Schwanensee / Dornröschen / Nussknacker

von Tschaikowsky, Peter Iljitsch | Previn, Andre / LSO
erschienen am 19.08.2016

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    1-001Der Schwanensee op. 20 (Ballett)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschVioline: Haendel, Ida
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Previn, André
    1-001-001Introduction: Moderato assai (1. Akt)00:02:48
    1-002Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 1 Allegro giusto (2016)Previn, André00:02:58
    1-002-002Scene: Allegro giusto00:02:58
    1-003Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 2 Valse in A- Flat Major (Tempo di valse) (Corps de Ballet) [2016]Previn, André00:07:16
    1-003-003Waltz: Tempo di valse00:07:15
    1-004Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 3 Entrance of Pages (Allegro moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:03:43
    1-004-004Scene: Allegro moderato00:03:43
    1-005Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - I. Intrada (Allegro) [2016]Previn, André00:02:14
    1-005-005Pas de trois: Intrada -00:02:13
    1-006Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - II. Adagio (Andante sostenuto) [2016]Previn, André00:02:27
    1-006-006Andante sostenuto -00:02:27
    1-007Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - III. Allegro semplice (2016)Previn, André00:01:15
    1-007-007Allegro semplice - Presto -00:01:16
    1-008Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - IV. Moderato (2016)Previn, André00:01:10
    1-008-008Moderato -00:01:09
    1-009Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - V. Allegro (2016)Previn, André00:01:09
    1-009-009Allegro -00:01:08
    1-010Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 4 Pas de trois - VI. Coda (Allegro vivace) [2016]Previn, André00:01:41
    1-010-010Coda: Allegro vivace00:01:45
    1-011Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 5 Pas de deux - I. Tempo di valse ma non troppo vivo, quasi moderato (2016)Previn, André00:02:26
    1-011-011Pas de deux: Tempo di valse -00:02:26
    1-012Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 5 Pas de deux - II. Andante - Allegro (2016)Previn, André00:05:43
    1-012-012Andante - Allegro - Molto più mosso -00:05:43
    1-013Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 5 Pas de deux - III. Tempo di valse (2016)Previn, André00:01:38
    1-013-013Tempo di valse -00:01:37
    1-014Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 5 Pas de deux - Coda (Allegro molto vivace) [2016]Previn, André00:01:56
    1-014-014Coda: Allegro molto vivace00:01:56
    1-015Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 6 Pas d'action (Andantino quasi moderato - Allegro) [2016]Previn, André00:01:58
    1-015-015Pas d'action: Andantino quasi moderato - Allegro00:01:58
    1-016Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 1 Sujet (2016)Previn, André00:00:44
    1-017Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 8 Danse des coupes (Tempo di Polacca) [2016]Previn, André00:05:59
    1-017-017Dance with goblets: Tempo di polacca00:05:58
    1-018Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 1: No. 9 Finale (Andante) [2016]Previn, André00:02:33
    1-018-018Finale: Andante00:02:37
    1-019Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 10 Moderato (2016)Previn, André00:02:47
    1-019-019Scene: Moderato (2. Akt)00:02:46
    1-020Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 11 Allegro moderato - Allegro vivo (2016)Previn, André00:04:58
    1-020-020Scene: Allegro moderato - Allegro vivo00:04:59
    1-021Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 12 Allegro (2016)Previn, André00:03:19
    1-021-021Scene: Allegro00:03:19
    1-022Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - I. Tempo di valse (2016)Previn, André00:02:26
    1-022-022Dances of the swans: Tempo di valse -00:02:25
    1-023Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - II. Moderato assai - Molto più mosso (2016)Previn, André00:01:40
    1-023-023Moderato assai - Molto più mosso -00:01:40
    1-024Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - III. Danses des cynges (Tempo di valse) [2016]Previn, André00:01:48
    1-024-024Tempo di valse -00:01:47
    1-025Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - IV. Allegro moderato (2016)Previn, André00:01:26
    1-025-025Dance of the little swans -00:01:26
    1-026Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - V. Pas d'action (Odette et le prince) (Andante - AndanPrevin, André00:07:19
    1-026-026Andante - Andante non troppo - Allegro -00:07:18
    1-027Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - VI. Tempo di valse (Tout le monde danse) [2016]Previn, André00:01:30
    1-027-027Tempo di calse -00:01:29
    1-028Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 13 Danses des cygnes - VII. Coda (Allegro vivo) [2016]Previn, André00:01:41
    1-028-028Coda: Allegro vivace00:01:42
    1-029Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 14 Moderato (2016)Previn, André00:02:56
