Tanzmusik Der Renaissance

von Various | Munrow, David
erschienen am 07.04.2006

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    1-00112 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): La MourisqueKomponist: Susato, TielmanEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    1-001-001La Mourisque00:01:15
    1-00212 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Branle Quatre - BranslesEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:40
    1-002-002Branle quatre - Branles00:01:40
    1-00312 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Ronde and SalterelieEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:34
    1-003-003Ronde - Salterelle00:01:34
    1-00412 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Ronde mon AmyEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:30
    1-004-004Ronde mon amy00:02:30
    1-00512 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Allemaigne and RecoupeEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:40
    1-005-005Allemagne - Recoupe00:02:40
    1-00612 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Pavane 'Mille regretz'Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:59
    1-006-006Pavane mille regretz00:02:59
    1-00712 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Basse danse Bergeret sans Roch and repriseEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:34
    1-007-007Basse danse bergeret sans roch - Reprise00:02:34
    1-00812 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Danse du RoyEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:22
    1-008-008Danse du Roy00:01:22
    1-00912 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): RondeEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:02
    1-01012 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Passe et MedioEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:51
    1-010-010Passe et medio00:01:51
    1-01112 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Reprise le PingueEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:00:46
    1-011-011Reprise le pingue00:00:46
    1-01212 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): RondeEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:59
    1-01312 dances from The Danseryes (1551) (2005 Digital Remaster): Pavane la BatailleEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:55
    1-013-013Pavane la bataile00:02:59
    1-014Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Mounsier's Almaine (Byrd)Komponist: Morley, ThomasDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    1-014-001Mounsier's Almaine00:02:33
    1-015Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Lachrimae Pavan (Dowland)David Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:04:36
    1-015-002Lachrimae pavan00:04:36
    1-016Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Michill's GalliardDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:02:16
    1-016-003Michill's galliard00:02:16
    1-017Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Lute duet: my Lord ChamberDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:02:32
    1-017-004Lute duet: My Lord Chamberlain's galliard00:02:32
    1-018Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): The Jew's Dance (Richard NDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:01:46
    1-018-005The jew's dance00:01:46
    1-019Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Captaine Piper's Pavan andDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:07:20
    1-019-006Captaine Piper's pavan and galliard00:07:20
    1-020Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): My Lord of Oxenford's MaskDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:02:52
    1-020-007My Lord of Oxenford's maske00:02:52
    1-021Dances from Broken Consort from Thomas Morley/ First Book of Consort (2005 Digital Remaster): Lavolto - La Coranto (MorlDavid Munrow/Early Music Consort of London/The Morley Consort00:03:17
    1-021-008Lavolto - La coranta00:03:17
    2-001Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Passamezz a 6Komponist: Praetorius, MichaelEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-002Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Spagnoletta a 4Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:01:20
    2-002-002Ballo francese00:01:24
    2-003Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): La BourréeEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:15
    2-003-003La Bourrée00:02:18
    2-004Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Pavane de Spaigne a 4Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:24
    2-004-004Pavane de Spaigne00:02:26
    2-005Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Courante M.M Wustrow a 4Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:30
    2-005-005Courante M. M. Wüstrow00:02:33
    2-006Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Suite de balletsEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:45
    2-006-006Suite de ballets - Ballet des Baccanales - Ballet des matelotz - Ballet des coqs00:02:47
    2-007Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Gaillard- Reprise secundam inferiorwem a 4Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:38
    2-008Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): La SarabandeEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:02:16
    2-008-008La sarabande00:02:18
    2-009Dances from Terpsichore (1985 Digital Remaster): Suite VoltesEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow00:03:56
    2-009-009Suite de voltes - Volte 1-400:04:01
    2-010Five Dances: Pass'e mezzo della Paganina-Ballo Francese-La Lavandara,-L'Arboscello Ballo Furlano-La Zanetta (1996 DigitaKomponist: Mainerio, GiorgioEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-010-001Pass'e mezzo della Paganina - Ballo francese - La lavandara - L'Arboscello ballo furlano - La zanetta00:06:40
    2-011Canzone a 8 (1996 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Guami, GioseffoEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-012La Negrona (canzona) (1996 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Lappi, PietroEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-013Canzona prima a 12 (1996 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Priuli, GiovanniEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-014Five Dances: Pass'e mezzo Moderno-Ballo Anglese-Schiarazula Marazula-Ongarescha-Tedescha (1996 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Mainerio, GiorgioEarly Music Consort of London/David Munrow
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Munrow, David
    2-014-001Pass'e mezzo moderno - Ballo anglese - Schiarazula marazula - Ongarescha - Tedescha00:11:21

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