Sinfonia dos Orixás

von Prado, José Antônio de Almeida | Thomson, Neil / Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra
erschienen am 26.05.2023

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15,99 €
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    1-001Pequenos funerais cantates ao poeta Carlos Maria de Araújo (Small sung obsequies for the poet Carlos Maria de Araújo)Komponist: Prado, AlmeidaDirigent / Band Leader: Thomson, Neil
    Mezzosopran: Cabral, Clarissa
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra
    Bariton: Teixeira, Sabah
    Sonstiger Chor: Sao Paulo Symphony Choir
    1-001-001Corpo de fogo (Body of Fire)00:01:48
    1-002-002Corpo de terra 1 (Body of Earth 1)00:02:13
    1-003-003Corpo de terra 2 (Body of Earth 2)00:03:54
    1-004-004Corpo de terra 3 (Body of Earth 3)00:02:00
    1-005-005Corpo de terra 4 (Body of Earth 4)00:02:40
    1-006-006Corpo de terra 5 (Body of Earth 5)00:03:40
    1-007-007Corpo de terra 6 (Body of Earth 6)00:02:12
    1-008-008Corpo de silêncio (Body of Silence)00:01:59
    1-009Sinfonia dos Orixás (Symphony of the Orishas) (1984-85)Komponist: Prado, AlmeidaDirigent / Band Leader: Thomson, Neil
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra
    1-009-0011. Saudaçao a Exu (Salutation of Eshu)00:01:38
    1-010-0022.Chamado aos orixás (Ritual inicial) (Call to the Orishas (Initial Ritual))00:02:38
    1-011-003Manifestaçao dos orixás (1. Obatolá - O canto do universo) (Manifestation of the Orishas (Obatola - Song of the...00:01:03
    1-012-004Ifá (O canto da adaroçao) (Ifa (Song of Worship))00:00:25
    1-013-005Interlúdio 1 (As ásguas do Rio Níger) (Interlude 1 (The waters of the Niger river))00:01:37
    1-014-006Oxalá 1 (O canto da luz) (Oxala 1 (Song of the Light))00:01:36
    1-015-007Xangô 1 (O canto das alturas e dos abismos) (Shango 1 (Song of the Peaks and Chasms))00:00:41
    1-016-008Oxalá 2 (O jogo dos búzios) (Oxala 2 (Play of the Conch Shells))00:02:46
    1-017-009Oxum (O canto dos lagos e dos rios) (Oshum (Song of the Lakes and Rivers))00:04:08
    1-018-010Interludio 2 (As águas do Rio Níger) (Interlude 2 (The waters of the Niger River))00:00:48
    1-019-011Ogum-Obá (A dança da espada e do fogo) (Ogun-Oba (Dance of the sword and fire))00:02:56
    1-020-012Ibejí (Cantiga para Cosme e Damiao) (Ibeji (Song for Cosmos and Damian))00:04:57
    1-021-013Omulum (O canto da noite e do mistério (Omolu (Song of Night and Mystery))00:01:54
    1-022-014Oxalá 3 (O canto do amor e da alegria (Oxala 3 (Song of Love and Joy))00:03:00
    1-023-015Oxosse-Ossae (O canto das matas e florestas) (Oshosi-Osanyin (Song of the Woods and Forests))00:07:49
    1-024-016Iemanjá (O canto dos sete mares) (Yemoja (Song of the seven seas))00:04:57
    1-025-017Iansa (O canto da paixao) (Oya (Song of Passion))00:02:01
    1-026-018Xangô 2 (O canto das tempestades, raios e coriscos) (Shango 2 (Song of Storms, Lightning and Thunderbolts))00:02:39
    1-027-019Oxumarê (O canto do arco-íris) (Oshunmare (Song of the Rainbow))00:00:46
    1-028-0203. Ritual final (Ritual Final)00:01:26