CHAN 9878

Geistliche Chorkonzerte Vol.4- Konzerte 24-29

von Bortnyansky, Dmitri | Polyansky / Russian State Symphonic Cappella
erschienen am 01.04.2012

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    1-001Sacred Concerto No. 24Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-001-001I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills00:03:47
    1-002-002He will not suffer thy foot to be moved00:03:05
    1-003-003The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in00:02:41
    1-004Sacred Concerto Nr. 25Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-004-001We, th unworthy, shall not cease00:06:35
    1-005-002We shall not renounce you00:02:47
    1-006-003For you are the eternal saviour of us00:03:11
    1-007Sacred Concerto Nr. 26Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-007-001Lord God of Israel, there ist no God like thee00:03:42
    1-008-002Lord God of Israel! That thine eyes may be open00:02:15
    1-009-003... and forgive thy people that have sinned against thee00:02:36
    1-010-004... that this house, which I have builded00:02:30
    1-011Sacred Concerto Nr. 27Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-011-001I cried to the Lord with my voice00:06:12
    1-012-002He sent from above, he took me00:02:47
    1-013-003According to the cleanliness of my hands00:03:10
    1-014-004....and I did not put away his statutes from me00:03:09
    1-015Sacred Concerto Nr. 28Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-015-001Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord00:02:27
    1-016-002He seed shall be mighty upon the earth00:01:18
    1-017-003The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David00:04:15
    1-018-004His enemies will I clothe with shame00:02:37
    1-019Sacred Concerto Nr. 29Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StepanovichGemischter Chor: Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    Chorleiter: Polyansky, Valeri
    1-019-001I will praise the name of God with a song00:01:21
    1-020-002.... an will magnify him with thanksgiving00:02:09
    1-021-003For his merciful kindness is great toward us00:02:42
    1-022-004... and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever00:01:49

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