The Best Of Dowland

von Dowland, John | Various
erschienen am 15.06.2009

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    1-001Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs: Flow my tearsKomponist: Dowland, JohnSteven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-002Fantasia in G minor, P. 7: 7 Fantasies: No. 7. Fantasia in G minor, P. 7Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-003Solus cum sola, P. 10Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-004Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite: Come again: Sweet love doth now inviteKomponist: Dowland, JohnSteven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-005Mr. John Langton's PavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnHeringman, Jacob
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Rose Consort of Viols, The
    1-006Round Battle Galliard, P. 39Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-007Book of Songs, Book 3: Say, Love, if ever thou didst find: Say Love if ever thou did'st findKomponist: Dowland, JohnSteven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-008The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard, P. 41Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-009Semper Dowland semper dolens, P. 9Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-010Book of Songs, Book 1: All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed: All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayedKomponist: Dowland, JohnKing, Catherine; Heringman, Jacob
    1-011The King of Denmark's GaliardKomponist: Dowland, JohnHeringman, Jacob
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Rose Consort of Viols, The
    1-012Lady Laiton's Almain, P. 48Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-013The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle, his Galliard, P. 91, "Sir Robert Sidney's Galliard"Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-014Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": In Darkness Let Me Dwell: In darkness let me dwellKomponist: Dowland, JohnSteven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-015Lachrimae Pavan, P. 15Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel
    1-016Book of Songs, Book 2: I saw my lady weep: I saw my lady weepKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-017Book of Songs, Book 1: Burst forth, my tears: Burst forth, my tearsKomponist: Dowland, JohnHeringman, Jacob; King, Catherine
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Rose Consort of Viols, The; Rose Consort of Viols, The
    1-0187 Fantasies: No. 3. Farewell, P. 3Komponist: Dowland, JohnNorth, Nigel