CDA 066770

Odes For St. Cecilia'S Day

von Blow, J. /draghi, G. B. | Paoi / Playford Consort
erschienen am 22.08.1995

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    1-001From harmony, from heav'nly harmony (1687)Komponist: Draghi, Giovanni BattistaSopran: Le Blanc, Suzie; Hyde, Philippa
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Wistreich, Richard
    1-002-002From harmony, from heav'nly harmony00:02:13
    1-003-003When Nature underneath a heap00:06:42
    1-004-004What passion cannot Musick raise and quel!00:03:27
    1-005-005The trumpt's loud clangor00:03:21
    1-006-006the soft complaining flute00:04:12
    1-007-007Sharp violins proclaim00:04:01
    1-008-008But oh! What ar can teach00:02:47
    1-009-009Orpheus cou'd lead the savage race00:03:17
    1-010-010As from the pow'r of sacred lays00:05:10
    1-011The glorious day is come (1691)Komponist: Blow, JohnSopran: Le Blanc, Suzie
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Holman, Peter
    1-012-002The glorious day is come, that will for ever be00:02:14
    1-013-003The spheres, those instruments divine00:05:01
    1-014-004Couch'd by the pleasant Heliconian spring00:02:00
    1-015-005And first the trumpet's part00:02:41
    1-016-006The battle done, the loud alarms do cease00:02:59
    1-017-007Excesses of pleasure now crowd on apace00:02:23
    1-018-008Ah Heav'n! What is't I hear?00:03:04
    1-019-009Music! Celestial Music! What can be00:02:47
    1-020-010This that blest king and god-like prophet knew00:01:45
    1-021-011And thus by Music's pow'r00:02:46