NEOS 10815

Makrokosmos I & II

von Crumb, George | Stange, Markus
erschienen am 16.10.2015

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    1-001Makrokosmos: 12 Fantasiestücke nach den Tierzeichen für präpariertes Klavier (Heft 1) (1972)Komponist: Crumb, GeorgeKlavier: Stange, Markus
    1-001-001Nr. 1 Primeval sounds: Darkly mysterious "Cancer" (1. Teil)00:04:57
    1-002-002Nr. 2 Proteus: Very fat - Whimsical, volatile "Pisces"00:01:35
    1-003-003Nr. 3 Pastorale: Moderately, with incisive rhythm "From the Kingdom of Atlantis, ca. 10,000 B.C.; Taurus"00:02:00
    1-004-004Nr. 4 Crucifixus: Darkly mysterious - Adagio molto; Serene, transcedental "Capricorn"00:03:12
    1-005-005Nr. 5 The phantom gondolier: Eerily, with a sense of malignant evil "Scorpio" (2. Teil)00:03:33
    1-006-006Nr. 6 Night-spell 1: Poised, expectantly - Seren, hautingly; echoing "Sagittarius"00:03:57
    1-007-007Nr. 7 Music of the shadows: Gracefully, with elastic rhythm "Libra"00:02:20
    1-008-008Nr. 8 The magic circle of infinity: Luminous - Joyously, like a cosmic clock-work "Leo"00:02:17
    1-009-009Nr. 9 The abyss of time: Dark, with a sense of profound mystery "Virgo" (3. Teil)00:02:45
    1-010-010Nr. 10 Spring fire: Prestissimo; breathlessly, with élan "Aries"00:02:11
    1-011-011Nr, 11 Dream images: Musingly, like the gentle caress of a faintly remembered music "Gemini"00:04:29
    1-012-012Nr. 12 Spiral galaxy: Vast, lonely, timeless "Aquarius"00:03:18
    1-013Makrokosmos: 12 Fantasiestücke nach den Tierzeichen für präpariertes Klavier (Heft 2) (1973)Komponist: Crumb, GeorgeKlavier: Stange, Markus
    1-013-001Nr. 1 Morning music: Exuberantly, with primitive energy "Cancer" (1. Teil)00:03:03
    1-014-002Nr. 2 The mystic chord: Adagio molto. Serene, desireless, like a Nirvana-trance "Sagittarius"00:02:21
    1-015-003Nr. 3 Rain-Death variations: Crystalline, with elegance "Pisces"00:01:51
    1-016-004Nr. 4 Twin suns: Majestic-Solemn "Gemini" (Doppelgänger aus der Ewigkeit)00:03:49
    1-017-005Nr. 5 Ghost-Nocturne: Dark, fantastic, subliminal "Virgo" (2. Teil)00:02:09
    1-018-006Nr. 6 Gargoyles: Marcia grottesca; savagely, with irony "Taurus"00:01:36
    1-019-007Nr. 7 Tora! Tora! Tora!: Dramatic, with great intensity; violent, relentless "Scorpio"00:02:36
    1-020-008Nr. 8 A prophecy of Nostradamus: Stark, powerfull - Fatefully - Come prima "Aries"00:03:52
    1-021-009Nr. 9 Cosmic wind: Ghostly, shadowy, tremulous "Libra" (3. Teil)00:02:27
    1-022-010Nr. 10 Voices from "Corona Borealis": Passacaglia. Very slowly, with majestic calm "Aquarius"00:04:43
    1-023-011Nr. 11 Litany of the Galactic Bells: Jubilant, metallic, incisive, echoing "Leo"00:03:03
    1-024-012Nr. 12 Agnus Dei: very slow, like chanting - Very slow, tender, wistful - Very slow, like a vision "Capricorn"00:04:08