    1-029-029Scene: Moderato00:02:57
    2-001Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 15 Allegro giusto (2016)Previn, André00:02:30
    2-001-030Scene: Allegro giusto (3. Akt)00:02:32
    2-002Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 16 Danses du Corps de Ballet et des Nains (Moderato assai - Allegro vivo) [20Previn, André00:02:42
    2-002-031Dance of the guests and the dwarfs: Moderato assai - Allegro vivo00:02:43
    2-003Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 17 La sortie des Invités et Valse (2016)Previn, André00:08:08
    2-003-032Entrance and waltz of the special guests: Allegro - Tempo di valse00:08:08
    2-004Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 18 Allegro - Allegro giusto (2016)Previn, André00:01:37
    2-004-033Scene: Allegro - Allegro giusto00:01:37
    2-005Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Intrada (Moderato assai) [2016]Previn, André00:02:41
    2-005-034Pas de six: Intrada -00:02:41
    2-006Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Variation I (Allegro) [2016]Previn, André00:01:38
    2-006-035Variation 1 -00:01:37
    2-007Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Variation II (Andante con moto) [2016]Previn, André00:03:23
    2-007-036Variation 2 -00:03:23
    2-008Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Variation III (Moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:01:07
    2-008-037Variation 3 -00:01:06
    2-009Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Variation IV (Allegro) [2016]Previn, André00:00:58
    2-009-038Variation 4 -00:00:58
    2-010Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 Pas de six - Variation V (Moderato - Allegro semplice) [2016]Previn, André00:01:25
    2-010-039Variation 5 -00:01:24
    2-011Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 19 - Pas de six - Coda (Allegro molto) [2016]Previn, André00:01:47
    2-011-040Coda: Allegro molto00:01:48
    2-012Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: Appendix 1 - Pas de deux: Moderato - Andante (2016)Previn, André00:04:02
    2-012-041Pas de deux: Introduction -00:04:03
    2-013Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: Appendix 1 Pas de deux: Variation I (Allegro moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:00:52
    2-013-042Variation 1 -00:00:52
    2-014Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: Appendix 1 Pas de deux - Variation II (Allegro) [2016]Previn, André00:01:00
    2-014-043Variation 2 -00:00:59
    2-015Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: Appendix 1 Pas de deux - Coda (Allegro molto vivace) [2016]Previn, André00:02:30
    2-015-044Coda: Allegro molto vivace00:02:28
    2-016Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 20 Danse hongroise - Czárdás (Moderato assai - Allegro moderato - Vivace) [20Previn, André00:02:54
    2-016-045Csárdás (Hungarian dance): Moderato assai - Allegro moderato - Vivace00:02:54
    2-017Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: Appendix 2 Danse russe (Moderato - Andante semplice - Allegro vivo) [2016]Previn, André00:04:23
    2-017-046Russian dance: Cadenza - Andante semplice - Allegro vivo00:04:23
    2-018Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 21 Danse espagnole (Allegro non troppo [Tempo di bolero]) [2016]Previn, André00:02:30
    2-018-047Spanish dance: Allegro non troppo, tempo di Bolero00:02:29
    2-019Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 22 Danse napolitaine (Allegro moderato - Andantino quasi moderato - Presto) [Previn, André00:02:19
    2-019-048Neapolitan dance: Allegro moderato - Andantino quasi moderato00:02:19
    2-020Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 23 Mazurka (Solistes et corps de ballet) (Tempo di Mazurka) [2016]Previn, André00:04:10
    2-021Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 3: No. 24 : Allegro - Valse - Allegro vivo (2016)Previn, André00:04:02
    2-021-050Scene: Allegro - Valse - Allegro vivo00:03:41
    2-022Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 4: No. 25 Entr'acte (Moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:01:52
    2-022-051Entr'acte: Moderato (4. Akt)00:01:51
    2-023Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 4: No. 26 Allegro ma non troppo (2016)Previn, André00:02:22
    2-023-052Scene: Allegro non troppo00:02:22
    2-024Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 4: No. 27 Danse des petits cygnes (Moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:04:24
    2-024-053Dance of the little swans: Moderato00:04:23
    2-025Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 4: No. 28 Allegro agitato - Molto meno mosso - Allegro vivace (2016)Previn, André00:03:04
    2-025-054Scene: Allegro agitato - Allegro vivace00:03:04
    2-026Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 4: No. 29 Andante - Allegro agitato - Alla breve. Moderato e maestoso (2016)Previn, André00:06:42
    2-026-055Finale: Andante - Allegro agitato - Alla breve - Moderato e maestoso00:06:46
    3-001Dornröschen op. 66 (Ballett)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschVioline: Brown, John
