
    4-005Love's HolidayKomponist: White, M.; S. SCARBOROUGH
    Textdichter: White, M.; S. SCARBOROUGH
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:04:22
    4-006Brazilian Rhyme (Interlude)Komponist: M. NASCIMENTO
    Textdichter: M. NASCIMENTO
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:01:21
    4-007I'll Write A Song For YouKomponist: A. MCKAY; P. BAILEY; Beckmeier, S.
    Textdichter: A. MCKAY; P. BAILEY; Beckmeier, S.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:05:24
    4-008Magic Mind (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; V. WHITE; White, F.; Dunn, L.; P. BAILEY; A. MCKAY
    Textdichter: P. BAILEY; Dunn, L.; White, F.; V. WHITE; White, M.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:03:39
    4-009Runnin'Komponist: White, M.; Dunn, L.; E. Del Barrio
    Textdichter: White, M.; Dunn, L.; E. Del Barrio
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:05:52
    4-010Brazilian Rhyme (Interlude)Komponist: M. NASCIMENTO
    Textdichter: M. NASCIMENTO
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:00:53
    4-011Be Ever WonderfulKomponist: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Textdichter: White, M.; Dunn, L.
    Earth, Wind & Fire00:05:08
    5-001In The Stone (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Willis, A.; Foster, D.
    Arrangeur: Foster, David; Hey, Jerry; WRIGHT, BEN
    Textdichter: Foster, D.; White, M.; Willis, A.
    Instrument: Lepore, Richard
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Perissi, Richard; Muldrow, Sidney; Korn, Barbara; Robinson, Marilyn
    Violine: Sanov, Sheldon; Reisler, Jerome; Livoti, Joseph; LaMagna, Carl; Kronstadt, Gina
    5-002Can't Let Go (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; B. Meyers; Willis, A.
    Textdichter: White, M.; B. Meyers; Willis, A.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-003After The Love Has Gone (Album Version)Komponist: Foster, D.; J. GRAYDON; Champlin, B.
    Arrangeur: Hey, Jerry; Foster, David
    Textdichter: Foster, D.; J. GRAYDON; Champlin, B.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-004Let Your Feelings Show (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Willis, A.; Foster, D.
    Arrangeur: Foster, David; Hey, Jerry; WRIGHT, BEN
    Textdichter: Foster, D.; White, M.; Willis, A.
    Instrument: Lepore, Richard
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Perissi, Richard; Muldrow, Sidney; Korn, Barbara; Robinson, Marilyn
    Violine: Sanov, Sheldon; Reisler, Jerome; Livoti, Joseph; LaMagna, Carl; Kronstadt, Gina
    5-005Boogie Wonderland (Album Version)Komponist: J. Lind; A. Willis
    Arrangeur: Wright, Ben
    Textdichter: J. Lind; A. Willis
    Earth, Wind & Fire / Emotions, The
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-006Star (Album Version)Komponist: White, Maurice; Willis, A.; E. Del Barrio
    Arrangeur: Foster, David; Hey, Jerry; WRIGHT, BEN
    Textdichter: E. Del Barrio; White, Maurice; Willis, A.
    Instrument: Lepore, Richard
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Perissi, Richard; Muldrow, Sidney; Korn, Barbara; Robinson, Marilyn
    Violine: Sanov, Sheldon; Reisler, Jerome; Livoti, Joseph; LaMagna, Carl; Kronstadt, Gina
    5-007Wait (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Foster, D.; Willis, A.
    Arrangeur: Hey, Jerry; Tom Tom 84
    Textdichter: White, M.; Foster, D.; Willis, A.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-008Rock That! (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Foster, D.
    Arrangeur: Hey, Jerry; Foster, David; WRIGHT, BEN
    Textdichter: White, M.; Foster, D.
    Instrument: Lepore, Richard
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Horn: Perissi, Richard; Muldrow, Sidney; Korn, Barbara; Robinson, Marilyn
    Violine: Sanov, Sheldon; Reisler, Jerome; Livoti, Joseph; LaMagna, Carl; Kronstadt, Gina
    5-009You And I (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Foster, D.; Willis, A.
    Arrangeur: Tom Tom 84
    Textdichter: White, M.; Foster, D.; Willis, A.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-010Diana (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Foster, D.
    Arrangeur: Tom Tom 84
    Textdichter: White, M.; Foster, D.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-011Dirty (Interlude Featuring Junior Wells) (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.; Veal, Charles
    Regisseur: DeBarros, Jim
    Textdichter: White, M.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny
    Flügelhorn: Harris, Michael; Michael Davis, Rahmlee
    Keyboards: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Maurice; Johnson, Ralph
    Percussion: Bailey, Philip; Woolfolk, Andrew
    5-012Dirty (Junior's Juke) (Album Version)Komponist: White, M.
    Arrangeur: Tom Tom 84
    Textdichter: White, M.
    Earth, Wind & Fire
    Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew
    Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland
    Klavier: Dunn, Larry
    Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice
    Percussion: White, Fred; Woolfolk, Andrew