CHAN 10321

Cox And Box / Trial By Jury

von Sullivan, Arthur Seymour | Evans / Brooke / Hickox / BBCW / +
erschienen am 22.07.2005

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    1-001Cox and Box or The Long Lost Brothers (Operette in 1 Akt) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Sullivan, Arthur SeymourDirigent / Band Leader: Hickox, Richard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): BBC National Orchestra of Wales
    1-002-002It seemed like just another day ...00:00:15
    1-003-003Rataplan (Bouncer's Song)00:03:20
    1-004-004Now, for some reason or other00:00:08
    1-005-005Duett: Stay, Bouncer, stay!00:06:39
    1-006-006At last he left00:00:46
    1-007-007Box's Song: A Lullaby00:02:36
    1-008-008Song and Dance: My Master is punctual00:00:56
    1-010-010Trio: Who are you, sir?00:03:58
    1-011-011Not even "Rataplan" could settle this ...00:00:24
    1-012-012Duet serenade: The buttercup00:04:34
    1-013-013Music, it seemed, wasn't their only mutual interest00:00:15
    1-014-014Romance: Not long ago00:05:51
    1-015-015An ingenious scheme00:01:22
    1-016-016Finale: My hand upon it00:01:59
    1-017Trial by Jury (Operette in 1 Akt) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Sullivan, Arthur SeymourSopran: Evans, Rebecca
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Hickox, Richard
    1-017-001Chor: Hark, the hour of ten is sounding00:03:09
    1-018-002Defendant: Is this the Court of the Exchequer?00:01:02
    1-019-003Defendant: When first my old, old love I knew00:03:07
    1-020-004Chor: All hail, great Judge!00:02:18
    1-021-005The Judge's Song: When I, good friends ...00:02:30
    1-022-006Counsel: Swear thou the jury00:01:37
    1-023-007Chorus of Bridesmaids. Counsel: Where's the Plaintiff?00:03:33
    1-024-008Judge: Oh never, never, never ...00:01:15
    1-025-009Counsel: May it please you, m'lud!00:03:09
    1-026-010Judge: That she is reeling is plain to see!00:00:50
    1-027-011Defendant: Oh gentlemen isten I pray00:01:37
    1-028-012Judge: That seems a reasonable proposition00:00:59
    1-029-013Judge: A nice dilemma we have here00:03:09
    1-030-014Plaintiff: I love him - I love him00:02:25
    1-031-015Finale: Plaintiff: Oh joy unbounded00:01:52