Everybody's Brother

von Shaver, Billy Joe
erschienen am 16.11.2007

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    1-001Rolling stoneShaver, Billy Joe00:03:04
    1-002Get Thee Behind Me SatanShaver, Billy Joe / Anderson, John00:03:58
    1-003When I get my wingsShaver, Billy Joe00:04:20
    1-004Most preciousShaver, Billy Joe00:04:11
    1-005Winning AgainShaver, Billy Joe / Stuart, Marty00:02:44
    1-006No Earthly GoodShaver, Billy Joe / Kristofferson, Kris00:02:51
    1-007If You Don't Love JesusShaver, Billy Joe00:02:39
    1-008To Be Loved By A WomanShaver, Billy Joe00:03:47
    1-009The Tough Get GoingShaver, Billy Joe00:04:05
    1-010The Greatest Man AliveShaver, Billy Joe00:03:11
    1-011Played The Game Too LongShaver, Billy Joe / Tucker, Tanya00:04:16
    1-012You'll Always Be My Best FriendShaver, Billy Joe00:02:48
    1-013Jesus Is The Only One That Loves UsShaver, Billy Joe / Anderson, John00:03:29
    1-014Everybody's BrotherShaver, Billy Joe / Miller, Bill00:06:59
    1-015You Just Can't Beat Jesus ChristShaver, Billy Joe / Cash, Johnny00:03:39