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Previn, André
    3-001-001Introduction: Allegro vivo - Andantino00:02:59
    3-002Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: The Christening: 1. March (Moderato)Previn, André00:05:04
    3-002-002March: Moderato (Prolog)00:05:04
    3-003Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: The Christening: 2. Scène dansante (Moderato con moto)Previn, André00:04:27
    3-003-003Dance scene: Moderato con moto00:04:27
    3-004Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), PROLOGUE: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: i. Introduction [2Previn, André00:00:37
    3-004-004Pas de six: Introduction -00:00:36
    3-005Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: ii. AdagioPrevin, André00:03:51
    3-005-005Adagio -00:03:50
    3-006Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: iii. Variation I: The Fairy of the Crystal FountaiPrevin, André00:00:54
    3-006-006The fairy of the crystal fountain -00:00:54
    3-007Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: iv. Variation II: The Fairy of the Enchanted GardePrevin, André00:00:34
    3-007-007The fairy of the enchanted garden -00:00:34
    3-008Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: v. Variation III: The Fairy of the WoPrevin, André00:00:59
    3-008-008The fairy of the woodland glades -00:00:59
    3-009Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: vi. Variation IV: The Fairy of the Songbirds (ModePrevin, André00:00:30
    3-009-009The fairy of the songbirds -00:00:29
    3-010Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: vii. Variation V: The Fairy of the Golden Vine (AlPrevin, André00:01:01
    3-010-010The fairy of the golden vine -00:01:01
    3-011Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Prologue: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: viii. Variation VI: The Lilac Fairy (Tempo di valsPrevin, André00:01:00
    3-011-011The lilac fairy -00:01:00
    3-012Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), PROLOGUE: "The Christening", 3. Pas de six:: ix. Coda (AllegroPrevin, André00:01:30
    3-012-012Coda: Allegro giusto00:01:31
    3-013Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Prologue: The Christening: 4. Finale [2016]Previn, André00:08:29
    3-014Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act I: The Spell: 5. Scène (Allegro vivo - Moderato) [2016]Previn, André00:06:52
    3-014-014Scene: Allegro vivo - Moderato (1. Akt)00:06:51
    3-015Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Act 1: The Spell: 6. Valse (Allegro: Tempo di valse) [2016]Previn, André00:05:00
    3-015-015Waltz: Allegro, tempo di valse00:04:58
    3-016Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act I: The Spell: 7. Scène (Andante) [2016]Previn, André00:01:47
    3-016-016Scene: Andante00:01:47
    3-017Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act I: The Spell, 8. Pas d'action:: i. Adagio à la rose (Andante - Adagio maesPrevin, André00:06:11
    3-017-017Pas d'action: Rose adagio -00:06:14
    3-018Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT I: "The Spell", 8. Pas d'action:: ii. Dance of the Maids ofPrevin, André00:02:00
    3-018-018Dance of the maids of honour and the pages -00:02:00
    3-019Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT I: "The Spell", 8. Pas d'action:: iii. Variation d'Aurore [Previn, André00:03:31
    3-019-019Aurora's variation -00:03:31
    3-020Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT I: "The Spell", 8. Pas d'action:: iv. Coda (Allegro giusto)Previn, André00:02:30
    3-020-020Coda: Allegro giusto00:02:30
    3-021Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act I: The Spell: 9. Finale [2016]Previn, André00:07:32
    4-001Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 10. Entr'acte et Scène (Allegro con spirito - UnPrevin, André00:02:44
    4-001-022Entr'acte - Scene: Allegro con spirito - Un poco più tranquillo (2. Akt)00:02:46
    4-002Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 11. Colin-maillard (Allegro vivo) [2016]Previn, André00:01:37
    4-002-023Blind man's buff: Allegro vivo00:01:37
    4-003Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 12. Scene (Moderato): i. Scène [Previn, André00:00:52
    4-003-024Dances of the courtiers: Scene -00:00:52
    4-004Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 12. Scene (Moderato): ii. DansePrevin, André00:00:55
    4-004-025Dance of the duchesses -00:00:55
    4-005Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 12. Scene (Moderato): iii. DansePrevin, André00:00:53
    4-005-026Dance of the baronesses -00:00:53
    4-006Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 12. Scene (Moderato): iv. DansePrevin, André00:00:39
    4-006-027Dance of the countesses -00:00:39
    4-007Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 12. Scene (Moderato): v. Danse dPrevin, André00:00:46
    4-007-028Dance of the marchionesses00:00:46
