CDD 22040

The Immortal Hour

von Boughton, Rutland | Mitchell, Geoffrey Choir / Melville, Alan G.
erschienen am 11.01.1999

The Immortal Hour
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    1-001The immortal hour (A music-drama) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Boughton, RutlandSopran: Dawson, Anne; Hill, Valery
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Melville, Alan
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): English Chamber Orchestra, The
    Alt: Taylor, Patricia
    Bariton: Bryson, Roger; Wilson-Johnson, David
    Gemischter Chor: Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, The
    Baß: Kennedy, Roderick
    1-001-001A wood, dark and mysterious. In the background the faint glimmer of a lake (Akt 1, Szene 1)00:02:05
    1-002-002Dalua (slowly coming out of the shadow)00:01:30
    1-003-003Voices in the wood00:02:40
    1-004-004Dalua: Ye know not who I am00:01:24
    1-005-005Dalue: I have com hither, led by dreams and visions00:01:49
    1-006-006A voice (unexpectedly near)00:02:14
    1-007-007Dalua: I am old00:01:17
    1-008-008A voice: Brother and kin to all the twilit gods00:02:17
    1-009-009The sound of mocking laughter is heard from the wood00:01:27
    1-010-010Dalua: Laugh not, ye outcasts of the invisible world00:02:57
    1-011-011Etain wanders into view, looking lost and bewildered00:03:31
    1-012-012Dalua (stepping forward with a courtly bow, faintly touched with mockery)00:01:36
    1-013-013Dalua (touching her lightly with the shadow of his hand)00:00:51
    1-014-014Etain: I have forgotten all00:03:33
    1-015-015A king of men00:03:26
    1-016-016Dalua: Led here by dreams00:03:44
    1-017-017Etain: I will go back00:00:39
    1-018-018Eochaidh: Sir, I am glad00:02:50
    1-019-019Dalua: I have come00:01:26
    1-020-020Look, o King!00:02:42
    1-021-021Eochaidh: There is no backward way for such as I00:02:50
    1-022-022Eochaidh: I have heard you calling00:01:59
    1-023-023Manus: I've seen that man before who came tonight (Akt 1, Szene 2)00:02:16
    1-024-024Manus: Yes, woman, yes, I know: for silence. Hush!00:03:06
    1-025-025Etain: But sometimes... sometimes... Tell me: have you heard00:01:22
    1-026-026Eochaidh: Good folk, I give you greeting00:01:38
    1-027-027Manus: Good sir, you are most welcome.00:03:19
    1-028-028Eochaidh: At last I know00:01:44
    1-029-029Etain: And your name, fair lord?00:01:54
    1-030-030Eochaidh: Truyl, I now know full well00:02:28
    1-031-031Etain: I, too, am lifted with the breath00:01:15
    1-032-032Eochaidh. Who laughed?00:00:39
    1-033-033Etain: None laughed.00:01:35
    1-034-034Unseen voices: How beautiful they are00:01:13
    2-001-035Druids: By the voice in the corries (Akt 2)00:04:02
    2-002-036Maidens: The bells of youth are ringing00:01:32
    2-003-037Warriors: But this was in the old, old, far-off days00:01:55
    2-004-038Bards, Maidens and Warriors: Hail, Eochaidh, High King of Eire, hail!00:01:54
    2-005-039Bards, Warriors and others: Green fire of Joy, green fire of life00:01:46
    2-006-040Eochaidh: Etain, speak, my Queen00:01:51
    2-007-041Eochaidh: No, no my Queen00:02:33
    2-008-042Etain: I, too, have heard00:01:15
    2-009-043Warriors and others: The Queen!00:03:04
    2-010-044Midir: Hail, Eochaidh, King of Eire!00:01:52
    2-011-045Midir: I am a king's first son00:01:50
    2-012-046Druids: Dagda, Lord of thunder and silence00:00:42
    2-013-047Eochaidh: Fair lord, my thanks I give00:01:27
    2-014-048Midir: Have not great poets sung00:01:13
    2-015-049Midir: In the days of the great fires when the hills were aflame00:03:09
    2-016-050Eochaidh: Hear us, OEngus, beautiful, terrible, Sun-Lord and Death-Lord!00:01:03
    2-017-051Midir: O king, it is a little thing00:02:06
    2-018-052Old Bard: I have seen all things pass and all things go00:02:25
    2-019-053Eochaidh: Welcome, my queen00:01:46
    2-020-054Eochaidh: This nameless lord00:02:31
    2-021-055Midir: How beautiful they are00:01:25
    2-022-056Etain: I have heard... I have dreamed that song00:01:47
    2-023-057Midir: I am a song00:03:12
    2-024-058Etain: I am a small green leaf in a great wood00:02:15
    2-025-059Eochaidh: O do not leave me, Star of my desire!00:00:40
    2-026-060Midir: Hasten, lost love, found love!00:01:08
    2-027-061Voices: In the land of youth00:01:12
    2-028-062Voices: They play with lances00:01:11

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