50 Best Hymns

von Various | Various
erschienen am 18.03.2011

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    1-001Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Praise, my soul)Komponist: Goss, JohnKing's College Choir, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Thomas Williamson
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-002Morning has broken (Bunessan)Komponist: Traditionell/Rutter, JohnKing's College Choir, Cambridge/Sioned Williams/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-003Come down, O Love divine (Down Ampney)Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphKing's College Choir, Cambridge/Thomas Williamson/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-004A mighty fortress is our God (Ein' feste Burg)Komponist: Bach, Johann SebastianChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/The Wallace Collection/Thomas Williamson
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    Orgel: Williamson, Thomas
    1-005O what their joy and their glory must be (Regnator Orbis)Komponist: Traditionell/Harris, WiliamChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Benjamin Bayl
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-006When I survey the wondrous cross (Rockingham)Komponist: Webbe, SamuelChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Benjamin Bayl
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-007Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)Komponist: Parry, Charles Hubert HastingsChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Thomas Bullard/Benjamin Bayl/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Bariton: Bullard, Thomas
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-008Be thou my vision (Slane)Komponist: Traditionell/Rutter, JohnChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Sioned Williams
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-009The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St Clement)Komponist: Scholefield, C.C.King's College Choir, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Benjamin Bayl
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-010Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Picardy)Komponist: Traditionell/Jackson, StephenChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Benjamin Bayl
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-011Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Hast du denn, Jesu)Komponist: Traditionell/Cleobury, StephenChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Thomas Williamson
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-012My song is love unknown (Love Unknown)Komponist: Ireland, JohnChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Thomas Williamson
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-013The Lord's my shepherd (Brother James' Air)Komponist: Bain, James Leith MacbethThomas Bullard/Choir of King's College, Cambridge/Sioned Williams/Stephen Cleobury
    Harfe: Williams, Sioned
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-014Thine be the glory (Maccabaeus)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichChoir of King's College, Cambridge/The Wallace Collection/Thomas Williamson/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    Orgel: Williamson, Thomas
    1-015Drop, drop, slow tears (Song 46)Komponist: Gibbons, OrlandoChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-016Glorious things of thee are spoken (Abbot's Leigh)Komponist: Taylor, CyrilChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Benjamin Bayl
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    1-017All people that on earth do dwell (The Old Hundredth)Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphKing's College Choir, Cambridge/The Wallace Collection/Benjamin Bayl/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Wallace Collection
    2-001JerusalemKomponist: Parry, Charles Hubert HastingsChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury/Oliver Brett
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    2-002Abide with me (vv. 2, 4 & 5 arr. Cleobury)Komponist: Monk, W.H.King's College Choir, Cambridge/Peter Stevens/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    2-003I vow to thee, my country (Thaxted)Komponist: Holst, GustavChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Peter Stevens/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    2-004Alleluya, sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol) [last verse omitted]Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Oliver Brett/Stephen Cleobury
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Cleobury, Stephen
    2-005Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (St Fulbert) (1994 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Gauntlett, H.J./Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Philip Jones Brass Ensemble/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
    2-006The head that once was crowned with thorns (St Magnus)Komponist: Traditionell/Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    2-007Holy, holy, holy (Nicaea) (v.2 arr. Willcocks)Komponist: Dykes, J.B./Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    2-008Praise to the Holiest (Richmond)Komponist: Webbe, Samuel/Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Philip Jones Brass Ensemble/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
    2-009Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling (melody adapted and harm. J. S. Bach) (1987 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Bach, Johann SebastianChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Adrian Partington/Sir Philip Ledger
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Ledger, Sir Philip
    2-010On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (1987 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Traditionell/ Ledger, Sir PhilipChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Sir Philip Ledger/Adrian Partington
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Ledger, Sir Philip
    2-011There is a green hill far away (Horsley) (1994 Digital Remaster)Komponist: Horsley, WilliamSir Philip Ledger/Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Ledger, Sir Philip
    2-012O sacred head, sore wounded ('Passion Chorale': English Hymnal No. 102; O Haupt voll Blud und Wunden from the St MatthewKomponist: Bach, Johann SebastianKing's College Choir, Cambridge/Sir David Willcocks
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    2-013Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter Hymn)Komponist: Traditionell/Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Philip Jones Brass Ensemble/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
    2-014Bright the vision that delighted (Redhead No.46)Komponist: Redhead, Richard/Willcocks, DavidChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Ian Hare/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    2-015Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Veni Creator)Komponist: GregorianikChoir of King's College, Cambridge/Sir David Willcocks
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    2-016Evening Hymn (Te lucis ante terminum) (1995 - Remaster)Komponist: Gardiner, Henry BalfourChoir of King's College, Cambridge/James Lancelot/Sir David Willcocks
    Männerchor: Choir of King's College, Cambridge
    Chorleiter: Willcocks, David
    3-001How great thou art (Sanningsvittnet)Komponist: Traditionell/HineYork Minster Choir/John Scott Whiteley/Philip Moore
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-002Let all the world in every corner sing (Luckington)Komponist: Harwood, BasilYork Minster Choir/John Scott Whiteley/Philip Moore
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-003Amazing GraceKomponist: Traditionell/Moore, PhilipYork Minster Choir/John Scott Whiteley/Philip Moore
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-004For all the saints (Sine nomine)Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-005How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (St Peter)Komponist: TraditionellYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-006Rejoice, the Lord is king (Gopsal)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-007Soul of my saviour (Anima Christi)Komponist: Maher, William/Moore, PhilipYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-008Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Truro)Komponist: Traditionell/Whiteley, John ScottYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-009O worship the king (Hanover)Komponist: Traditionell/Moore, PhilipYork Minster Choir
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-010All creatures of our God and king (Lasst uns erfreuen)Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphYork Minster Choir/John Scott Whiteley/Philip Moore
    Kinderchor: York Minster Choir
    Chorleiter: Moore, Philip
    3-011Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord (Battle Hymn)Komponist: Traditionell/Tracey, IanMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Tracey/Ian Wells
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-012Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Mannheim)Komponist: Filitz, FriedrichMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Wells/Ian Tracey
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-013On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross (The Old Rugged Cross)Komponist: Bennard, GeorgeMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Tracey/Ian Wells
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-014All my hope on God is founded (Michael)Komponist: Howells, HerbertMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Tracey/Ian Wells
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-015O come and mourn with me awhile (St Cross)Komponist: Dykes, J.B./Marshall, PhilipMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Wells/Ian Tracey
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-016Love divine, all loves excelling (Blaenwern)Komponist: Rowlands, W.P.Massed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Wells/Ian Tracey
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian
    3-017Onward, Christian soldiers! (St Gertrude) (brass & perc. arr. Tracey)Komponist: Sullivan, Arthur/Tracey, IanMassed Choirs from Merseyside/Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble/Liverpool Cathedral Choir/Ian Wells/Ian Tracey
    Gemischter Chor: Liverpool Cathedral Choir; Massed Choirs from Merseyside
    Chorleiter: Tracey, Ian