CDEA 7356

The Light Of The World

von Sullivan, Arthur Seymour | Romaniw, Natalya / Dennis, Eleanor / Whately, Kitty / +
erschienen am 25.01.2019

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    1-001The Light of the World (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Sullivan, Arthur SeymourSopran: Romaniw, Natalya; Dennis, Eleanor
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Andrews, John
    1-001-001There shall come forth a rod (Prolog) (1. Teil)00:04:36
    1-002-002There were shepherds (Bethlehem)00:05:13
    1-003-003Glory to God00:02:09
    1-004-004Let us now go00:03:13
    1-005-005Blessed art thou (Originalfassung)00:01:26
    1-006-006My soul doth magnify the Lord00:02:51
    1-007-007The whole Earth is at rest00:02:42
    1-008-008Arise and take the young child00:00:54
    1-009-009In Rama was there a voice heard00:03:46
    1-010-010Refrain thy voice from weeping00:03:11
    1-011-011Arise and take the young child00:01:40
    1-012-012I will pour my spirit00:03:25
    1-013-013The spirit of the Lord (Nazareth - In the synagogue)00:09:58
    1-014-014Doubtless thou art our Father00:03:35
    1-015-015Blessed are they00:01:35
    1-016-016He maketh the sun to rise00:02:38
    1-017-017Lord, behold (Lazarus)00:03:56
    1-018-018Weep ye not for the dead00:07:22
    1-019-019Lord, if thou had'st been here00:02:57
    1-020-020Behold how he loved him00:01:32
    1-021-021Said I not unto thee00:01:00
    1-022-022The grave cannot praise thee00:04:07
    2-001-023Perceive ye how (The way to Jerusalem)00:02:22
    2-002-024Hosanna to the son of David00:03:54
    2-003-025Tell ye the daughter of Zion00:03:48
    2-004-026Blessed be the kingdom00:02:11
    2-005-027If thou had'st known00:02:21
    2-006-028Hosanna to the son of David00:03:36
    2-007-029Ouvertüre (Jerusalem) (2. Teil)00:06:29
    2-008-030When the son of man00:05:15
    2-009-031Is not this he00:04:26
    2-010-032The hour is come00:03:07
    2-011-033Daughters of Jerusalem00:02:12
    2-012-034Yea, though I walk00:02:51
    2-013-035Men and brethren00:07:10
    2-014-036Where have they laid him? (At the sepulchre - Morning)00:03:58
    2-015-037Lord, why hidest thou thy face?00:03:27
    2-016-038Why weepest thou?00:02:13
    2-017-039The Lord is risen, God shall wipe away all tears00:03:46
    2-018-040The Lord is risen00:02:05
    2-019-041If ye be risen with Christ00:02:33
    2-020-042Him hath God exalted00:04:27