    4-008Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 13. Farandole: i. Scène (Poco piPrevin, André00:00:16
    4-008-029Scene: Poco più vivo00:00:16
    4-009Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT II, Scene 1: "The Vision", 13. Farandole: ii. Danse (AllegrPrevin, André00:01:36
    4-009-030Dance: Allegro non troppo00:01:35
    4-010Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 14. Scène (Prince Florimund and the Lilac Fairy)Previn, André00:05:23
    4-010-031Prince Florimund and the Lilac Fairy00:05:20
    4-011Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision, 15. Pas d'action:: Pas d'action (Aurore et FlorimPrevin, André00:05:28
    4-011-032Pas d'action: Aurora and Florimund -00:05:27
    4-012Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision, 15. Pas d'action:: Variation d'Aurore (Allegro coPrevin, André00:01:22
    4-012-033Aurora's variation -00:01:22
    4-013Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision, 15. Pas d'action:: Coda (Presto) [2016]Previn, André00:01:29
    4-013-034Coda: Presto00:01:29
    4-014Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 16. Scène (Allegro agitato) [2016]Previn, André00:00:43
    4-014-035Scene: Allegro agitato00:00:43
    4-015Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 17. Panorama (Andantino: The Awakening) [2016]Previn, André00:04:02
    4-015-036Panorama: Andantino00:04:00
    4-016Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 18. Entr'acte [2016]Previn, André00:05:55
    4-017Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 19. Entr'acte symphonique et Scène [2016]Previn, André00:07:43
    4-017-038Symphonic entr'acte (The sleep) - Scene: Andante misterioso00:07:41
    4-018Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act II, Scene 1: The Vision: 20. Finale (The Awakening) [2016]Previn, André00:02:17
    4-018-039Finale (The awakening): Allegro agitato00:02:22
    5-001Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding: 21. Marche (Allegro non troppo) [2016]Previn, André00:03:25
    5-001-040March: Allegro non troppo (3. Akt)00:03:28
    5-002Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding: 22. Polacca (Procession of Fairy-Tale Characters) (AllegPrevin, André00:04:34
    5-002-041Polonaise (Procession of fairy-tale characters): Allegro moderato e brillante00:04:35
    5-003Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: i. Pas de quatre (APrevin, André00:02:07
    5-003-042Pas de quatre: Introduction -00:02:07
    5-004Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: ii. Variation I: ThPrevin, André00:01:05
    5-004-043The golden fairy -00:01:05
    5-005Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: iii. Variation II:Previn, André00:00:49
    5-005-044The silver fairy -00:00:48
    5-006Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: iv. Variation III:Previn, André00:00:44
    5-006-045The sapphire fairy -00:00:44
    5-007Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: v. Variation IV: ThPrevin, André00:00:44
    5-007-046The diamond fairy -00:00:44
    5-008Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 23. Pas de quatre:: vi. Coda (L'istessoPrevin, André00:00:45
    5-008-047Coda: L'istesso tempo00:00:45
    5-009Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding: 24. Pas de caractère (Puss-in-Boots and the White Cat) (Previn, André00:01:56
    5-009-048Pas de caractère: Puss-in-Boots and the white cat00:01:54
    5-010Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 25. Pas de quatre (Adagio): i. Pas de quatre [2016]Previn, André00:02:00
    5-010-049Pas de quatre: Introduction -00:02:00
    5-011Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 25. Pas de quatre (Adagio): ii. Variation I: CinderellaPrevin, André00:00:58
    5-011-050Cinderella and Prince Charming -00:00:57
    5-012Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 25. Pas de quatre (Adagio): iii. Variation II: The BluebPrevin, André00:00:47
    5-012-051The bluebird and Princes Florine00:00:48
    5-013Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 25. Pas de quatre (Adagio): iv. Coda (Presto) [2016]Previn, André00:01:23
    5-013-052Coda: Presto00:01:23
    5-014Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 26. Pas de caractère: i. Chaperon RougePrevin, André00:01:21
    5-014-053Pas de caractère: Red Riding Hood and the wolf -00:01:21
    5-015Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66 (1993 Digital Remaster), ACT III: "The Wedding", 26. Pas de caractère: ii. Cendrillon etPrevin, André00:02:36
    5-015-054Cinderella and Prince charming00:02:36
    5-016Sleeping Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Act 3: 27. Pas BerrichonPrevin, André00:00:01
    5-016-055Pas Berrichon00:01:20
    5-017Sleeping Beauty, Op.66, Act 3: The Wedding, 28. Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund):: i. Entrée (Allegretto - Allegro modPrevin, André00:01:32
    5-017-056Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): Entrée -00:01:42
    5-018Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 28. Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund):: ii. Adagio (AndPrevin, André00:04:40
