AVSA 9936

Messiah HWV 56

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Savall, Jordi / La Capella Reial De Catalunya / +
erschienen am 25.10.2019

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    1-001Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Redmond, Rachel
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Savall, Jordi
    1-001-001Ouvertüre: Grave - Allegro moderato (1. Teil)00:03:03
    1-002-002Comfort ye my people00:02:57
    1-003-003Ev'ry valley shall be exalted00:03:24
    1-004-004And the glory of the Lord00:02:48
    1-005-005Thus saith the Lord00:01:27
    1-006-006But who may abide the day of his coming?00:04:23
    1-007-007And he shall purify00:02:32
    1-008-008Behold, a virgin shall conceive00:00:24
    1-009-009O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion00:05:20
    1-010-010For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth00:02:18
    1-011-011The poeple that walked in darkness00:03:07
    1-012-012For unto us a child is born00:04:15
    1-014-014There were shepherds abinding in the field - And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them00:00:41
    1-015-015And the angel said unto them00:00:32
    1-016-016And suddenly there was with the angel00:00:19
    1-017-017Glory to God00:02:15
    1-018-018Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion00:04:07
    1-019-019Then shall the eyes of the blind00:00:26
    1-020-020He shall feed his flock00:04:47
    1-021-021His yoke is easy00:02:31
    1-022-022Behold the Lamb of God (2. Teil)00:03:30
    1-023-023He was despised00:09:54
    1-024-024Surely he hath borne our griefs00:01:47
    1-025-025And with his stripes we are healed00:01:38
    1-026-026All we like sheep have gone astray00:04:23
    2-001-027All they that see him, laugh him to scorn00:00:47
    2-002-028He trusted in God00:02:28
    2-003-029Thy rebuke hath broken his heart00:02:08
    2-004-030Behold, and see if there be any sorrow00:01:24
    2-005-031He was cut off out of the land of the living00:00:18
    2-006-032But thou didst not leave his soul in hell00:02:20
    2-007-033Lift up your heads, O ye gates00:03:14
    2-008-034Unto which of the angels said he at any time00:00:25
    2-009-035Let all the angels of God worship him00:01:30
    2-010-036Thou art gone up on high00:03:06
    2-011-037The Lord gave the word00:01:10
    2-012-038How beautiful are the feet00:02:17
    2-013-039Their sound is gone out00:01:25
    2-014-040Why do the nations so furiously rage together?00:02:54
    2-015-041Let us break their bonds asunder00:01:41
    2-016-042He that dwelleth in heaven00:00:15
    2-017-043Thou shalt break them00:01:59
    2-019-045I know that my redeemer liveth (3. Teil)00:06:30
    2-020-046Since by man came death00:02:29
    2-021-047Behold, I tell you a mystery00:00:32
    2-022-048The trumpet shall sound00:09:04
    2-023-049Then shall be brought to pass00:00:16
    2-024-050O death, where is thy sting?00:00:58
    2-025-051But thanks be to God00:02:16
    2-026-052If God be for us00:05:11
    2-027-053Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen00:07:46