ALC 4005

Anthology of Czech Piano Music

von Dvorak / Fibich / Janácek / Smetana | Kvapil, Radoslav
erschienen am 01.12.2018

Zum Preis von
28,99 €
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    1-001Tema Con VariazioneKomponist: Dvorák, AntonínKvapil, Radoslav
    1-001-001Tema, tempo di minuetto (Variationen I bis VIII)00:15:15
    1-002Poetic Tone Pictures op. 85Komponist: Dvorák, AntonínKvapil, Radoslav
    1-002-001I. On the road at night00:05:31
    1-003-002II. Toying00:04:17
    1-004-003III. At the old castle00:04:06
    1-005-004IV. Spring Song00:03:57
    1-006-005V. Peasant's Ballad00:03:40
    1-007-006VI. Reverie00:04:03
    1-008-007VII. Furiant00:02:53
    1-009-008VIII. Goblin's Dance00:03:12
    1-010-009IX. Serenade00:04:25
    1-011-010X. Bacchanale00:04:27
    1-012-011XI. Tittle-tattle00:04:01
    1-013-012XII. At a Hero's Grave00:05:10
    1-014-013XIII. At Svaté Hora00:02:44
    2-001Moods, Impressions and Reminiscences (opp. 41, 44, 47 & 57)Komponist: Fibich, ZdenekKvapil, Radoslav
    2-001-001No. 358 Tema con variazione, E minor/major (Op. 57)00:08:04
    2-002-002No. 20 Zárlivosti, g minor (Op. 41)00:02:11
    2-003-003No. 24 Sny, kdyby se ze zárlivosti zabil, g minor (Op. 41)00:02:15
    2-004-004No. 35 a minor (Op. 41)00:01:28
    2-005-005No. 67 Znaménka na Anezcine krku, C major (Op. 41)00:01:12
    2-006-006No. 127 Jak jsme spolu rozmlouvali, C major (Op. 41)00:01:42
    2-007-007No. 139 Vecery na Zofine, D flat major (Op. 41)00:01:14
    2-008-008No. 183 Anezcin portret, B flat major (Op. 44)00:02:53
    2-009-009No. Fantasticá soirée, b flat minor (Op. 41)00:01:27
    2-010-010No. 25 Jak udelal Anezce bolest, f minor (Op. 41)00:02:30
    2-011-011No. 19 e minor (Op. 41)00:02:22
    2-012-012No. 103 a minor (Op. 41)00:01:56
    2-013-013No. 81 flat minor (Op. 41)00:01:26
    2-014-014No. 87 b flat minor (Op. 41)00:00:54
    2-015-015No. 94 C A flat major (Op. 41)00:02:21
    2-016-016No. 281 d minor (Op. 47)00:01:35
    2-017-017No. 282 f sharp minor (Op. 47)00:01:09
    2-018-018No. 355 A major (Op. 57)00:02:46
    2-019-019No. 368 d minor (Op. 57)00:02:46
    2-020Studies of Paintings (Op. 56)Komponist: Fibich, ZdenekKvapil, Radoslav
    2-020-001Forest Solitude F major00:07:00
    2-021-002Quarrel between Shrovetide and Lent C major00:05:12
    2-022-003Dance of the Blessed Ones, C Major00:03:35
    2-023-004Io and Jupiter, E minor00:06:22
    2-024-005The Garden Party, C major00:05:50
    3-001On an Overgrown Path - Book IKomponist: Janácek, LeosKvapil, Radoslav
    3-001-001Our Evenings - moderato00:04:14
    3-002-002A Leaf Blown by the Wind - Andante00:03:36
    3-003-003Come with us - Andante00:01:20
    3-004-004The Virgin of Fyrdek - Grave00:03:57
    3-005-005They chatted like Little Swallows - con moto00:02:09
    3-006-006Words fail me! - Andante00:02:26
    3-007-007Good Night! - Andante00:03:29
    3-008-008Unutterable Anguish - Andante00:03:22
    3-009-009In Tears - Larghetto00:03:05
    3-010-010The Little Owl still calls - Andante00:04:11
    3-011On an Overgrown Path - Book IIKomponist: Janácek, LeosKvapil, Radoslav
    3-013-003Piu mosso00:02:44
    3-016Piano Sonata I:x:1905Komponist: Janácek, LeosKvapil, Radoslav
    3-016-001Con moto00:06:10
    3-018In the MistsKomponist: Janácek, LeosKvapil, Radoslav
    3-019-002Molto adagio00:04:32
    4-001Three Salon Polkas op. 7Komponist: Smetana, BedrichKvapil, Radoslav
    4-001-001Polka in F sharp major - vivo00:04:30
    4-002-002Polka in E major - allegretto ma non troppo00:01:49
    4-003Three Poetic Polkas op. 8Komponist: Smetana, BedrichKvapil, Radoslav
    4-003-001Polka in A flat major - allegro00:02:27
    4-004DreamsKomponist: Smetana, BedrichKvapil, Radoslav
    4-004-001Bygone Happiness - vivo - quasi andante più vivo00:04:20
    4-005-002Consolation - moderato - moderato assai - lento - poco meno allegro00:04:45
    4-006-003In Bohemia - Country Tale - moderato e rubato - più allegro più vivo00:05:09
    4-007-004In the Salon - allegro conmodo00:03:51
    4-008-005Before the Castle - moderato ma energico00:05:00
    4-009-006Festival of Bohemian Country Folk - molto vivace - vivo es energico - più lento - Tempo I - presto00:04:47
    4-010Czech Dances IIKomponist: Smetana, BedrichKvapil, Radoslav
    4-011-002Little hen00:03:17
    4-013-004The Bear00:03:25
    4-014-005Little Onion00:04:53
    4-015-006Stomp Dance00:03:51
    4-016-007The Lancer00:04:55
    4-017-008Stepping Round00:03:21
    4-018-009Neighbour's dance00:04:38
    4-019-010Hopping Dance00:03:38