Toto Past To Present 1977-1990

von Toto
erschienen am 05.04.2004

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    1-001Love Has The Power - Album VersionKomponist: J.M. Byron; J. Capek; J.M. Byron; J. Capek
    Textdichter: J. Capek; J.M. Byron; J.M. Byron; J. Capek; J.M. Byron; J. Capek
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Byron / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis,
    Horn: Thornburg, Lee; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg
    1-001-001Intro (Child's anthem)Toto
    1-002Africa - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis, Lynn / T
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-003Hold The Line - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David; Paich, David
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Kimball, Bobby / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-003-003Georgy PorgyToto
    1-004Out Of Love - Album VersionKomponist: Lukather, S.; J.M. Byron
    Regisseur: Bahler, John; Bahler, John; Bahler, John
    Arrangeur: Bahler, John; Bahler, John; Bahler, John
    Textdichter: J.M. Byron; Lukather, S.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Byron / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis,
    Horn: Thornburg, Lee; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg
    1-004-004I'll be over youToto
    1-005Georgy Porgy - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Lynn, Cheryl / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex /
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-005-005David Paich Solo SpotToto
    1-006I'll Be Over You - Album VersionKomponist: Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.; Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.
    Textdichter: Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.; Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis, Lynn / T
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-006-006I won't hold you backToto
    1-007Can You Hear What I'm Saying - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Jean Michel Byron; Porcaro, Michael; Paich, David; Jean Michel Byron; Porcaro, Michael
    Textdichter: Porcaro, Michael; Porcaro, Michael; Paich, David; Jean Michel Byron; Porcaro, Michael
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Byron / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis,
    Horn: Thornburg, Lee; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg
    1-007-007Little wing (Tribute to Jimi Hendrix)Toto
    1-008Rosanna - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David; Paich, David
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michael / Lukather, Steve / Kimball, Bobby / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-008-008Without your loveToto
    1-009I Won't Hold You Back - Album VersionKomponist: Lukather, Steve
    Textdichter: Lukather, Steve
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michael / Lukather, Steve / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis, Lynn / T
    Horn: Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Castillo, Emilio
    1-009-009English eyesToto
    1-010Stop Loving You - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, D.; Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Lukather, S.
    Textdichter: Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Paich, D.; Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Lukather, S.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Williams, Joseph / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Ale
    Horn: Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio
    1-01199 - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Paich, David; Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David; Paich, David; Paich, David
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis, Lynn / T
    Horn: Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio
    1-011-011Afraid of loveToto
    1-012Pamela - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Williams, J.; D.Paich; Williams, Joseph
    Textdichter: Williams, Joseph; Paich, David; D.Paich; Williams, J.; D.Paich; Williams, J.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Williams, Joseph / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Ale
    Horn: Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Thornburg, Lee; Adams, Greg; Castillo, Emilio
    1-012-012Hold the lineToto
    1-013Animal - Album VersionKomponist: Paich, D.; J.M. Byron; J.M. Byron; Paich, D.; J.M. Byron
    Arrangeur: Adams, Greg
    Textdichter: J.M. Byron; Paich, D.; Paich, D.; J.M. Byron; Paich, D.
    Paich, David / Lukather, Steve / Byron, Jean-Michael / Byron / Toto / Boyd, Susan / Silas, Alfie / Brown, Alex / Davis,
    Horn: Castillo, Emilio; Tower Of Power; Adams, Greg; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen; Timko, Tom; Castillo, Emilio; Tower Of Power; Thornburg, Lee; Timko, Tom; "Doc" Kupka, Stephen
    1-013-013Toto 'Behind the scenes' - 1995Toto
    1-014Child's AnthemToto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-014-014Toto Interview by Jan Douwe Kroeske - 1998 (Dressing Room of 'Ahoy' Stadium, Holland)Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-016Georgy PorgyKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-017I'll Be Over YouToto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-018David Paich Solo SpotKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.; Paich, D.
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    1-019I Won't Hold You BackToto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-020Little wingToto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-021Without Your LoveKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-022English EyesKomponist: Paich, D.; R. Kimball; Porcaro, J.; S. Porcara
    Textdichter: Paich, D.; R. Kimball; Porcaro, J.; S. Porcara; S. Porcara
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-024Afraid Of LoveKomponist: Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.
    Textdichter: Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.; Porcaro, J.
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    1-025Hold The LineToto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike; Porcaro, Mike
    1-026Program StartKomponist: N/A
    Textdichter: N/A
    1-027Song SelectionsToto
    1-0305.1 Dolby Full ChannelToto
    1-035Bonus FeaturesToto
    1-036Toto 'Behind The Scenes' EPKKomponist: N/A
    Textdichter: N/A
    1-037Toto Interview by Jan Douwe KroeskeKomponist: N/A
    Textdichter: N/A
    2-001Child's Anthem - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-001-001Love has the power (Previously Unreleased)Toto00:06:40
    2-002Africa - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, David; Porcaro, Jeff
    Textdichter: Paich, David; Porcaro, Jeff
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-003Georgy Porgy - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-003-003Hold the lineToto00:03:56
    2-004I'll Be Over You - Live Video VersionKomponist: Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.
    Textdichter: Lukather, S.; Goodrum, R.
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-004-004Out of love (Previously Unreleased)Toto00:05:54
    2-005David Paich Solo Spot - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, D.
    Textdichter: Paich, D.
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-005-005Georgy PorgyToto00:04:08
    2-006I Won't Hold You Back - Live Video VersionKomponist: Lukather, Steve
    Textdichter: Lukather, Steve
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-006-006I'll be over youToto00:03:51
    2-007Little wing - Live Video VersionKomponist: Jimmy Hendrix
    Textdichter: Jimmy Hendrix
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-007-007Can you hear what I'm saying (Previously Unreleased)Toto00:05:02
    2-008Without Your Love - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-009ENGLISH EYES - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, D.; R. Kimball; Porcaro, J.; S. Porcara
    Textdichter: Paich, D.; R. Kimball; Porcaro, J.; S. Porcara
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-009-009I won't hold you backToto00:04:59
    2-010Rosanna - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-010-010Stop loving youToto00:04:29
    2-011Afraid Of Love - Live Video VersionKomponist: Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.
    Textdichter: Lukather, S.; Paich, D.; Porcaro, J.
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-012Hold The Line - Live Video VersionKomponist: Paich, David
    Textdichter: Paich, David
    Paich, David / Byron, Jean-Michel / Toto
    Gitarre: Lukather, Steve
    Keyboards: Paich, David; Lukather, Steve; Porcaro, Jeff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff
    Kontrabaß: Porcaro, Mike
    2-013Toto 'Behind The Scenes' EPK - VideoKomponist: N/A
    Textdichter: N/A
    2-013-013Animal (Previously Unreleased)Toto00:05:03
    2-014Toto Interview by Jan Douwe Kroeske - VideoKomponist: N/A
    Textdichter: N/A