ALPHA 1072

Ring Odyssey

von Wagner, Richard | Swensen / Libor / Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitain
erscheint am 20.09.2024

Zum Preis von
33,99 €
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    1-001Das Rheingold WWV 86AKomponist: Wagner, RichardSopran: Libor, Christiane
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Swensen, Joseph
    1-001-001Vorspiel - Song of the Rhinemaidens00:05:09
    1-002-002Alberich renounces the power of love, seizes the rhinegold and forges the ring00:02:16
    1-003-003Valhalla, castle of the gods00:01:30
    1-004-004Wotan and loge descend into the nibelheim00:01:42
    1-005-005Donner summons the thunderstorm to reveal Valhalla00:01:54
    1-006Die Walküre WWV 86BKomponist: Wagner, RichardSopran: Libor, Christiane
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Swensen, Joseph
    1-006-001Vorspiel - Thunderstorm, Sieglinde offers shelter to Siegmund00:03:35
    1-007-002Liebesduett Nr. 1 - The incestuous tryst of Sieglinde and Siegmund00:05:40
    1-008-003Spring follows the winter storm - Siegmund acquires his name and sword00:13:35
    1-009-004Vorspiel - Wotan and Fricka argue over Siegmund's immortality (2. Akt)00:03:27
    1-010-005Ride of the walkyries - Brünnhilde and the valkyries retieve the souls of the dead heroes (3. Akt)00:05:33
    1-011-006Wotan's grief over the disownment of Brünnhilde, he summons loge to set fire to the mountain Brünhilde is to rest00:05:57
    1-012-007He who fears my spear, may not pass this fire - Only the bravest hero will free Brünnhilde00:04:22
    2-001Siegfried WWV 86CKomponist: Wagner, RichardSopran: Libor, Christiane
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Swensen, Joseph
    2-001-001Vorspiel - The Dragon's cave (2. Akt)00:04:13
    2-002-002Du holdes Vöglein - Siegfried and the woodbirds00:02:15
    2-003-003Siegfried battles Fafner the dragon00:01:06
    2-004-004Prelude (3. Akt)00:02:59
    2-005-005Ewig war ich - Brünhilde accepts Siegfried's love00:04:24
    2-006Götterdämmerung WWV 86DKomponist: Wagner, RichardSopran: Libor, Christiane
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Swensen, Joseph
    2-007-002Love Duet No. 2 - Siegfried's flight into the wilderness00:11:48
    2-008-003Brünnhilde urges him to keep their love to mind00:05:53
    2-009-004Hagen summons the gibichung vassals to war (mit Chor)00:02:50
    2-010-005Prelude - The Rhinemaidens urge Siegfried to return the ring to the Rhine (3. Akt)00:03:40
    2-011-006Siegfried is murdered by Hagen (mit Chor)00:05:37
    2-012-007Siegfried dies and is carried away00:06:42
    2-013-008Brünnhilde takes the ring from Siegfried's hand and lights her funeral pyre00:10:31
    2-014-009Brünnhilde's immolation and the wolrd is consumed in flood and fire00:08:37