► | 1-001 | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Album Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Arrangeur: Hey, Jerry; Jackson, Michael Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Flöte: Williams, Larry Gitarre: Williams, David Sänger(in): Waters, Oren; Waters, Maxine; Waters, Julia; Lopez, Becky; Ingram, James; Hull, Bunny; Jackson, Michael Flügelhorn: Hey, Jerry | 00:06:03 |
► | 1-002 | Jam (Album Version) | Komponist: Jackson, Michael; Moore, Rene; Riley, Teddy; Swedien, Bruce; Riley, Teddy Textdichter: Moore, Rene; Jackson, Michael; Swedien, Bruce | Jackson, Michael | 00:05:39 |
► | 1-003 | They Don't Care About Us (Album Version) | Komponist: M. J. Jackson; Jackson, Michael Bearbeiter: Bernstein, Elmer & his Orchestra; Foster, David; Ross, Bill Arrangeur: Lewis, Terry; Lewis, Terry; Jam, Jimmy; Jackson, Janet; Jackson, Michael; Hey, Jerry | Jackson, Michael / R.Kelly / Boyz II Men Gitarre: Mirinov, Jeff; Rabin, Trevor; Jackson, Paul Jr.; Rodgers, Nile; Lukather, Steve; Bottrell, Bill; Jackson, Michael; Hoffman, Rob; Thompson, Michael; Leigh, Jen | 00:04:44 |
► | 1-004 | Human Nature (Album Version) | Komponist: Porcaro, Steve; Bettis, John Arrangeur: Lukather, Steve; Paich, David; Porcaro, Steve Textdichter: Porcaro, Steve; Bettis, John | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Lukather, Steve Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho Synthesizer: Paich, David; Porcaro, Steve | 00:04:05 |
► | 1-005 | Smooth Criminal (Radio Edit) (Album Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Williams, David Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Schlagzeug (drums): Bottrell, Bill; Robinson, John; Swedien, Bruce Trompete: Grant, Gary; Hey, Jerry Synthesizer: Barnes, John; Boddicker, Michael; Currell, Christopher | 00:04:11 |
► | 1-006 | The way you make me feel (Album Version) | Komponist: M. J. Jackson Textdichter: M. J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Gale, Eric; Williams, David Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Schlagzeug (drums): Robinson, John Percussion: Brown, Ollie E.; da Costa, Paulhino Trompete: Grant, Gary; Hey, Jerry Synthesizer: Boddicker, Michael; Phillinganes, Greg | 00:04:58 |
► | 1-007 | Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Single Version) | Komponist: Jackson, Michael; Jackson, Randy Arrangeur: Tom Tom 84; Jacksons, The Textdichter: Jackson, Michael; Jackson, Randy | Jackson, Michael / Jacksons, The Sänger(in): Jackson, Randy; Jackson, Tito; Jackson, Marlon Keyboards: Phillinganes, Greg Schlagzeug (drums): Green, Ed Percussion: da Costa, Paulhino Synthesizer: Phillinganes, Greg; Boddicker, Mike | 00:03:45 |
► | 1-008 | I Just Can't Stop Loving You (Album Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael / Garrett, Siedah Gitarre: Huff, Dann Klavier: Barnes, John Schlagzeug (drums): Chancler, Ndugu Percussion: da Costa, Paulhino Synthesizer: Paich, David; Phillinganes, Greg Kontrabaß: East, Nathan | 00:04:12 |
► | 1-009 | Thriller (Album Version) | Komponist: Temperton, Rod Textdichter: Temperton, Rod | Jackson, Michael Flöte: Williams, Larry Gitarre: Williams, David Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Flügelhorn: Hey, Jerry; Grant, Gary Trompete: Hey, Jerry; Grant, Gary Synthesizer: Banks, Brian; Temperton, Rod; Phillinganes, Greg | 00:05:58 |
► | 1-010 | Beat it (Single Version) | Komponist: M. J. Jackson Textdichter: M. J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Lukather, Steve; Jackson, Paul, Jr. Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Keyboards: BILL WOLFER Schlagzeug (drums): Porcaro, Jeff Bass (e): Lukather, Steve Synthesizer: Phillinganes, Greg; Porcaro, Steve | 00:04:18 |
► | 1-011 | Black or white (Album Version) | Komponist: M. J. Jackson Textdichter: M. J. Jackson; Bottrell, B. | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Bottrell, Bill; Pierce, Tim Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Keyboards: Barnes, John; Buxer, Brad; Martz, Jason Schlagzeug (drums): Loren, Bryan Bass (e): Jackson, Terry Percussion: Bottrell, Bill; Buxer, Brad | 00:04:16 |
► | 1-012 | Earth Song (Album Version) | Komponist: Jackson, M.; Jackson, Michael Bearbeiter: Bernstein, Elmer & his Orchestra; Foster, David; Ross, Bill Arrangeur: Jam, Jimmy; Lewis, Terry; Jam, Jimmy; Jackson, Janet; Jackson, Michael; Hey, Jerry | Jackson, Michael / R.Kelly / Boyz II Men Gitarre: Rodgers, Nile; Lukather, Steve; Rabin, Trevor; Mirinov, Jeff; Bottrell, Bill; Jackson, Michael; Hoffman, Rob; Thompson, Michael; Leigh, Jen; Jackson, Paul Jr. | 00:06:46 |
► | 1-013 | Billie Jean (Single Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Williams, David Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Schlagzeug (drums): CHANCLER, NDUGO Synthesizer: Phillinganes, Greg; Smith, Greg; BILL WOLFER Kontrabaß: Johnson, Louis | 00:04:53 |
► | 1-014 | Man In The Mirror (Album Version) | Komponist: Garrett, Siedah; Ballard, Glen Textdichter: Garrett, Siedah; Ballard, Glen | Garrett, Siedah / Winans, The / Jackson, Michael / Crouch, Andrae Gitarre: Huff, Dann Sänger(in): Banks, Rose; Faggett, Geary; Faggett, Vonciele; Gouche, Andrew; Green, Linda; Howard, Francine; Johnson, Jean; Morgan, Perry; Anderson, Maxi | 00:05:19 |
► | 1-015 | This Is It (Album Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson; Anka, Paul Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson; Anka, Paul | Jackson, Michael / Jacksons, The / Warren, Mervyn Gitarre: Jackson, Paul Jr. Klavier: Phillinganes, Greg Sänger(in): Jacksons, The Percussion: Padilla, Raphael Kontrabaß: Chea, Alvin | 00:03:36 |
► | 1-016 | This Is It (Orchestra Version) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson; Anka, Paul Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson; Anka, Paul | Jackson, Michael / Jacksons, The / Warren, Mervyn / Fischer, Clare / Fischer, Brent Flöte: Shelton, Don; Kujala, Steve; Shostac, Dave Shostac; Huckins, Greg Violine: Benning, Brian; Molchan, Dennis; Krejci, Johana; Kojian, Miran; Fischer, Samuel; Farril, Michael | 00:04:54 |
► | 2-001 | She's Out Of My Life (Demo) | Komponist: Bahler, Tom Textdichter: Bahler, Tom | Jackson, Michael | 00:03:19 |
► | 2-002 | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Demo) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael Gitarre: Williams, David Sänger(in): Jackson, Michael Bass (e): Johnson, Louis | 00:05:43 |
► | 2-003 | Beat it (Demo) | Komponist: Michael J. Jackson Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael | 00:02:03 |
► | 2-004 | Planet Earth (Poem) | Textdichter: Michael J. Jackson | Jackson, Michael | 00:03:13 |