CHSA 5051

Omar Khayyam

von Bantock, Granville | Wyn - Rogers / Spence / BBCSO / +
erschienen am 28.09.2007

Zum Preis von
44,99 €
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    1-001Omar Khayyám (für 3 Solostimmen, gemischten Chor und Orchester)Komponist: Bantock, GranvilleSopran: Robinson, Olivia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Handley, Vernon
    Mezzosopran: Menna, Siân; Wyn-Rogers, Catherine
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): BBC Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Spencer, Toby
    Bariton: Williams, Roderick
    Gemischter Chor: BBC Symphony Chorus
    Baß: Price, Edward
    1-001-001Prelude (1. Teil)00:05:55
    1-002-002Wake! For the sun, who scatteres into flight00:02:08
    1-003-003Before the phantom of false morning died00:02:28
    1-004-004And as the cock crew, those who stood before00:02:20
    1-005-005Now the new year reviving old desires00:01:45
    1-006-006Iram indeed is gone with all his rose00:02:25
    1-007-007Whether at Naishápúr or Babylon00:02:14
    1-008-008Each morn a thousand roses brings, you say00:01:34
    1-009-009With me along the strip of herbage strown00:06:49
    1-010-010Some for the glories of this world; and some00:02:06
    1-011-011Look to the blowing Rose about us00:01:32
    1-012-012Think, in this battered caravanserei00:02:09
    1-013-013I sometimes think that never blows so red00:01:59
    1-014-014Ah, my Beloved, fill the cup that clears00:01:55
    1-015-015Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend00:02:57
    1-016-016Alike for those who for To-day prepare00:02:46
    1-017-017Myself when young did eagerly frequent00:02:33
    1-018-018What, without asking, hither hurried Whence?00:01:21
    1-019-019Up from earth's centre through the seventh gate00:02:51
    1-020-020Earth could not aswer; nor the seas that mourn00:02:25
    1-021-021Then of the Thee In Me who works behind00:00:52
    1-022-022Then to the lip of this poor earthern urn00:02:34
    1-023-023I think the vessel, that with fugitive00:02:25
    2-001-024As then the tulip for her morning sup00:03:39
    2-002-025So when that angel of the darker drink00:02:18
    2-003-026Tis but a tent where takes his one day's rest00:02:32
    2-004-027When you an I behind the veil are past00:04:01
    2-005-028The desert -00:01:35
    2-006-029The caravan -00:02:58
    2-007-030A moment's halt - a monumentary taste -00:03:35
    2-008-031Would you that spangle of existence spend00:02:37
    2-009-032A moment guessed - then back behind the fold00:02:34
    2-010-033Waste not your hour, nor in the vain pursuit00:04:09
    2-011-034Better be jocund with the fruitful grape00:03:08
    2-012-035You know, my friends, with what a brave carouse (2. Teil)00:02:11
    2-013-036Ah, but my computations, people say00:01:40
    2-014-037And 'twas - the Grape!00:02:42
    2-015-038The Grape that can with logic absolute00:03:38
    2-016-039The mighty Mahmúd, Allah-breathing Lord00:01:29
    2-017-040Why, be this Juice the growth of God, who dare00:01:42
    2-018-041I must abjure the balm of life, I must00:03:17
    2-019-042The revelations of devout and learn'd00:01:47
    2-020-043We are no other than a moving row00:03:19
    2-021-044The moving finger writes; and, having writ00:01:41
    2-022-045And that invertes bowl we call the sky00:01:36
    2-023-046With earth's first clay they did the las man knead00:02:10
    2-024-047I tell you this - When, started from the goal00:03:30
    2-025-048What! out of senseless nothing to provoke00:04:41
    2-026-049Oh thou, who didst with pitfall and with gin00:01:46
    2-027-050Oh thou, who man of base earth didst make00:02:39
    3-001-051The fast of Ramazán (3. Teil)00:02:47
    3-002-052Worshipper in the Mosque00:04:10
    3-003-053As under cover of departing day00:01:00
    3-004-054Shapes of all sorts and sizes, great and small00:02:07
    3-005-055Said one among them - Surely not in vain00:06:36
    3-006-056So while the vessels one by one were speaking00:01:55
    3-007-057Ah, with the grape my fasing life provide00:02:26
    3-008-058Indeed the idol I have loved so long00:01:48
    3-009-059And much as wine has play'd the infide!00:02:14
    3-010-060Yet ah, that spring should vanish with the rose00:02:35
    3-011-061Would but the desert of the fountain yield00:06:34
    3-012-062Yon rising moon that looks for us again00:01:33
    3-013-063And when like her, oh Sáki, you shall pass00:04:17

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