    5-018-057Adagio -00:04:40
    5-019Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 28. Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund):: iii. VariationPrevin, André00:01:02
    5-019-058Florimund -00:01:02
    5-020Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 28. Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund):: iv. Variation IPrevin, André00:01:56
    5-020-059Aurora -00:01:55
    5-021Sleeping Beauty, Op.66 (1993 - Remaster), Act III: The Wedding, 28. Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund):: v. Coda (AllegrPrevin, André00:01:21
    5-021-060Coda: Allegro vivace00:01:21
    5-022Sleeping Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Act 3: 29. SarabandePrevin, André00:00:01
    5-023Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66, Act III: Finale (2016)Previn, André00:05:44
    5-023-062Finale: Allegro brillante, tempo di Mazurka00:05:44
    5-024Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Op. 66, Act III: Apothéose (2016)Previn, André00:02:22
    5-024-063Apotheosis: Andante molto maestoso00:02:27
    6-001Der Nussknacker op. 71 (Ballett)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Previn, André
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Symphony Orchestra
    6-001-001Miniature ouverture00:03:29
    6-002The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: Decoration of the Christmas TreePrevin, André00:04:17
    6-002-002The decoration of the Christmas tree (1. Akt)00:04:16
    6-003The Nutcracker, Op.71, Act 1: MarchPrevin, André00:02:23
    6-004The Nutcracker, Op. 71: Children's Galop and Entry of the ParentsPrevin, André00:02:27
    6-004-004Children's galop - Entry of the parents00:02:27
    6-005The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: Arrival of DrosselmayerPrevin, André00:05:43
    6-005-005Arrival of Drosselmeyer00:05:43
    6-006The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: The Nutcracker and Grandfather DancePrevin, André00:05:42
    6-006-006Grandfather's dance00:05:43
    6-007The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: Departure of the guests (Clara and the Nutcracker)Previn, André00:06:36
    6-007-007Clara and the Nutcracker00:06:35
    6-008The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: The Battle and Transformation ScenePrevin, André00:03:20
    6-008-008The battle00:03:20
    6-009The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: The forest of fir trees in Winter (Journey through the snow)Previn, André00:03:57
    6-009-009In the pine forest00:03:57
    6-010The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 1: Waltz of the SnowfalkesPrevin, André00:06:18
    6-010-010Waltz of the snowflakes00:06:21
    7-001The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: The Enchanted Palace of the Kingdom of Sweets (The magic castle)Previn, André00:04:26
    7-001-011The kingdom of sweets (2. Akt)00:04:30
    7-002The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Arrival of Clara and the NutcrackerPrevin, André00:04:33
    7-002-012Clara and the prince00:04:33
    7-003The Nutcracker, Op. 71: Act 2: Divertissement: Chocolate (Spanish Dance)Previn, André00:01:10
    7-003-013Divertissement: Chocolate (Spanish dance) -00:01:10
    7-004The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Divertissement: Coffee (Arab Dance)Previn, André00:03:12
    7-004-014Coffee (Arabian dance) -00:03:11
    7-005The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Divertissement: Tea (Chinese Dance)Previn, André00:01:06
    7-005-015Tea (Chinese dance) -00:01:07
    7-006The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Divertissement: Trepak (Russian Dance)Previn, André00:01:07
    7-006-016Trepak (Russian dance) -00:01:07
    7-007The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Divertissement: Dance of the Mirlitons (Flutes)Previn, André00:02:17
    7-007-017Dance of the reed pipes -00:02:17
    7-008The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Divertissement: Mother Gigogne and the ClownsPrevin, André00:02:54
    7-008-018Mother Gigogne00:02:56
    7-009The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Waltz of the FlowersPrevin, André00:06:55
    7-009-019Waltz of the flowers00:06:54
    7-010The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Pas de deux (The Prince and the Sugar-Plum Fairy): Pas de deuxPrevin, André00:04:57
    7-010-020Pas de deux00:04:56
    7-011The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Pas de deux (The Prince and the Sugar-Plum Fairy): Variation I (Tarantella)Previn, André00:00:40
    7-011-021Variation 1: Tarantella00:00:40
    7-012The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Pas de deux (The Prince and the Sugar-Plum Fairy): Variation II (Dance of the Sugar-PlumPrevin, André00:03:28
    7-012-022Variation 2: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Coda00:03:28
    7-013The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Final Waltz & ApotheosePrevin, André00:04:56
    7-013-023Final waltz - Apotheosis00:05:02