Flight TUS 35 BK

Ukulele (Sopran, Lindendecke, gewölbter ABS - Korpus, schwarz)

UVP:53,00 €
Barpreis:48,00 €
Preise inkl. MwSt
Zum Barpreis von
48,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Antestbereit in:

Karlsruhe: Instrumenten - Abteilung

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    Preise inkl. MwSt

    Flight Reise-Ukulele TUS 35 BK - Sopran, schwarz matt - besonders strapazierfähig

    • Decke aus Linde
    • mehr Klangumfang durch gewölbten ABS-Kunststoff-Korpus
    • Hals ABS
    • Griffbrett ABS
    • Sattelbreite 35 mm
    • Mensur 35,5 cm
    • 15 Bünde
    • offene Einzelmechaniken

    auf youtube.com sehen und hören

    Plastic Fantastic! Conventional wisdom will say that plastic ukuleles are cheap, low-quality substitutes for “the real thing”. Well, it’s time to kick conventional wisdom out the door! Built unapologetically from plastic, the sound quality of these ukuleles will blow you away, and their durability will make them Keith Richards’ instrument of choice after Armageddon hits. These ukes are perfect for rainy festivals, cramped overhead lockers, moody teenagers, and ukulele teachers working with young children.

    Denim Style

    Always ready to go

    The final touch that the Travel Ukulele needed was a cool gig bag to accompany it on your travels. We chose the blue denim colour to compliment your style and also to make the bag stand out from the standard black that everyone else seems to favour.

    • Art: Sopran
    • Besonderheit: gewölbter Boden
    • Decke: Linde
    • Fabrikat: Flight
    • gewölbter ABS-Korpus, Hals- und Griffbrett