CHAN 3011

Don Pasquale (GA)

von Donizetti, Gaetano | Geoffrey Mitchell Choir / Parry, David / LPO
erschienen am 02.11.1998

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    1-001Don Pasquale (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Donizetti, GaetanoSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Parry, David
    1-002-002Nine already (Don Pasquale) (1. Akt, Nr. 1: Introduction)00:01:53
    1-003-003May I join you (Malatesta, Don Pasquale)00:01:13
    1-004-004Down from among the angelic host (Malatesta, Don Pasquale)00:03:11
    1-005-005She is my sister! (Malatesta, Don Pasquale)00:01:16
    1-006-006Ah! Quite unexpectedly passions inflame me (Don Pasquale)00:02:08
    1-007-007I'm a new man (Don Pasquale, Ernesto) (Nr. 2: Recitativ und Duett)00:02:42
    1-008-008Getting married? (Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:01:47
    1-009-009Never again shall I find you (Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:02:40
    1-010-010There's one thing I must say briefly (Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:01:05 his own sister (Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:00:16
    1-012-012Ah! The fates have conspierd to thwart me (Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:02:48
    1-013-013With just one glance she pierced him (Norina) (Nr. 3 Cavatina)00:02:14
    1-014-014I too have seen how magical (Norina)00:04:02
    1-015-015Still no sign of the doctor! (Norina, Malatesta) ( Nr. 4: Rezitativ und Duett. Finale l)00:02:38
    1-016-016I'll find a way, on one condition (Norina, Malatesta)00:03:09
    1-017-017Am I to be haughty? (Norina, Malatesta)00:01:49
    1-018-018Onwards, upwards (Norina, Malatesta)00:03:35
    1-019-019Poor, lost Ernesto! (Ernesto) (2. Akt, Nr. 5: Prelude und Arie)00:04:04
    1-020-020I shall go, no more returning (Ernesto)00:02:24
    1-021-021And if you ever encounter (Ernesto)00:03:20
    2-001-022After you have shown in Doctor Malatesta (Don Pasquale) (Nr. 6: Szene und Trio)00:01:40
    2-002-023Don't be frightened, just believe me (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale)00:04:21
    2-003-024There's no need to be frightened (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale)00:02:52
    2-004-025Heaven preserve me! (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale)00:01:42
    2-005-026Agreement between the... etcetera (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale)00:02:56
    2-006-027You idiots, let me through here (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale)00:02:05
    2-007-028So let the marrige contract be finalized at once (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto, Notary )00:01:31
    2-008-029A man of such decrepitude (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:01:30
    2-009-030I've used persuasion first (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:03:33
    2-010-031I wish to see the servants (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:02:46
    2-011-032I've been cheated and disparaged (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:02:35
    2-012-033Bring the diamonds, quickly! (Servants, Don Pasquale) (3. Akt, Nr. 8: Introductory Chorus)00:01:14
    2-013-034Let's see now: to the dress shop (Don Pasquale) (Nr. 9: Rezitativ und Duett)00:01:51
    2-014-035Well good evening! You're in a hurry (Don Pasquale, Norina)00:02:56
    2-015-036It is over, Don Pasquale (Don Pasquale, Norina)00:03:29
    2-016-037My husband, my sweetest (Don Pasquale, Norina)00:02:43
    2-017-038Another bill for bonnets or for ribbons (Don Pasquale) (Nr. 10: Rezitativ)00:01:26
    2-018-039Everyone endlessly coming and going! (Servants)00:03:49
    2-019-040We're agreed then (Malatesta, Ernesto)00:01:04
    2-020-041Don Pasquale....(Malatesta, Ernesto)00:03:31
    2-021-042No more words, not even whispers (Malatesta, Don Pasquale)00:03:58
    2-022-043What a disaster, my little schemer (Malatesta, Don Pasquale)00:02:37
    2-023-044The night is calm (Ernesto, Chorus) ( Nr. 12: Serenade und Nocturne)00:04:05
    2-024-045Come, say the words I long for (Norina, Ernesto)00:03:28
    2-025-046Here they are! Ready to pounce? (Don Pasquale, Malatesta, Norina) (Nr. 13: Szene und Rondo)00:03:15
    2-026-047Here I am (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto)00:01:20
    2-027-048Let's forget everything (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale, Ernesto, Servants)00:03:41