John Cranko`s Romeo und Juliet

von Prokofieff, Sergej | Tuggle, James / Staatsorchester Stuttgart
erschienen am 18.01.2019

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    1-001Romeo und Julia op. 64a (Ballett)Komponist: Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Tuggle, James
    Männliche Hauptrolle: Robinson, Robert
    1-001-001Introduction (1. Akt, 1. Szene)
    1-003-003The street awakens
    1-004-004Morning dance
    1-005-005The fight
    1-006-006The duke's command
    1-008-008At the Capulet's (2. Szene)
    1-009-009The young Juliet
    1-010-010Arrival of guests (3. Szene)
    1-011-011Masks (Pas de trois Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio)
    1-012-012Dance of the knights (4. Szene)
    1-013-013Variation Juliet
    1-014-014Variation Mercutio
    1-015-015Madrigal (Pas de deux Romeo and Juliet)
    1-016-016Tybalt recognizes Romeo
    1-017-017Departure of the guests
    1-018-018Balcony scene (5. Szene)
    1-019-019Variation Romeo
    1-020-020Pas de deux Romeo and Juliet
    1-021-021Folk dance (2. Akt, 1. Szene)
    1-022-022Romeo and Mercutio
    1-023-023Dance of the three couples
    1-024-024Carnivals dancers
    1-025-025The nurse
    1-026-026The nurse and Romeo
    1-027-027Interlude (2. Szene)
    1-028-028Romeo and Juliet get married
    1-029-029The carnival continues (3. Szene)
    1-030-030Meeting of Tybalt and Mercutio
    1-031-031The duel
    1-032-032Mercutio's death
    1-033-033Romeo avenges Mercutio
    1-035-035Introduction (3. Akt, 1. Szene)
    1-036-036Romeo and Juliet in Juliet's bedroom
    1-037-037Farewll before parting
    1-038-038The nurse
    1-039-039Juliet refuses to marry Paris
    1-041-041Juliet with Friar Laurence (2. Szene)
    1-043-043Juliet alone (3. Szene)
    1-045-045At Juliet's deathbed
    1-046-046Juliet's funeral (4. Szene)
    1-047-047In the crypt
    1-048-048Applaus and Abspann