Et Folkesagn - A Folk Tale

von Gade, Niels W. /Hartmann, J. P. E. | Danish Radio Sinfonietta, The / Damgaard, Harry
erschienen am 20.01.1997

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    1-001Et Folkesagn (Eine Volkssage, Ballett in 3. Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Gade, Niels W./ Hartmann, J.P.E.Dirigent / Band Leader: Damgaard, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Danish Radio Sinfonietta
    1-001-001Prelude (1. Akt)00:02:27
    1-002-002Near the elf hill the servants prepare the feast - Birthe's entrance and the arrival of the guests00:03:18
    1-003-003Peasants and servants dance - Peasant dance and reel00:04:11
    1-004-004The guests dance - The minuet and country dance00:02:02
    1-005-005Birthe schemes - Chivalry dance - The feast ends00:04:48
    1-006-006Squire Ove at the elf hill - Hilda brings the goblet - Muri summons the elf girls00:06:16
    1-007-007The hill closes - The dance of the elf dirls00:02:40
    1-008-008In the elf hill - The trolls squabble and Muri chastises them (2. Akt)00:05:26
    1-009-009Diderik proposes to Hilda, who spurns him00:04:14
    1-010-010Hilda's dream00:03:36
    1-011-011Hilda awakes and ponders upon her dream00:01:17
    1-012-012Muril's entrance - Preparations for the feast, the arrival of the troll guests00:03:30
    1-013-013Bolero: Hilda dances00:03:14
    1-014-014The trolls dance and drink themselves into a stupor - Hilda and Viderik flee00:04:01
    2-001-015At St. John's spring: Pastorale (3. Akt)00:01:49
    2-002-016Hilda and the peasants dance to Viderik's violin - Mr. Mogen's entrance00:04:59
    2-003-017Squire Ove arrives - Hilda cures him - Hilda and Ove dance - Viderik despairs00:05:34
    2-004-018Mr. Mogens summons the peasants, who led Ove away - Hilda and Viderk flee00:01:36
    2-005-019In Birthe's chamber Cathrine and the maids are preparing for the feast - Birthe rages, and collapses in a fit...00:09:35
    2-006-020In a forest grove the trolls search for Hilda00:02:11
    2-007-021Mogens and the peasants arrive, and Viderik puts a spell on them - Birthe comes upon Viderik00:02:49
    2-008-022The troll family arrives - Muri offers Mr. Mogens a chest of gold and Mogens promises to wed Birthe00:03:11
    2-009-023At the manor Hilda and Ove's wedding is being celebrated - The peasant march - Hilda's entrance00:02:46
    2-011-025Male solo00:00:44
    2-012-026Pas de deux: Girls' solo00:02:24
    2-014-028Wedding waltz00:02:56