QSSCD 0324

Matthäus - Passion (GA)

von Bach, Johann Sebastian | Bach Choir / Boys St. Paul's C. C.
erschienen am 18.08.1994

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    1-001Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Bach, Johann SebastianSopran: Lott, Felicity
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Willcocks, Sir David
    1-001-001Chorus: Come, ye daughters, share my mourning (Teil 1)00:08:34
    1-002-002Rezitativ: When Jesus had completed all these savings00:00:50
    1-003-003Choral: O blessed Jesu, how hast Thou offended?00:00:54
    1-004-004Rezitativ: At that time there assembled the chief priests00:00:26
    1-005-005Chorus: Not upon the feast00:00:17
    1-006-006Rezitativ: Now when Jessu was in Bethany00:00:35
    1-007-007Chorus: To what purpose is this waste?00:00:32
    1-008-008Rezitativ: When Jesus understood it00:01:37
    1-009-009Rezitativ: My Master and my Lord00:01:03
    1-010-010Alt Arie: Grief for sin00:04:52
    1-011-011Rezitativ: Then went one of the disciples00:00:40
    1-012-012Sopran Arie: Break in grief00:05:20
    1-013-013Rezitativ: Now on the first day of the unleavened bread00:00:13
    1-014-014Chorus: Where wilt Thou?00:00:22
    1-015-015Rezitativ mit Chor: He said, Go to one in the city yonder00:01:57
    1-016-016Choral: Tis I, whose sins have bound Thee00:00:56
    1-017-017Rezitativ: He answered them and said00:03:30
    1-018-018Rezitativ: Although our eyes with tears o'erflow00:01:27
    1-019-019Sopran Arie: Jesus, Saviour, I am thine00:03:57
    1-020-020Rezitativ: And after they had sung an hmyn together00:01:13
    1-021-021Choral: Receive me, my Redeemer00:01:03
    1-022-022Rezitativ: Simon Peter made answer00:01:14
    1-023-023Choral: Here would I stand beside Thee00:01:07
    1-024-024Rezitativ: Then came Jesus with them00:02:16
    1-025-025Tenor solo mit Chor: O grief! how throbs His heavy-laden breast!00:02:12
    1-026-026Tenor solo mit Chor: I would beside my Lord be watching00:05:34
    2-001-027Rezitativ: And he went away00:00:50
    2-002-028Rezitativ: The Saviour, low before His Father bending00:01:08
    2-003-029Bass Arie: Gladly would I take upon me00:04:26
    2-004-030Rezitativ: And he came to his disciples00:01:30
    2-005-031Choral: O Father, let Thy will be done00:01:15
    2-006-032Rezitativ: And he came again and found them sleeping00:02:33
    2-007-033Sopran und Alt-Duett mit Chor: Behold, my Saviour now is taken00:04:54
    2-008-034Rezitativ: And behold, one of the others which were there with Jesus00:02:34
    2-009-035Chorus: O man, thy grievous sin bemoan00:06:56
    2-010-036Alt Arie mit Chor: Ah! now is my Saviour gone (Teil 2)00:04:33
    2-011-037Rezitativ: And they that had laid hold on Jesus00:01:02
    2-012-038Choral: How falsely doth the world accuse!00:00:56
    2-013-039Rezitativ: Yea, though many lying witnesses came forward00:01:23
    2-014-040Rezitativ: He holds His peaced though men accus him falsely00:01:05
    2-015-041Tenor Arie: Endure, endure00:03:44
    2-016-042Rezitativ mit Chor: And the high priest answered and said unto Him00:01:43
    2-017-043Rezitativ mit Chor: And then with one accord did they spit in His face00:00:39
    2-018-044Choral: O Lord, who dares to smite Thee?00:00:55
    2-019-045Rezitativ mit Chor: Simon Peter sat outside in the court00:01:11
    2-020-046Rezitativ: And then began he to curse and to swear00:01:26
    2-021-047Alt Arie: Have mercy, Lord, on me00:06:44
    2-022-048Choral: Lamb of God, I fall before Thee00:01:09
    2-023-049Rezitativ mit Chor: Now when the morning came00:00:56
    2-024-050Rezitativ: And he cast the silver pieces down in the temple00:00:57
    2-025-051Bass Arie: Give, O give me back my Lord00:03:35
    2-026-052Rezitativ: And they took counsel together00:02:18
    2-027-053Choral: Commit thy way to Jesus00:01:11
    3-001-054Rezitativ mit Chor: At that feast then00:02:29
    3-002-055Choral: O wondrous love, that suffers this correction!00:00:55
    3-003-056Rezitativ: The governor answered00:00:15
    3-004-057Rezitativ: To all men Jesus good hath done00:01:17
    3-005-058Sopran Arie: For love my Saviour now is dying00:05:14
    3-006-059Rezitativ mit Chor: But they cried out of the more00:02:23
    3-007-060Rezitativ: O gracious God!00:01:19
    3-008-061Alt Arie: If my tears be unavalling00:07:46
    3-009-062Rezitativ mit Chor: And then did the soldiers of the governor00:01:30
    3-010-063Choral: O Sacred Head surrounded by crown of piercing thorn00:02:28
    3-011-064Rezitativ: And after they had mocked at Him00:01:28
    3-012-065Rezitativ: In truth, to bear the cross00:00:42
    3-013-066Bass Arie: Come, healing cross00:07:09
    3-014-067Rezitativ mit Chor: And when they came unto the place that is called Golgotha00:03:51
    3-015-068Rezitativ: The same was cast in His teeth by the robbers00:00:16
    3-016-069Rezitativ: Ah Golgotha! Unhappy Golgotha!00:01:47
    3-017-070Alt Arie mit Chor: See ye! See the Saviour's outstretched hands!00:03:48
    3-018-071Rezitativ mit Chor: Now from the sixth hour00:02:46
    3-019-072Choral: Be near me, Lord, when dying00:01:44
    3-020-073Rezitativ mit Chor: And then, behold, the vell of the temple was rent00:03:06
    3-021-074Rezitativ: At evening, hour of calm and peace00:02:31
    3-022-075Bass Arie: Make thee clean, my heart, from sin00:06:48
    3-023-076Rezitativ mit Chor: And Joseph took the body00:02:50
    3-024-077Rezitativ mit Chor: And now the Lord to rest is laid00:02:18
    3-025-078Chorus: In tears of grief, dear Lord, we leave Thee00:07:09