0000725 SNA

World Of Gong -

von Gong
erschienen am 15.09.2007

World Of Gong -
Zum Preis von
33,99 €
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Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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    1-001Rational Anthem (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:04:09
    1-001-001Rational anthemAllen, Daevid & Gong00:04:09
    1-002Glad To Say To Say (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:03:44
    1-002-002Glad to say to sayAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:44
    1-003Gong Song (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:04:09
    1-003-003Gong songAllen, Daevid & Gong00:04:09
    1-004Fohat Digs Holes In Space (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:06:21
    1-004-004Foghat digs holes in spaceAllen, Daevid & Gong00:06:21
    1-005Tried So Hard (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:04:39
    1-005-005Tried so hardAllen, Daevid & Gong00:04:39
    1-006Tropical Fish: Selene (1970-1973 Magick, Camambert & Radio Gnome)Gong00:07:36
    1-006-006Tropical fish: SeleneAllen, Daevid & Gong00:07:36
    1-007Radio Gnome Invisible [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:05:32
    1-007-001Radio gnome invisibleAllen, Daevid & Gong00:05:32
    1-008Flying Teapot [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:11:46
    1-008-002Flying teapotAllen, Daevid & Gong00:11:46
    1-009The Pot Head Pixies [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:02:59
    1-009-003The pot head pixiesAllen, Daevid & Gong00:02:59
    1-010The Octave Doctors and The Crystal Machine [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:01:45
    1-010-004The octave doctors & the crystal machineAllen, Daevid & Gong00:01:45
    1-011Zero The Hero And The Witches Spell [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy- Part One]Gong00:09:37
    1-011-005Zero the hero & the witch's spellAllen, Daevid & Gong00:09:37
    1-012Witch's Song: I Am Your Pussy [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:05:06
    1-012-006Witch's song: I am your pussyAllen, Daevid & Gong00:05:06
    1-013Other Side Of The Sky [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:07:39
    1-013-007Other side of the skyAllen, Daevid & Gong00:07:39
    1-014Sold To The Highest Buddha [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part One]Gong00:03:11
    1-014-008Sold to the highest BuddahAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:11
    2-001Castle In The Clouds [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:01:13
    2-001-001Castle in the cloudsAllen, Daevid & Gong00:01:13
    2-002Prostitute Poem [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:06:06
    2-002-002Prostitute poemAllen, Daevid & Gong00:06:06
    2-003Givin My Luv To You [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:00:43
    2-003-003Givin' my love to youAllen, Daevid & Gong00:00:43
    2-004Selene [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:03:33
    2-004-004SeleneAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:33
    2-005Flute Salad [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:02:45
    2-005-005Flute saladAllen, Daevid & Gong00:02:45
    2-006Oily Way [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:03:00
    2-006-006Oily wayAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:00
    2-007Outer Temple [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:01:08
    2-007-007Outer templeAllen, Daevid & Gong00:01:08
    2-008Inner Temple [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:03:19
    2-008-008Inner templeAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:19
    2-009Love Is How You Make It [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:03:26
    2-009-009Love is how you make itAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:26
    2-010I Never Glid Before [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:05:35
    2-010-010I niver glid beforeAllen, Daevid & Gong00:05:35
    2-011Eat That Phone Book Coda [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:03:07
    2-011-011Eat that phone book codaAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:07
    2-012Thoughts For Naught [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:01:33
    2-012-012Thoughs for naughtAllen, Daevid & Gong00:01:33
    2-013A P.H.P.'s Advice [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:01:47
    2-013-013A p.h.p.'s adviceAllen, Daevid & Gong00:01:47
    2-014Magick Mother Invocation [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:02:05
    2-014-014Magick mother invocationAllen, Daevid & Gong00:02:05
    2-015Master Builder [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:06:07
    2-015-015Master buiiderAllen, Daevid & Gong00:06:07
    2-016A Sprinkling Of Clouds [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:08:55
    2-016-016A sprinkling of cloudsAllen, Daevid & Gong00:08:55
    2-017Perfect Mystery [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:02:26
    2-017-017Perfect mysteryAllen, Daevid & Gong00:02:26
    2-018The Isle Of Everywhere [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:10:20
    2-018-018The isle of everywhereAllen, Daevid & Gong00:10:20
    2-019You Never Blow Your Trip Forever [The Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy - Part Two]Gong00:11:16
    2-019-019You never blow your trip foreverAllen, Daevid & Gong00:11:16
    3-001Save Yourself (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / Soft Machine00:02:41
    3-001-001Save yourselfAllen, Daevid & Gong / Soft Machine, The00:02:41
    3-002You Don't Remember (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / Soft Machine00:03:42
    3-002-002You don't rememberAllen, Daevid & Gong / Soft Machine, The00:03:42
    3-003Time Of Your Life (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:24
    3-003-003Time of your lifeAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:24
    3-004Memories (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:36
    3-004-004MemoriesAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:36
    3-005Stoned Innocent Frankenstein (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:22
    3-005-005Stoned innocent FrankensteinAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:22
    3-006Fred The Fish (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:02:29
    3-006-006Fred the fishAllen, Daevid & Gong00:02:29
    3-007White Neck Blooze (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:05:45
    3-007-007White neck bloozeAllen, Daevid & Gong00:05:45
    3-008Tally & Orlando Meet The Cockpot Pixie (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:16
    3-008-008Tally & Orlando meet the cockpot pixieAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:16
    3-009Why Do We Treat Ourselves Like We Do? (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:06:50
    3-009-009Why do we treat ourselves like we do?Allen, Daevid & Gong00:06:50
    3-010Poet For Sale (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:26
    3-010-010Poet for saleAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:26
    3-011Floatin' Anarchy (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / Planet Gong; Allen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:05:11
    3-011-011Floatin' anarchyAllen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:05:11
    3-012New Age Transformation Try: No More Sages... (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / Planet Gong; Allen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:12:05
    3-012-012New age transformation try: No more sages...Allen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:12:05
    3-013Opium For The People (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / Planet Gong; Allen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:04:24
    3-013-013Opium for the peopleAllen, Daevid & Gong / Planet Gong00:04:24
    3-014It's A Fine Air For Fliss (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:03:37
    3-014-014It's a fine air for flissAllen, Daevid & Gong00:03:37
    3-015333 (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:04:09
    3-015-015333Allen, Daevid & Gong00:04:09
    3-016Rajneesh With Thanks (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid00:00:30
    3-016-016Rajneesh with thanksAllen, Daevid & Gong00:00:30
    3-017Much Too Old (Before & After Gong 1967 - 1980)Allen, Daevid / New York Gong; Allen, Daevid & Gong / New York Gong00:02:44
    3-017-017Much too oldAllen, Daevid & Gong / New York Gong00:02:44

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