Creatures Of The Night

von Kiss
erschienen am 03.10.1997

Creatures Of The Night
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    1-001Creatures Of The NightKomponist: Stanley, Paul; Mitchell, Adam
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Simmons, Gene
    1-002Saint And SinnerKomponist: Japp, Michael; Simmons, Gene
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul
    1-003Keep Me Comin'Komponist: Stanley, Paul; Mitchell, Adam
    Produzent: Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene
    1-004Rock And Roll HellKomponist: Adams, Bryan; Simmons, Gene; Vallance, Jim
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul
    1-005DangerKomponist: Stanley, Paul; Mitchell, Adam
    Produzent: Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene
    1-006I Love It LoudKomponist: Cusano, Vincent John; Stanley, Paul; Vincent; Simmons, Gene
    Produzent: Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul
    1-007I Still Love YouKomponist: Stanley, Paul; Cusano, Vincent John
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene
    1-008KillerKomponist: Simmons, Gene; Cusano, Vincent John
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Jackson, Michael James; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul
    1-009War MachineKomponist: Vallance, Jim; Adams, Bryan; Simmons, Gene
    Produzent: Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Stanley, Paul; Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Jackson, Michael James; Simmons, Gene

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